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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day


Electrode G Lv. 38

Rising Rivals

Date Reviewed: 07.22.09

Ratings & Reviews Summary

Modified: 2.00
Limited: 2.00

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 
3 ... average.  
5 is the highest rating.

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70 HP double weak to fighting, resistant to metal, 1 retreat cost, all bleh stats at best.

Attacks, 1 for 20 to everything, with Electrode doing 100 to itself. Their bench has to be full, or Electrode has to be damaged before this becomes a positive attack. Could be a late game finisher in a spread deck, but do we even see spread decks anymore (sorry Gengar, you are NOT a spread deck).

2 for 30 move an energy. Yipee? No. What every happened to a good electrode attack that torched their active?

This thing is UNDERPOWERED and there are many better Lightning options. Have I introduced you to Luxray? To Manectric or Jolteon?

Maybe, just maybe in a spread deck as a finisher. Have seen some crazy ultra spread decks with this, but if they don’t go off right….they fail, which they do way too much of the time.

Ratings…modified 2/5 Either you will lose quick, or you will win quick when playing with or against this monster. Proper cards to play it with include Spritomb, Crobat, and all the other pickup and spread pokemon.

Limited..2/5 Not great, but not bleh.

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Electrode G


Electrode always has an evil grin. That is because it knows it is going to blow itself up and damage other Pokémon in the process.


Electrode G is no different. His low-ish HP (70 for an SP Basic is below average) and X2 Fighting Weakness don’t matter very much, and neither does its second attack (an uninteresting 30 for [C][C]). The reason for playing this card is Reckless Bomb, which for a single Lightning Energy will KO Electrode G and spread 20 damage to all of your opponent’s Pokémon.


So, is it worth sacrificing a prize? Some spread decks might use it as a way to kick off the spread before bringing up a Gallade 4 or a Raichu GL to continue spreading or hit for big damage. It could also be used as a ‘finisher’ if you have already managed to spread enough damage around to take several prizes in one turn. This does make Electrode G a very situational card though, and spread decks have a very popular enemy at the moment in the shape of Nidoqueen RR: a card whose PokeBody can heal all the damage dealt out by Electrode in just two turns.


If you are trying out a spread deck, you might be able to find room for one of these in your deck, as being an SP Basic makes Electrode very easy to get into play. Unfortunately, spread decks are not too popular at the moment, so I don’t expect to see too many of these in tournaments.




Modified: 2.25 (can be useful, but VERY situational)

Limited: 2 (when you are playing with 4 prizes, you can’t afford to give one up so easily)

Steel_Winger Welcome back to the Pokemon COTD!

Today's card is Electrode G. Despite it's nature, this Pokemon hasn't really exploded onto the scene much. Let's try to figure out why.

First off, it has 70 HP, which is really lacking considering the average is 80-90 for SP Pokemon. The x2 Weakness to Fighting-types doesn't help much. This is Machamp's ideal target. A -20 Resistance to Metal prevent's Dialga G from putting a dent in it with its Deafen attack, but is currently not very useful beyond that. A Retreat Cost of one is average.

No Powers or Bodies, but there are 2 attacks. The first one is Reckless Bomb, which does 20 damage to all of your opponent's Pokemon. Not bad for a single Lightning Energy, except for the fact that Electrode G does 100 to itself. I've never seen a Pokemon do an overkill on itself upon self-destruction. (Some of the extra damage could've gone over to the opponent.) As of right now, there is no way to ensure that Electrode G is going to be around after using this attack. I will say this though: It does a better job than Raichu GL or Infernape 4 at spreading damage, so those of you who don't mind giving up a prize card for a good spread, go ahead and give this a shot. Just be aware that Nidoqueen will recover from it fully by the time your next turn comes around.

The second attack, Reflect Energy, does an average 30 damage for 2 energies of choice (or just 1 with Energy Gain). Then, you move an energy from Electrode G to one of your Benched Pokemon. Without Energy Gain, I really doubt that Electrode G will be around long enough to be able to get 2 energies on it. As for putting an Energy Gain on it... there are much better targets.

Low survivability and and mediocre attacks (well, Reckless Bomb is useful in limited cases) makes Electrode G something really not worth playing.


Modified: 1.75/5 A good spreader, but for the cost of a prize card. Don't expect it to last long if brought active.
Limited: 2/5 it's nice to wear down your opponent at the beginning of a game. Just make sure you can win afterwards.

This is Steel_Winger, until next time!

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