Meganium45 |
The hype, the attack…this Pokemon has it all, right?
Right??? NO.
The stats on this Pokemon are amazing…130 HP may be
average, but combine it with a weakness to grass
(becoming less played) and a 1 retreat cost, and you
have a Pokemon that most people can work with.
Add to that a Pokebody that doesn’t allow the attack to
be affected by RESISTANCE, or ANY OTHER EFFECTS on the
defending Pokemon, and this thing screams “I ROCK”. (get
it, rock type).
This allows it to carve the little birdies right up (Honchkrow
and friends).
Then, you have an attack that is the BROKEN 1 for 80,
only drawback is 40 self damage on a knockout. WOW. This
is cool.
Finally, a “eh” 2 energy attack for 40 that reduces
damage done to Rampardos by 20 until the end of your
next turn. (Note THIS includes HEAD SMASH self-damage
So, of this godly pokemon, who is in EVERY way superior
on this individual card to Kingdra, why isn’t it THE
play? Huh? Tell me Meganium45! Enlighten me!!!
OK, one word. FOSSIL. You can’t search for it with ANY
supporter except for Fossil Excavator. You can’t use
Time Space Distortion, Night Maintenance or Pokemon
Rescue to get the Fossils back. You have LESS control
then with any other stage 2 decks.
Even more frustrating, if you get “Dialga G Locked”, and
are unable to play trainers, then “poof”, you can’t lay
down a fossil (which is a trainer until it hits the
That is the ONLY weakness to this otherwise 5/5
Pokemon…which means…
The ratings are as follows:
Modified 4.0/5 Great but not broken.
Limited – 3/5 Too hard to get a stage 2 line out, but if
you do, then WATCH OUT!
OK, last plug!!! You have to come see me tomorrow at
Missouri States in Eureka, MO. The shop is right off the
main drag, in the same center as “Dickey Bub” and
Subway, which is right behind the Taco Bell..(I want
some Taquitos)
If you write “Pojo” on your decklist, there will be a
bonus in it for you!
See you SOON!!!!!
Vince |