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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Delcatty Lv. 53
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.00
Limited: 4.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

Meganium45 |
OK, Friday the 13th, let’s let a White Cat cross our
This card is best comboed with Blastoise, who can get
the energy out, or even a Rhyperior Level X, to
guarantee 100 damage.
On its own, its attack is a glorified rage attack, which
heals a bit. OK, I guess.
The 3 for 60 rear kick is good, and a nice shot once in
a while when needed.
Weakness to fighting is OK, most things will take out
the 90 HP kitty in a shot or 2.
1 Retreat cost is fine too.
I know, boring review…I promise to INSPIRE next week,
after I report on being beaten to a pulp playing in
Tennessee States!
Ratings – Modified 2.5/5 Good in a few decks, must be
avoided in all others.
Limited – 3.5 out of 5. Would actually allow a modified
deck to play a more limited energy count, and the
attacks could be pretty good here.
Have fun this weekend at States, all of you WILD and
CRAZY guys (and gals) |
2006 National
Champion |
Today’s card is a colorless 90 HP 1 retreat cost
Delcatty. What fun.
The attacks on this Pokemon are a 1 colorless attack
doing 10+10 more for each damage counter on Delcatty,
then remove 20 damage from Delcatty. A perfect match
with its Poke-Power, I’ll explain that later. Its second
attack is a solid 3 colorless for 60 damage, no effects.
Now the Poke-Power. The Poke-Power is called Power
Circulation. The effect is Once during your turn (before
you attack of coarse) search your discard pile for up to
2 basic energy cards, show them to your opponent, and
put them on top of your deck in any order. Then (this is
the fun part) put 2 damage counters on Delcatty. A great
match with its attack, or Blastoise’s Poke-Power (if you
don’t know what the latest Blastoise does, please look
it up, you wont be sorry).
Weakness, a terrible thing. A 20+ weakness to fighting
could be a problem with Machamp and Rampardos running
around in the format. And it is. But if your attacking
with this Pokemon in any other reason then a last
resort…your dead anyway.
Retreat Cost, A single energy. Speaks for itself.
Modified: 2/5 A Pokemon that fits in some decks but not
others. Sadly, the only deck I see it fitting in is
Limited: 4/5 If you get this card out in a draft you
have a tank that can hit, as well as remove damage.
States is Tomorrow people! Are you ready? |
Pokmeman |
Delcatty Lv 53
This is quite possibly the greatest support Pokemon to
come from Platinum, even with Dialga G LvX also in the
set. This card can automatically allow for Rhyperior LvX
to do 100 damage for no energy, as well as allow for 2
energy to be attached per turn in a Blastoise deck. It
can even recover energy to be obtained with Evolutionary
Vitality in a Feraligatr (MT) deck. If anyone still
plays those.
It's single energy attack for up to 90 damage is very
convenient and easy, though you will lose some valuable
bench help.
it didn't put damage on itself, allowing for it to be
easily shut down by Ampharos as well as KO'd by
spreading cards much easier (Abomasnow, Magmortar,
Dusknoir), it would be even better.
4.5/5 Modified
This is a colourless stage one with decent attacks and
90 HP, as well as the ability to pick out the energy you
need from the discard. 4.5/5 Limited |