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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day


Glaceon Lv. 42

Rising Rivals

Date Reviewed: 07.23.09

Ratings & Reviews Summary

Modified: 1.75
Limited: 3.67

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 
3 ... average.  
5 is the highest rating.

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Jigglypuff13 7/23 Glaceon Lv.42 (RR)

Hello, and welcome to Thursday of this week of random Rising Rivals uncommons, and we continue the trend with Glaceon from, er, Rising Rivals, which I hope you had already guessed, but it doesn't harm starting the obvious. Basics of the card first, and it has 80 HP. It's the same as for other Glaceon's, but I do wish it was 10 HP higher, since 90 is about average for a fully evolved Stage 1. +20 Metal Weakness won't make any Glaceon player lie awake at night, though the odd Dialga G and Lv.X (PL) might cause problems. No Resistance is to be expected. 1 Retreat Cost is about average really, so little to say about that.

Abilities now, and it has 3, so I'll start with the Poké-Body, Frost Wind. So long as Glaceon if you active Pokémon, it takes 10 less damage. This does make up a little for the slight lack in HP, but it's still not great. 90 HP is hardly that great anyway, since most decks will be able to OHKO it, so Frost Wind doesn't do that much really, but I suppose it's nice to have. This also depends Glaceon's fear of Dialga G Lv.X, as if it would actually make any sort of difference with or without it's Poké-Body.
Ice Blade is an alright sniping attack. WC for 30 to anything is alright, but really, many other cards can do this sort of thing for more damage or less energies. And it's not as though it's a hard to add a better sniper/spreader into your Glaceon deck since Jolteon (RR) and Vaporeon (RR) the job of Ice Blade alot better than Ice Blade every will. Well, I suppose it might be slightly better that Vaporeon until you can spread some damage around, but still, it's a bit pointless.
If I'm honest, I like attacks like Ice Bind. WCC for 50 is, quite frankly, rubbish. To make it worthwhile, it needs a good effect. And if I'm honest, it actually isn't that great. You opponent gets to choose if they want to discard a card from their hand. If they don't, then the Defending Pokémon is Paralyzed. It sounds nice, automatic Paralysis, but your opponent gets to choose when it happens, which means if their Pokémon is going to be KOed anyway, they may not bother with the discard since it won't effect anything. It sounds as though it may be quite a dilema in other situations, but it still isn't, since your opponent may have a useless card in their hand to discard, or just want to draw more with Claydol (GE) or Uxie (LA) due their next turn. Either way, it isn't as effective as it first sounds.

Combos? Well, your main one is with Glaceon Lv.X (MD). You then get a 100 HP Lv.X who shuts off your opponents Poké-Powers and takes 10 less damage from attacks, and can spread or snipe or go for Paralysis. It sounds nice, but is shut off by Diagla G Lv.X (though it isn't seeing alot of play at the moment though, I suppose), and is slightly hard to set up due to it's speed, and you need a 3 energies for it's best (I say best) attacks. It's not going to break the format any time soon.

Counters, and I suppose fairly obviously due to the amount of times it's been mentioned in this review, and Dialga G Lv.X is the main counter, shutting off Frost Wind (irrelevantly) and OHKOing it with Second Strike if Glaceon already has a damage counter on it. Claydol and Uxie are also kind of counters to this card, making Ice Bind rather pointless since you can then just draw another card with Cosmic Power or Set Up. Ice Bind doesn't like Unown G either, since then your opponent doesn't have to discard a card to stop the Paralysis, and Ice Blade doesn't like Manectric (PL) or Basitodon (MT) due to their bench protecting abilities.


Modified: Frost Wind does nothing really, a 10 damage reduction really won't effect anything, Ice Blade is a sniping attack that is outclassed by countless other Pokémon, and Ice Bind is rubbish with low damage output and an easy negated or worked around effect. Even if you are the one in a million person who wants to play Glaceon Lv.X, this is not the Glaceon you'll want to play. Instead, it's better to use the holographic one from Majestic Dawn, who can prevent effects for a whole turn for W and have a reasonably good second attack. 1.5/5

Limited: Still rather meh here. Frost Blade is nice since it adds to the limited sniping you can play in this format. Frost Wind is quite nice due to the often low damage output of Pokémon you'll find here. Ice Bind is better here. It's still got low damage output and is rather expensive, but there are fewer cards your opponent will want to discard to stop Paralysis, not as though that will always be needed. 3.5/5
Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats



Eevee and the Eeveelutions are some of the most popular Pokémon there are. Not surprisingly, people are always trying to make decks using them, but right now they always seem to fall just short of being competitive.


Glaceon from Rising Rivals isn’t going to change all that. With just 80 HP on a Stage 1, it just doesn’t have the staying power it needs to survive. Even if you Level up and boost HP with a benched Espeon MD, you still max at 120. Glaceon can reduce damage by 10 while it is active, but of course that, and all of the useful Eeveelution PokeBodies, are easily shut down by Dialga G LV X.


Glaceon’s attacks are also not quite effective enough to make the card competitive. Ice Blade’s 30 snipe for [W][C] isn’t terrible, but it isn’t going to win many games either, and Ice Bind is horribly expensive at [W][C][C] for just 50 damage. Yes, you can Paralyse your opponent if the don’t discard a card, but more often than not, it will not be such a problem for them. They can simply discard something they don’t need and they will be able to draw an extra card with Uxie LA or Claydol GE next turn.


Of the three Glaceons that are in the current modified format, this one is the weakest. If you want to play it in Eeveelutions, then stick to the MD Glaceons.




Modified: 1.25 (there are TWO better Glaceons out there, so there is no need to play this at all)

Limited: 2.5 (Better attacks here, and Water type is good as RR has a lot of Fire Pokémon)


Dear Glaceon RR.  Without you I would have never finished in the top 16, nevertheless top 2 at the Professor Cup 2009.


Love forever.  M45


80 HP eeveelution that in my mind is a better stepping stone for a Glaceon Deck than the older released Glaceons.


Problem is…Glaceon Level X is not necessarily strong enough to play.


But for this card…80 HP, a body that reduces your opponent’s attacks by 10 (good bye bench spread hitters), along with an attack that hits 2 for 30 to anyone on the board.  Not bad, but not overpowered.  Would have liked 2 for 40, but I am just greedy like that.


3 for 50 forcing the choice where the opponent discards or is paralyzed.  That may come in handy from time to time.


Great limited card, with major potential.  Weakness to Metal, well, as if Dialga G Level X wasn’t Glaceon’s nemisis already…


Resistance to nothing, retreat cost of 1…just a bit underpowered in this envio.




Modified…2.5/5…not sure if this is even the BEST Glaceon to use…


Limited…5/5…The eevees will be competitively drafted, but this is a game changing card.  If I could get 3 eevees and 2 of these (with any other eeveelution, I just might not put ANY other Pokemon in my deck!!!!



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