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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Crobat G. Lv. 44
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.00
Limited: 4.13
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Jigglypuff13 |
3/2 Crobat G Lv. 44 (PL)
Hello, and welcome to the new week of COTD's, which will
started off by the great new card, Grobat G! It is great
thanks to it's abilities, but I'll cover them later,
because first, it's the basics. 80 HP on a SP Pokémon at
the moment seems about average. It should survive at
least 1 or 2 hits if it finds itself active, but
generally, while on the bench like it should be, the
sniping it could face shouldn't give it too much to fear
about being OHKOed on the bench (Blaziken GE and
Magmortar Lv.X MT are probably the only ones at the
moment). x2 Lightning Weakness is slightly annoying,
since AmphyTric will be played, but Crobat G should
never really be active, so the weakness shouldn't be too
much of a problem. -20 Fighting Resistance is nice.
Rampardos PL will only 2HKO it because of this
Resistance. Machamp SF will still get a OHKO with Take
Out on a non-Unown G'ed Crobat G. If you have wasted a
Unown G on Crobat G, then it does mean Machamp needs 4
Heads for Hurricane Punch to get a OHKO, so you should
be safe from a OHKO. Free Retreat Cost is perfect, so if
it is active for an length of time, you can get it back
to the bench ASAP.
Abilities now, and the reason why it will played a lot,
Flash Bite. When you play Crobat G onto your bench from
your hand, you put one damage counter on one of your
opponents Pokémon. Doesn't sound like a lot, but think
about more as an extra Plus Power, or to KO a Pokémon
with 10 HP left on your opponents bench, and then you
see why this is great. It's brilliant because you can
search for it when you need thanks to Roseanne's
Research or Bebe's Search, so rather than hope you draw
it like for Plus Power, you can get it when you need it,
which is brilliant. However, Flash bite is only a
one-use Power, but that's where TGI Poké Turn (not
giving it the full name because I can't remember the
full name of the top of my head) comes in. Bring Crobat
G back to your hand and you've got it to use another
time. Add in SSU as well, and you could, possible, use
one Flash Bite up to 9 times (4 Poké Turn and 4 Heads
for 4 SSU's)! Actually, this idea has been used for the
idea of a FTK. If you can pull it off, well done, though
I'm not sure your opponent will thank you for it.
Oh, Crobat G also has an attack that I think many people
just ignored and with good cause. Toxic Fang inflicts
automatic Toxic for PC and that's it. With Energy Gain I
suppose P for Toxic isn't too bad, but you have to be in
really dire straights to want to use it. I can think of
one time for using it, but even then, I'd prefer to save
my Energy Gains and my Crobat G's for Toxicroak G and
later on in the game.
So, what could use this card with, then? Well,
everything! Sniping/spreading decks will love the idea
of putting a damage counter on anything, G decks love it
because it's a G card, beatdown decks will love the idea
of a searchable Plus Power, and it loves itself for
being able to be used as a FTK card (look on threads in
forums and I'm sure you'll see the idea of the deck if
you can't see it already).
If I'm being honest, it's not perfect. It has a rubbish
attack and uses a bench space, which unless you Poké
Turn it or SSU it, could mean your opponent will have a
field day with Dusknoir DP or Palkia Lv.X G (apart from
the fact that you get to choose for the latter, so you
could remove Crobat G). Also, it's a one shot Power,
meaning a Power Spray or Alakazam MT (does anyone run
that any more?) will ruin Crobat G's day. However, I
couldn't care less about this since it's still an
amazing card.
Modified: There are some many uses for this card. Flash
Bite makes sure you can get a KO when you need it and
get around any annoying effects your opponent may have,
or be used to further increase the power of snipe/spread
decks. Most decks can find some use for this card, and
thus will always be worth considering. 4/5
Limited: An extra 10 damage will always be helpful, and
Toxic Fang isn't too bad either since it can cause a
Special Condition, which are always nice here.
Personally, I think that if you get this card here, run
it. Flash Bite and the occasional use of Toxic Fang will
warrant the addition of this card into your deck. 4.5/5 |

Meganium45 |
OK, I am so old (how old are you?)
I am so old that I can remember when…
a. crobat was an evolved pokemon and
b. having free retreat basics was a rarity
What an interesting Pokemon for all G decks, especially
those that want to attack with Honchkrow G…
As anyone can see, the Power is what drives this
Pokemon. Being able to drop one damage counter on any of
your opponent’s pokemon at any time is, well, game
changing at times.
Anyone ever heard of the player named NESS who won
Worlds thanks to Jolteon * being able to add a damage
counter to the defending Pokemon? This is the same type
of card.
Can it be countered by “Power Spray”? Sure. Can you
simply use a trainer (Poke’turn) to scoop it up and do
it again? Yep! And if the first doesn’t work, send out
the next bat!!!
Worried about having too many benched pokemon? Just
scoop this little guy up with a trainer. Poke’turn was
MADE for this card!!
So, an 80 HP basic with free retreat and a great coming
into play power? Not bad. Weakness to lightning, maybe
if ampy heats up, but not bad now. Lightning is TOO
worried about Machamp and Rampardos right now. (among
Resistance to fighting…is good.
The attack, 2 (or 1 with energy gain) for double poison
is quite good, and will cause your opponent to play just
differently enough to be to your advantage.
No damaging attack is not really good though.
Modified…3.5/5 Even SP decks can play without him. Not a
bad card, but the lack of a powerful attack really hurts
Limited…4/5 Not bad, as poison is pretty good here. The
power is pretty good here. 80 HP free retreat basics in
draft are very good.
Less than 2 weeks until States! ROCK ON!
Vince |
Winner of a
Stormfront Prerelease |
Crobat G (PL47)
Today's Card of the Day is Crobat G, a mainstay in all G
Crobat G has 80 HP, a decent number for a non-Evolving
Basic, as well as a x2 weakness to Lightning, which is
nice seeing as how just about all Psychic Pokemon are
weak to Psychic or Dark. The -20 Resistance to Fighting
is pretty nice as well, although Machamp's Take-Out will
KO you regardless. A free retreat cost helps recover
from a bad start, since you'll never want this thing
active for long.
Crobat G's Poke-Power is Flash Bite, a power reminiscent
of the Dark Golbat and Dark Crobat cards from
way-back-when. When you play Crobat G from your hand
(sorry Call Energy), you may put one damage counter on
one of your opponent's Pokemon. Alone, the power may
seem like an annoyance at most, but when you have a hand
full of Super Scoop-Ups, and Crobat Gs, someone's going
to get KOed.
Crobat G's only attack is Toxic Fang, which poisons for
twice as much damage for one Psychic and one Colorless
energy, with no added damage. If you're using this
attack, my heart goes out to you, if you're in that dire
of a situation. Unown G and Toxicroak G easily wall it,
so remember kids, always keep your Crobat Gs on the
bench or in your hand, where they belong.
Modified 5/5
Crobat G is an amazing card, whether it's hitting a
Pokemon that just needs 10 more damage, or comboing with
PL Ampharos to lock Powers, Crobat G has a lot of things
going for it.
Limited 4/5
Being a G card certainly helps, since there are so many
cards that help out Pokemon SP, such as Poketurn, making
even a single crobat able t come back multiple times to
~KFT |
keeper |
Hello world, it’s Octazookeeper! Today it’s Crobat G…
Fun, fun, fun!
HP: 80 (Decent for an SP)
Power: This interesting power provides a fine addition
to SP decks! You never know when that 10 extra damage
may end up being of use. Another factor here is the
combo potential with the new Poketurn trainer card,
which would allow you to scoop Crobat back into your
hand to repeat the mayhem. When played correctly, Flash
Bite can be utilized well.
Attack: 2 energy (or 1 with Energy Gain) for double
poison is decent, and works particularly well in the
deck that should be playing it.
Weakness/Resistance: x2 Weakness to lightning can be a
problem against Ampharos/Manectric. Resistance to
fighting will be good if Rampardos sees a lot of play.
Retreat Cost: 0? Awesome!
Overall: I like this card for SP decks. It combos well
with many of the Galactic cards introduced in the set.
It can be re-used with Poketurn, it can set up for a
sniping frenzy with Honchkrow G, and it can poison the
opponent to aid Toxicroak G.
Modified: 3/5
Limited: 4/5 |
Pokmeman |
Crobat G Lv. 44
Hi, I'm pokmeman, and this is my first week of
reviewing. Hope you can take something from reading my
About the card... Crobat G is hard to stick into any old
deck, because what you'll be using it most for, it's
power, only places one damage counter. It is hard to
make that count for much because it only takes effect
when put into play. It is overshadowed by Spiritomb for
the most part, and even in some cases by Zapdos (MD).
But it does have a purpose. It can work reasonably well
in a Galactic deck, because they have Poke-turn, which
allows you to take it back into your hand. This can
allow for it to heal off damage, as well as allowing you
to place another damage counter. I've had it place 5
Damage counters in one turn against me, winning the game
for my opponent, using Poke-turns and 2 Crobats. It goes
especially well with Honchkrow G, which can do 20 more
damage to a Pokemon with damage already on it.
Overall, a decent card in a Galactic – based deck, but
not of too much use otherwise.
3/5 Modified
Though it is a basic with 80 HP and Free Retreat, it
can't reach it's full potential here.
2.5/5 Limited