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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Giratina Lv. X
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.67
Limited: 3.87
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

Meganium45 |
For those about to ROCK!!
This is the one we have been waiting for.
130HP Level X Basic.
Weak to Dark…not bad.
Resistant to Colorless – really good in this envio.
3 Retreat cost can be gotten around, and will never be
taken care of.
Pokebody. Forcing your opponent to discard cards is,
Problem is, some decks (Regigigas) want to discard
cards, so you may find yourself HELPING your opponent at
some times.
Attack 4 energy for 30 to everyone, and send all cards
to the LOST ZONE instead of the discard if knocked out
is, well, just OK. Make it a 3 energy attack, and you
have a powerhouse. Will unown G stop the Lost Zone trip?
I think so. It is an effect of an attack, so this got a
LOT less powerful, ya?
Hmmm, a “heh” Pokebody, a “bleh” attack, not too good
for an overhyped card.
Modified 2.5/5 Maybe someone will come up with something
Limited..you HAVE to draft it…but, even with all the
Giratinas in the set, only a 3/5.
There you go. See you ALL tomorrow, and all week at my
prereleases!! |
Winner of a
Stormfront Prerelease |
Giratina Level X (Plat124)
Today's Card of the day is Giratina Level X, another
card from the upcoming Platinum set. Let's take a look.
Giratina has an impressive HP of 130, meaning that it
shouldn't be OHKOed except in extremely rare situations.
Not only that, but the Pokebody helps improve his
survivability. The x2 wekness to dark means T-tar will
probabaly kill him in one or two hits. -20 reistance to
Normal is good, seeing as how Regigigas is becoming
quite commonplace. A retreatcost of three is suprising
(this is a flying snake right?), nut it can be remedied
with a simplemoonlight stadium.
Giratina's Poke-Body, Invisable tentacles, is amazing.
Every time your opponent tries to attack, they have to
discard a card. Nothing is more disrupting then forcing
your opponent to choose between discarding an integral
part of their strategy, or attacking. If you combo it
with the new Giratina's second attack, Dark wing Flaps,
you can easily wipe out your opponent's hand, and remove
any chance of having card advantage that they might
have. The best thing is that the Body works while
Giratina is on the bench, meaning you can constantly
throw up high HP Pokemon to frusturate your opponent.
The sad thing is that it doesn't stack, but that would
obviously become way to powerful.
Now for Giratina's attack. For two Psychic and two
colorless, Darkness lost lets you do 30 damage to each
of your opponent's Pokemon, and if any of them are
knocked out, they are put in the lost zone. This attack
will make Giratina an integral part in psychic Spreader
decks. Hititng every opponent for 30 is just too awesome
to pass up.
Modified 4.5/5
Giratina is the face of the Platinum game, and he might
become part of the face of the Platinum era Metagame.
There are so many wonderful things about this card, from
a killer Pokebody, to an awesome attack, to two (or
more) excellent basic forms to Level up from. Giratina
will be a welcome addition to many psychic decks, just
watch out for T-Tars.
Limited 4/5
There are quite a few Dark Pokemon, but also some
excellent Psychic supprot Pokemon. Best of all, Level
Max can get you a Giratina Level X really early in the
game, so you can start using theInvisable Tentacles asap.
~KFT |

Alex |
COTD - Giratina Lv.X Platinum
Let me begin by saying how much I love this card. It's
definitely one of the better cards coming out of
Platinum and will probably see a lot of play before
states, if not at states. The body is amazing, the
attack is very good, and it has 130 HP. Not to mention
it has a very good resistance right now. Review time!
HP: 130 - As I mentioned above, 130 HP is pretty amazing
for a basic Lv.X. I think the only basic Lv.X with a
higher HP is Gigas, and we all know how hard that thing
is to bring down. You'll probably survive 2 attacks with
this guy, but definitely 1. However, I'm not too sure
how often this guy should be in the active spot.
Attack: Darkness Lost - The only thing stopping this
attack from being broken is the 4 energy cost needed to
use it. 30 spread to everyone is extremely good (maximum
damage output is 180) and the second effect is awesome.
The Lost Zone is a new conceptthat Platinum brings to
the game. I'm not too sure of the rules regarding it,
but it seems like the only thing that can stop it is
Unown G. Anyway, I think you'll see this used in a lot
of Dusk/Obama/spread decks that will use Gira LvX as a
mop up spreader to remove a bunch of guys into the Lost
Weakness/Resistance: Dark x2/Colorless -20 - The
darkness weakness is sort of a problem right now with
the widespread use of TTar and Weavile SW techs in a lot
of decks. However, the colorless resistance is very good
with the abundant use of Gigas.
Retreat: CCC - Not going to be retreating this guy.
You'll probably be playing Moonlight Stadium in this
deck anyway, so it won't matter too much.
Overall, this is a very good card. It's definitely
playable in a lot of decks and has so much potential.
Gira LvX is easily techable into a lot of decks (Dusknoir,
Obama, TTar) and can be used in conjunction with Weavile
to speed it up. Also, the Lost Zone is a new concept
that will definitely be tested in the coming months as
to how effective it is to the game. We'll see how
pragmatic Gira LvX is in the very near future, but until
then this card has tons of upside.
Modified - 4/5
Limited 4.5/5 (Amazing here) |