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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Ampharos Lv. 57
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.00
Limited: 3.33
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

Meganium45 |
OK, here is another Platinum Card that has gotten a LOT
of hype. For good reason.
130 HP Stage 2. Not bad, not great. 2 Retreat cost for
an Amphy is not very good.
Weakness to Fighting in getting better EVERY day,
resistance to metal is almost meaningless.
(Oh, I am sorry, Dialga G will now hit you for 0)
The money here is on the Pokebody. No powers for
anything with a damage counter on it! WOW!
This can be shut down with a Dialga G Level X, but not
much more.
This body can be game changing, devastating.
The attacks, well, the attacks may be the BEST attacks
ever seen on an Amphy.
2 for 30, flip if heads, 60, if tails, paralyze! WOW! No
downside here!
3 for 70 and move an energy to the bench! No real
downside there! Swarm away!
There has to be a combo for this card. HAS TO.
I am just thinking out loud here. Amphy.Manectric works
well on a lot of levels.
Amphy/Empoleon for the damage spread? Amphy.Palkia G for
the same?
Amphy/Crobat G? Pick the victim and no powers…
Lots of options.
Ratings…Modified 4.2 I like this, and need to work with
it more.
Limited…2.5/5 Not like as much, too hard to get out.
Vince |

Eevee |
Hey everyone! Eevee here once again to review one of my
favorite pokemon! (You know, I say that about pretty
much every pokemon we review. ^^') Anyway, today's card
is Ampharos (PL-1/127) I hope this pokemon can help
recharge our hopes for States after yesterday's Dustox
disaster. ^^' Let's look at the stats.
Poke'Body: Damage Bind - Each Pokémon that has any
damage counters on it (both yours and your opponent's)
can't use any Poké-Powers.
(L)(C) Gigavolt - 30+ damage - Flip a coin. If heads,
this attack does 30 damage plus 30 more damage. If
tails, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed.
(L)(C)(C) Reflect Energy - 70 damage - Move an Energy
card attached to Ampharos to 1 of your Benched Pokémon
Type: Electric
HP: 130
Weakness: 30+ to fighting
Resistance: 20- to steel
Retreat: (C)(C)
OK, Now for the review. First of all it's stats. 130HP
on a stage two is pretty much standard right now. Al tho,
it sure would be nice if a stage 2 to could out max the
basic Lv.X's we've been seeing. ^^' It's weakness should
be ok as we don't see many fighting types. It's
resistance is perfect considering those aggravating
Steelix decks going round. Retreat could have been lower
but just add in a few switch cards.
Attack wise the pokemon definitely beats yesterday's
dutox. It's first attack is Gigavolt. Doing 30 with a
possible of 60 or 30/paralyzing for only two energy is
really good. It's second attack it Reflect energy. Doing
70 for three energy is pretty good in my opinion. Plus
it's secondary effect would be great in charging up a
In all I think this is a great card that would be worth
adding to any electric deck! ^^
Modified: 4/5
Limited: 4/5 |
Octillery49 |
Ampharos is a card that has been hyped like crazy from
this set. However, I've found that he's very much
lacking in this format and his body is easily countered
by Dialga G. However, power lock is still good and
though there are better attackers, he's not completely
3/3 |