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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Top 10 Pokemon Cards of 2008
#9 -
Lv. X
Legends Awakened
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.75
Limited: 1.33
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Arbok14 |
#9 is Mesprit Lv. X! Epic 200 damage!
Name: Mesprit Lv. X
Set: Legends Awakened
Rarity: Ultra Rare
HP: (90) - Pretty low for what is essentially a Stage 1.
Weakness/Resistance: (Psychic x2/none) - Same as Mewtwo
yesterday, it is weak to itself. Psychic is a strong
play right now, so this has kind of gone dead.
Retreat Cost: (1) - Definitely not bad, especially since
one of the Lake Trio gives free retreat.
Attack #1: (0 - Healing Look) - This could be good, but
probably not worth wasting a turn--This guy only has 90
Attack #2: (PP - Supreme Blast) - Uh yes... The biggest
base damage ever. This can OHKO a healthy Wailord, and
that is definitely saying something.
Final Analysis: Mesprit was the anchor of the popular
AMU, and you can easily see why when you just look at
the card.
Modified: Easily one of the strongest plays before
Stormfront came out. (4.5/5)
Limited: This guy would not do much, especially
considering you would need to land all six rares (and
reverse holos) as Mesprit, Uxie and Azelf and the Lv. X.
Jigglypuff13 |
1/6 Mesprit Lv.X (LA) 9th Place
Ah, 9th place card of 2008, another card I've already
reviewed, and another card that really doesn't deserve a
space in this list. Still, there are obviously COTD
reviewers around here who think this card does deserve a
top 10 slot, so without further delay, my second review
of my favourite main attacker of the format, Mesprit
Lv.X. Now, for those of you who have already seen THAT
number (yes, you all know the number I'm on about), I'm
going to build up the suspense by delaying my opinion of
that attack until the next paragraph, so will take about
the basics of the card first, and they aren't good.
First, the HP, and 90 HP on a Basic Lv.X is the tied
lowest - tied with the other pixies no less. This causes
problems for what is undeniably a main attacker. x2
Psychic Weakness is bad, especially with Dusknoir and
Gengar (both SF) being big and Mewtwo Lv.X (LA, reviewed
yesterday at No. 10) being a tech that is considered as
a counter to Regigigas Lv.X (SF) decks and AMU quite a
lot running around (though the latter is used a lot less
than the other 2), and they will KO this card. Snowpoint
Temple helps, just not a lot. No Resistance, well, I'll
gloss over that since few cards have a Resistance, and 1
Retreat Cost is average, but can be reduced to zero with
either Mesprit (MT) or Moonlight Stadium
Abilities, and I'm going to put it off even more by
talking about Healing Look First. For nothing, you get
to remove 3 damage counters from each of your bench
Pokémon. To be honest, in AMU, the only deck this card
is going to be used in, you shouldn't have time to heal
only your bench. Since this is a fragile main attacker,
it would be a lot better if it also healed Mesprit Lv.X,
but it can't, so, oh well, it doesn't particularly
matter, since it still wouldn't be used because of the
next attack, the one everyone has been waiting for.
Supreme Blast. This one attack strikes fear into the
heart of almost every Pokémon in the game (only 2
Pokémon in modified can survive a Supreme Blast, and
they would both need Unown E (MT) attached in order to
do so). The massive 200 damage attack is an attack that
can put the fear into so many decks that they feel the
need to at least consider running Mewtwo Lv.X. Or, at
least, used to. 200 damage, the tied highest base damage
in the game, tied with Lugia Ex (UF). Of course, for
those of you who remember that card, it came with a big
draw back, and, unfortunately, so does Supreme Blast.
First, you have to discard all energies attached to
Mesprit Lv.X. However, being only 2 energies needed for
the attack, it isn't too bad really, with plenty of ways
of getting energies back onto Pokémon, like Energy
Pick-Up, Leafeon lv.X (MD), or Energy Linking/Switching
them from another Pokémon. The other requirement is to
have the other 2 pixie Lv.X's out as well. Getting Uxie
Lv.X and Azelf Lv.X out just to use one attack seems
slightly annoying, but considering it's one that does
200 damage, I think we can let it off. It might seem
quite slow, but with Mesprit (MT), Moonlight Stadium,
Switch and Warp Point all available, it is possible to
get them all out by T2. Not likely and not necessary
most of the time, but possible none the less.
Combos, and there is only one. This card is to be used
exclusively with Uxie Lv.X (LA) and Azelf Lv.X (LA),
plus some techs. Essentially, I've just described AMU
there. AMU is the only deck that this card will work
well in, and for an obvious reason thanks to Supreme
Blast, which is what the deck is all about really. It
does other tricks up it's sleeve, like using the others
as draw engines, weakness removers, and back-up
attackers. However, that is the only deck Mesprit Lv.X
is probably going to be used in, which limits it a bit
if you ever get it in a pack.
Modified: Mesprit Lv.X needs a fair bit of set up to
make it work well, but once it's up, it becomes the
ultimate glass cannon of the format. It's immensely
powerful, but it basically won't survive a single attack
(especially if you end up against Machamp (SF) without
Unown G (GE) attached, but that isn't the point). It has
another attack, but one that is useless in practice. Get
everything set-up properly, and you will OHKO everything
in the format, and hopefully being doing so every turn,
just don't let it get it by more than 1 medium power
attack. 2.5/5
Limited: "If you get all 3 Lv.Xs and all of the normal
pixies, you are incredibly lucky. Use them, and you may
struggle to get them all out. If you get them all out,
then you are incredibly jammy. Normally, it won't
happen, so you will never be able to use this card here.
Still, nice after the tournament, as either trade bait
or for AMU." I doubt anything I said there has changed.
1.25/5 |

Meganium45 |
OK, now we have the 2nd Pokemon I did not vote for on
this list…
Mespirit Level X…
This is THE card that was being talked about some time
2 for 200. An attack the likes of which had not been
seen since Lugia EX.
Just gotta get out the other 2, Uxie Level X, and Azelf
Level X, both of which are pretty good in their own
The deck was called AMU. It was overhyped, and did OK in
certain areas. It did VERY POORLY in the St. Louis area.
Kept getting stomped. Stopped being played quickly.
2 for 200 is the attack. Discard 2 energy, have the
other Pixies out, and nothing except Mewtwo Level X can
survive this onslaught..but, ah…the Achilles heel.
Mewtwo Level X…the WHOLE DECK of AMU can’t attack the
bloody card! Not good to get shutdown by one card, and
if you tech to compensate, you give up a lot of speed,
which the AMU deck was KNOWN for!
The first attack, yay, use it while you are recharging.
2x weakness got eliminated by the other pixies, and
snowpoint temple moved the HP up to a respectable 110.
All in all a card that took a LOT to get going.
1 retreat…FINE. Mespirit that stopped powers was VERY
good, in keeping your opponent from setting up.
But, on to the ratings.
Modified. The whole deck is, and was a bit too slow in a
highly competitive envio…I am going 3/5 here.
Limited..NO WAY you can play this card. None. Go home.
1/5 OK (draft it for the value)
Gotta love a top 10 card that I give a COMBINED 4/10
rating. Needless to say, big Megs disagrees here.
For the record, I had Regigigas Level X up here, after
his effect on Cities in my area…but each area has a
different metagame, and the CERTAINLY was one of the
most anticipated and talked about cards of 2008.
See you all on Saturday at South County Mall in St.
Louis! |

Travis hilse |
todays card is mespirt lvl X i like
this card and i love its attack 200 if u have the other
lvl Xs in play for 2 p energies sorry i haven't been on
my great uncle died and i was in Arkansas sorry for
being short
5/5 all around |