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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Top 10 Pokemon Cards of 2008
#6 -
Unown G Lv. 17
Great Encounters
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.60
Limited: 3.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Arbok14 |
Hey, another new set representative! Today we have Unown
G from Great Encounters.
Name: Unown G
Set: Great Encounters
Rarity: Uncommon
HP: (50) - Good thing this will never see the end of a
turn on the bench. Oh, and never start with it.
Weakness/Resistance: (Psychic+10/none) - Really nothing
to worry about. Unown G should never be around at the
end of your turn.
Retreat Cost: (1) - The only time this would have any
purpose is if you would start with it.
Poke-POWER: (Guard) - This is one of the best Powers out
there right now. This will find a use in absolutely
every deck right now, especially with Dusknoirs and
Gengars putting damage counters all over the place right
now. Protect your Claydol, protect your main attacker,
Attack #1: (PC - Hidden Power) - Please never ever use
this. I was kidding when I said Chatter was good
Final Analysis: Let me put it this way, Guard is
something so useful and good, that any deck can use it.
Every deck... EVERY DECK should have 2 of these, AT
LEAST, in it.
Modified: Just look above. (5/5)
Limited: Could certainly be useful here. (5/5)
Jigglypuff13 |
1/9 Unown G Lv.17 (GE) 6th place
Ah, the final day of the week, but before you all weep
in disappointment, we do have the 6th place card of 2008
and next week, it's the top 5 of 2008. Anyway, today's
card, the 6th best card of 2008, Unown G. For people to
realise how great this card was, and this was mainly due
to the release of SF with Gengar and Dusknoir from SF
placing damage counters. If it wasn't for them, I don't
think many decks would be running Unown G right now.
Anyway, the card, and first off, the basics of it. 50 HP
on a non-evolving Basic is pretty poor, but if it sees
any time in play greater than 0.1 seconds, it's either
the only Pokémon you started with, or your being really
stupid. +10 Psychic Weakness is to be expected really,
and is average, as is the 1 Retreat Cost and lack of
Now for the reason it's played, Guard. This is a
brilliant Poké-Power. Basically, you discard all cards
attached to Unown G (none, right?) to attach Unown G to
one of your of your Pokémon. That Pokémon than cannot be
affected by effects of attacks other than damage. That
is just brilliant. All of those attacks that place
damage counters (so Gengar, Dusknoirs and Azelf Lv.X
(LA) at the moment basically), Special Conditions (Gliscor
(LA)? I don't think there's anything that's widely
played that inflict Special Conditions at the moment)
and all those other nasty effects that you hate are
prevented on the Pokémon that Unown G is attached to.
This is a brilliant way of protecting either your main
attacker or your draw engine from being effected by
those effects. Another brilliant thing about it is that
there is no way of getting rid of it from the field at
the moment. Pachirisu (GE) and Mismagius (SF) can
discard tools, but because they are effects, they can't
discard them. If there is one disadvantage to Guard (and
there probably is only one), it's that it counts as a
Pokémon Tool when attached to a Pokémon, so basically,
you have to choose between Unown G and any other tool.
Most tools are rubbish at the moment, but for decks that
need/want to play Energy Link, it's going to be quite a
tough choice on some Pokémon (though it shouldn't be for
their draw engines, who should almost always have Unown
G attached when going against a deck that can place
damage counters on the bench).
That's probably enough about Guard, and onto Hidden
Power. It's rubbish. PC for 50 is nice, but you only do
that if Unown G has no damage counters on it. Any damage
counters, and Hidden Power does a measly 10 damage. What
a pointless attack.
Combos, and basically, use it in every deck that fears
effects of attacks. Basically, use it in every deck.
From saving a Basic from Take Out, to stopping Gengar
from placing 6 damage counters on your benched Claydol
(GE) or even just stopping your opponent from stopping
your active from retreating, it's uses are near
infinite, and thus most decks should be packing at least
2 of these.
Modified: This is a brilliant card, and that's because
of Guard. Stopping all of those effects is just too good
to pass up on. There aren't many disadvantages to this
card, but not having another tool attached is one, and
also, it's a Basic, meaning that if you have only this
as a Basic in you starting hand, you have to start with
it. Since it's rubbish as an attacker and can't set
anything up, you may as well scoop if you start with it.
However, it's not enough reason to not run this card.
Limited: There probably won't be too many effects here,
and if there are any, you probably won't care too much
about them (though you may do if someone gets an
Arbok-Weezing combo), so Guard probably won't be that
effective. Since Hidden Power is so rubbish, there is
very little reason to use this card. Might sometimes be
helpful, but not enough for me to recommend playing it
here. 1.5/5 |

Meganium45 |
OK, what do you get when you have a tool that cannot be
removed, except by knocking out the Pokemon? You get a
BROKEN card.
Broken is a term that is overused, but I feel is
certainly accurate for this card.
This card was NOT broken until the rotation, when the
trainer Windstorm rotated out, making it impossible
(virtually) to remove this tool from a Pokemon.
Preventing all affects of attacks to a pokemon except
for straight damage is unbelievable. No longer does
Claydol need to fear the Gengar attack, or key support
Pokemon need to fear the Dusknoir damage even attack,
and basic Pokemon no longer need to fear the Machamp
“Take Out” attack. If the attack puts on a special
condition, knocks you out, places damage counters, all
of that is IGNORED due to Unown G. Even the effect of
removing the tool gets ignored.
In the current modified envio…this is THE card to play
in most every deck. The decks that play around this card
(with “powers” that cause poison and the like) are
generally not strong enough to survive a power deck
using this card.
As a starter, it could be worse! 1 retreat cost, the
ability to use call energy (and then retreat with it),
and having an attack that I have ACTUALLY seen win a
game in a high-powered match between two undefeated
players, makes it pretty decent. They could have
“balanced” this card by giving it a 2 retreat cost, but
they didn’t! YAY!
Modified Rating…5/5 Use it or lose. That is the theme
right now!
Limited Rating…3.5/5…Not a bad card, just harder to use
when you don’t have full trainer control. Still a good
Only a few more days until the LAST cities weekend! Good
luck to all competing. If you are in the St. Louis area,
come on by GameNite at South County Mall at 11:00 for
registration this Saturday! I am adding to the door
prizes, and we will have a WOOT and CHAW good time! |
Winner of a
Stormfront Prerelease |
Unown G (GE57)
Today's card of the day is Unown G, the Symbol Pokemon,
and a card that would never have been considered for
this list pre-Stormfront.
Unown G is a Psychic type, and as such, as a +10
weakness to its own type. Chances is are though, that
you'll just drop it from your hand and attach it to the
Pokemon you want right away, so your opponent can't hit
it. Unown G has no resistance, an all too common trait
of many Pokemon, and a okay retreat cost of one. But
once again, if you are unlucky enough to have this as
yur active on the first turn, you can always just attach
it to one of your Pokemon rather then pay an energy to
retreat it.
Unown G's Pokemon Power, Guard, is the only reason its
on this list. With this amazing ability, you can attach
him to your Pokemon and have only damagefrom attacks
affect you. And since placing damage counters don't
count as damage, you're safe from many forms of attack
from those two SF ghosts, Gengar and Dusknoir. If you're
runing multiple Unown G's, you could even attach one to
your Claydol to prevent Gengar from sniping it. The
possibilities are nearly endless.
Unown G's only attack is, of course, Hidden Power, which
does 50 damage for 1 Psychic and 1 colorless energy,
unless you're damaged, in which case it simply does 10
damage. This attack is fun to suprise peopl with on the
second turn, and may even get a KO, but you're better
off saving the energy for a main attacker. In any case,
Unown G is run in nearly all decks, so, unless they were
Psychic decks in the first place, the energy to fuel
this attack will be almost nonexistant.
Modifed 4/5
Unown G belongs in every deck, as it prevents the new
ghosts from placing damage counters. Not only that, but
it pevents Paralysis, Poison, or any other stauts
conditions that happen from damge.
(That reminds me, I have to tech in a Pokemon Tool
killer for my Magnevire deck)
Limited 4/5
Same score here, there aren't as many damage counters,
but Status effects are always more prevalent in
~KFT |