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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Dialga Lv. 72
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.67
Limited: 3.33
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Jigglypuff13 |
3/16 Dialga Lv.72 (PL)
The beginning of a new week, and we start off with a
card that isn't too bad, one of the new Dialgas! This
one is probably the best of the Dialgas at the moment,
but it doesn't have any great competition there really.
Anyway, onto the card, and the basics of it. First off,
100 HP allows it to survive a hit or 2. Mind you, on a
basic, 100 HP is nice. x2 Weakness to Fire is annoying,
but shouldn't be too bad since Kingdra (LA) and
Blastoise (PL) are big, so Fire shouldn't be too big in
the metagame. Not as though Diagla should see much time
active anyway. Resistance, well, I'll gloss over... Hold
on a second, Dialga actually has a Resistance! And it's
a -20 Psychic one as well, which considering ToxiTank,
Gengar (SF), Dusknoir (SF), AMU, etc. is quite useful. 3
Retreat Cost is a bit steep though, so if it ends up
active, make sure you can get a Switch/Warp Point
Abilities now, and this is where the card shines, it's
Poké-Power, Reverse Time. When you play Dialga from your
hand onto your bench, you get a Night Maintenance like
effect, only you can't get Lv.X, but they go onto the
top of your deck instead of being shuffled in. In most
decks, this can be quite helpful since it gets Pokémon
and energies back. You get to arrange the order of them
on top of your deck as well, so you choose which order
to get them in essentially. However, it works best in
Blastoise (PL) decks and Rhyperior Lv.X (LA) decks most
of all, where this Poké-Power/attack gets a massive
benefit from know what's on top of your deck (Blastoise
gets more energies into play, Rhyperior Lv.X does more
Time-Space Travelling is all right I suppose. MCC for 50
is about average for a basic, but you do get to draw
cards until you have 7 cards in your hand. With Claydol,
it means you'll probably draw at least 1 extra card, but
it then messes up Cosmic Power for the next turn. To be
honest, it's not a great attack, so you shouldn't see
this card active unless you want to level it up.
So, what does it combo with then? Well, I already said
it should be used with either Blastoise or Rhyperior
Lv.X. However, for me at least, it doesn't replace
Delcatty (PL) as the best combo with those 2 cards since
that card is reliable and more consistent (would you
prefer to get 3 energies once, or 2 energies every turn
onto the top of your deck?), but Dialga can be a nice
little thing you can play once for a surprise 3 energies
on top of your deck (which for Rhyperior Lv.X, with a
Delcatty in play, could mean you will be doing 250
damage, just for fun).
However, this card doesn't really work as well as you
might think. It works slightly in those 2 decks since
they get energies back on top of your deck, but for
other deck, Night Maintenance is far superior since it
doesn't take up a bench space and can get Lv.X's back.
It might shuffle them back into the deck, but with all
the draw and search we have available, it's not all bad.
If you still want to play Dialga in a none Blastoise/Rhyperior
Lv.X deck, then you should really be using Dialga Lv.X
(GE). However, Dialga Lv.X is a terrible card, so if you
run that, then I must ask, what deck are you using?
Counters, well, actually, who cares? I don't think
anyone will be using this card, since Night Maintenance
is infinitely better.
Modified: Reverse Time is nice, since it is a Night
Maintenance like effect, but I'd just prefer to play
Night Maintenance personally. This card can work in some
decks (like I've already mentioned loads, they are
Rhyperior Lv.X decks and Blastoise decks), it really
won't. If you want to use this card, use either of those
2 decks, or just Dialga Lv.X, at which point, you are
essentially playing a 58/56 card deck depending on what
size line of Dialga Lv.X you are using. This is still
the best Dialga available, but I just wish it could be
levelled up into Dialga Lv.X G, but it can't, so it's
still not that good. 1.75/5
Limited: Better here. Reverse Time is nice for getting
energies and Pokémon back, which is nice since both will
be quite limited resources here. Time-Space Travelling
isn't too bad here I suppose, since it does a fair bit
of damage and draw cards. However, it will take a little
too long to power to really be effective, but it's a
nice option to have, I suppose. 2.5/5 |

Meganium45 |
OK, it’s a Dialga, but not a G!
The trick with this little guy is to get the cards out
of your discard pile onto the top of your deck.
This just SCREAMS use me with Blastoise (Pt) or
Rhyperior Level X (to guarantee at least 150 for 4).
Super scoop up was designed for this card as well, to
use it again and again.
I can also see it used for swarming-type decks, getting
things like Weedle, Kakuna and Beedrill all back in one
fell swoop, without having to waste a maintenance (but
having to waste an ever-valuable benched spot, I know).
The attack is feasible, 3 for 50, allowing you to draw,
and only requiring one metal energy.
Considering I saw a number of these on Saturday in
Tennessee States, I am going to give it decent ratings.
Modified – 3/5 Good in certain decks. Worthless in
Limited – 3.5/5..By the time you are missing 3 good
Pokemon, you are going to be about done with the game
anyway, but getting 3 energy, or pokemon back from your
discard could be HUGE at the right time! |
Winner of a
Stormfront Prerelease |
Sorry for the lack of any reviews last week, preparing
for States takes a lot out of you. Anyways, today's card
of the day is the Level 72 Dialga from the new Platinum
Dialga has 100 HP, ensuring that it last at least one
turn, most of the time. The x2 weakness to Fire is
pretty awesome, since Kingdra scared away most Fire
decks in this format. Likewise, the -20 resistance to
Psychic is helpful with all the Toxitank, and other
Psychic decks running around these days. Three retreat
is pretty bad, but, what do you expect from a giant
metal monster?
Dialga's PokePower is pretty handy, since it acts like a
Night Maintenance, except, instead of shuffling them
into your deck, you can put them on the top in any
order. You also cannot get any Level X's, but you
shouldn't need that if you're suing this card with, you
guessed it, Blast-Catty. With a couple of lucky Super
Scoop Up flips, you can keep recycling those energy, and
not even need to use Delcatty's power. The power can
also be useful if you need a particular Pokemon or
energy back, right now.
Dialga's only attack is Time-Space Traveling. For three
energy, one of which being Metal, you can do 50 damage
and draw cards until you have seven cards in your hand.
The energy cost and damage is a bit of a downer, but
tyhe effect is great if you ever find yourself attacking
with Dialga.
Modifed 3/5
Dialga could be a great card in BLastcatty if you don't
want to risk your Delcatty anymore, but he lacks the
speed to be used ina ny other decks.
Limited 4/5
50 damage is a lot, plus Draw Power, plus recovering
cards from the Discard pile? Dialga can be a real
contender here.
~KFT |