Just when you thought the SP engine couldn't run any
more smoothly it gets it's own Special Energy card,
SP-Energy. Essentially a Multi Energy, just SP specific,
this card is great to use in just about any SP deck. If
you're running an SP deck then chances are you'll have a
lot of tech, be it Honchkrow G, Dialga G Lv. X, Bronzong
G or any other Pokemon Tech and there's nothing worse
than being stuck in a rut and not being able to attack.
That's where SP-Energy comes in, throw one of those bad
boys on a Dialga G with an Energy Gain and you've go
Deafen Lock on lock down. There are so many great uses
for this energy, all SP related, but fantastic
Modified- 4.5/5
Limited- 4.5/5
6/26 SP Energy (RR)
Hello, welcome to Friday and one of the new Special
Energies from Rising Rivals, SP Energy! It's a simple
little card, since it's basically a Rainbow Energy for
SP Pokémon, only without placing the damage counter, and
provides Colorless Energy for non-SP's. Actually, I
suppose it's more reminiscent of δ Rainbow Energy
instead. Either way, it's still a must for SP decks,
even if they aren't running that many different types.
The flexibility it gives of providing every energy type,
even if it is only one at a time, is still brilliant,
and will often help out. Obviously, if you aren't
playing one of the multitude of SP decks around, then
this card becomes useless, but if you are (and chances
are, you will at least dabble a little in those sorts of
decks), then this card becomes an instant 4 of.
Modified: What I said before is all that really can be
said about the card. It's a staple for SP decks,
providing flexibility, and useless for non-SP decks. For
non-SP decks, it's a 1/5 card, and for SP decks, it's a
5/5 card. I'll average them, and that'll be my score.
Limited: You'll almost certainly be playing numerous
SP's here, so if you get even 1 SP Energy, it'll be a
huge benefit, allowing you to play many more different
types of SP Pokémon, and thus have a little more
flexibility. It might be slightly situational if you get
a lot of useful non-SP's as well, but it's almost
certainly going to be useful. 3.75/5
Short and sweet, but there really isn't a lot you can
say about the card.
Baby Mario Top 4 UK Nats
SP Energy
Those poor SP decks. So unplayable . . . they really
need a Special Energy Card to help them out, don’t they?
In case you hadn’t noticed, that was sarcasm. SP decks
are already incredibly powerful, thanks to their
excellent Support (Cyrus, Power Spray, Poke Turn etc.).
Now they just got some more help in the form of this
brilliant card.
Yes, there are already cards which provide Energy of
every type and can be used by all Pokémon (including
SP), but they come with considerable downsides. Multi
Energy doesn’t work if the Pokémon already has another
Special Energy card attached (no Call Energy for you!),
Rainbow Energy can be used in multiples, but it places a
damage counter on your Pokémon when you attach it.
Obviously, this isn’t good enough for SP Pokémon (I
think SP must mean ‘Special’).
But the real benefit of SP Energy is that it makes it
possible for SP decks to be even more of a Toolbox than
they already are. You can now include a Toxicroak G to
deal with Machamp without needing to run Psychic Energy.
Lucario GL can be used to OHKO a Tyranitar without
needing metal Energy in the deck. Want to run a
Honchkrow G so you can snipe damaged Pokémon on the
bench, but can’t find room for a Dark Energy? Well now
you can.
Like all Special Energy, SP Energy comes with the
drawback of not being able to be searched out with
Roseanne’s Research or Cyrus’s Conspiracy. With the
amount of deck-thinning and draw in most SP decks,
though, this isn’t going to be too much of a problem. If
you are running an SP deck, you are going to be running
multiple types of Pokémon, which means that this card is
going to become a staple in one of the most popular
decks in the format. Run 2-4 in your SP decks, please.
Modified: 4 (misses out on a 5 for being SP only)
Limited: 5 (the set is full of SP Pokémon of every type)