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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Manectric LV.45
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.75
Limited: 2.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Jigglypuff13 |
3/19 Manectric Lv.45 (PL)
Hello, and welcome to Thursday's card, which was hyped
up to be half of the new best combo, Manectric! As
always, I'll start with the basics of the card, which
aren't too bad. First of all, it has 90 HP. On a
fully-evolved Stage 1, that's all right, so it should
survive a hit, but I still would've preferred more, but
you could say that for any Pokémon. +20 Weakness to
Fighting is annoying due to Machamp (SF) and Rampardos
(PL) being big decks. -20 Resistance to Metal is quite
nice to see, allowing Manectric to take no damage from
Deafen and reduce the damage of Dialga G (PL)'s other
attacks as well. No Retreat Cost is perfect, there isn't
any more that can be said on the matter.
The abilities are where this card shine, though. First
of all, it's Poké-Body, Electric Barrier is quire
interesting, preventing damage done to your non-Manectric
bench Pokémon by attacks. This means stuff that places
damage counters still get through, but sniping/spreading
decks are almost completely walled, unless you are
playing some strange Manectric swarm deck. This
Poke-Body takes a lot of power out of popular cards like
Blastoise (PL) and Palkia G (PL), but most will remain
unaffected by this Body. Mind you, if you don;t want
your bench sniped, this is a rather interesting tech you
could use to save them (apart from Manetric itself,
The attacks are where it gets a bit more interesting.
I'll start with the least interesting one first, Attract
Current. For CC, it does 40 and you get to get a
Lightning energy from your deck and attach it to one of
your Pokémon. If you want energy acceleration, this
really isn't the card to go for since it's quite slow at
doing that job. Not particularly great power wise
either, since 40 for CC is average at the moment.
However, Power Wave is certainly an interesting attack.
For L, you get to do 30 damage to each Pokémon with a
Poké-Power in play. It may include your own, but that
can be destructive when you think about all the Pokémon
with Poké-Powers that are played and, for the most part,
their frailty. Claydol (GE), Azelf, Uxie and Mesprit
(all LA), Skuntank G (PL), Crobat G (PL), and there are
a lot more, it's just I can't be bothered to list them
all. All of the ones I have mentioned, though, are all
3HKOed by Power Wave, which can mean a massive loss for
your opponent. Others are KOed quite so quickly, but
it's still an attak they fear.
So, what combos with this card you may find yourself
asking. Well, if you've heard any of the hype for PL at
all, you probably won't be asking that, but I can tell
you, it's best played with Ampharos (PL). Most of you
will probably already know this, though. The reason is
due to the combination of Ampharos's Poké-Body and Power
Wave. What Ampharos likes to do is to stop your
opponents Pokémon with Poké-Powers from using them if
they have any damage on them. Obviously, Power Wave will
put a lot of damage on their Poké-Power-ed Pokémon, so
they really won't be able to use them. It's pretty
disruptive, but easily countered by today's popular
tech, Dialga G Lv.X (PL). Also, opposing Manectric will
stop the combo since it will stop the bench damage.
Being beaten by itself, how brilliant.
Modified: It is a good card. It can stop bench damage,
which stops spread from coming back with a vengeance,
and deal a lot of damage to every Pokémon with a Poké-Power.
However, it doesn't have anything to back it up with,
since Attract Current is just rubbish, and it's best
combo, Ampharos, isn't that great at attacking either.
However, it's also stopped by the popular Dialga G Lv.X,
which makes the main combo kind of redundant, and is
also stopped by other Manectric, which would probably
make a mirror match interesting to watch. 3/5
Limited: Worse here. There will be Poké-Powers played,
but not as many as in Modified, so Power Wave becomes a
lot less useful. Attract Current does have a use, which
is provide some much needed, if still kind of bad,
energy acceleration, allowing you to power up any bench
Pokémon that may need it. Electric Barrier will find
little use as well, since few Pokémon here will snipe or
spread. 2/5 |

Meganium45 |
Here is the “helper” pokemon of the Amphytric deck (with
Platinum Amparos)
The deck has been a disappointment as of the first week
of States, so that will affect the rating.
90 HP Stage 1, free retreat. Good starting stats!
Fighting weakness, metal resistance…not bad, metal
resistance could really be good.
The pokebody protects all non-Manectrics on the bench.
Pretty good.
Attacks, 30 to everyone with a Pokepower (but your body
stops your own damage!)…so this could be pretty nice
against those G decks that vomit powers.
The second attack, 40 and search and attach a lightning
energy card, pretty good.
Not an overpowering card, but not completely pathetic.
Modified – 2.5/5 Good support card…not much else.
Limited – 3.5/5 Like it better here with free retreat,
colorless energy accelerating attack.
See you in 2 days for Missouri States!
Bart - Be there or be square…
Ralph - <I want to be a triangle>
Bart - You’re not invited.HAPPY 15th Birthday Zak! TN State Champion 2009!!!! |