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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Slaking Lv. 62
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.00
Limited: 1.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

PSC Online
TCG League |
Ok! Eevee her for review time! Today we'll be reviewing
the king of the slackers! It's Slaking! Ok, time to look
at the stats and attacks!
Poké-BODY: Lazy Paunch - If Slaking used any attacks
during your last turn, Slaking can't attack.
(C)(C)(C)(C) Best Dash -150 - During your opponent's
next turn, any damage done to Slaking by attacks is
increased by 50 (after applying Weakness and
HP: 150HP
Stage: 2
Type: Colorless (Normal)
Weakness: Fighting +30
Resistance: none
Retreat Cost: (C)(C)(C)(C)
Ok, time to review this guy! Yikes.... Where to start? I
wonder just how accurate my earlier comment was? Ok.
We'll look at it's Poke'Body, Lazy Paunch, first. Well,
it's definitely not my first pic for a PB.... Pretty
much useless and game damaging if you ask me. And what's
worse is when you combine it's Poke'Body with it's 4
energy retreat...
It's attack definitely won't help you get around it's
Poke'Body either. It's one and only attack, Best Dash,
probably would OKH any opponent (except for a few) but
it's back fire is just way too damaging. It add 50HP
damage to your opponents attacks!!! Add that up with
Rampardos and you've got a one way ticket to the discard
pile! X.x Not even it's whopping 150HP could save this
In all I strongly suggest that you stay as far away from
this guy deck-wise as possible. It may look awesome at
first glance (if you first glance only includes it's
attack damage power) but overall the only thing this
card would help ing doing is letting your opponent draw
six prize cards. Oh well, I guess no set with cards as
good as Shaymin LvX, Skymin LvX, and all the other could
have only great cards.... ^^'
Limited: 2/5
Modified: 2/5 |
Octillery49 |
Slaking isn't too awful, but I think it's just too slow
for this format. Play it with Dialga G Lv.X to remove
the annoying body. This card could also be a good
counter for Dialga since it OHKOs Dialga. Dialga has
trouble standing up to one hitters. But against anything
else, Slaking is far too slow.
3/5 |

Meganium45 |
This Pokemon Slacking, as usual is lacking.
150 HP Stage 2 used to be an “ooh”, not anymore.
Weakness to Fighting, once OK, not anymore.
Retreat cost of 4, and not hope of help from Moonlight
Stadium unless you have a Weavile (SW) to turn it dark,
not happy.
One 4 energy attack for 150, which increases damage done
to Slaking the next turn…um…lacking (already used that
joke, I know).
Pokebody that STOPS it from attacking again…well, can be
countered with Dialga G Level X, I know, but there are
SOOO many better combos for that card.
No boost to help the attack. No doubling energy of any
type right now. Yes, you COULD use memory berry to use a
Vigoroth or Slakoth attack, but the Body still is there.
You can’t attack with Slaking (even with Memory Berry)
twice in a row!!!
This is the definition of….a bad card.
Ratings…Modified 1.5/5 Not the worst, but CLOSE to it.
Limited…1/5 The worst.
Thanks to all 158 people who came and partied at the
Missouri States Tourney!
Next in line….Regionals on April 18th in South County
Center in St. Louis, Missouri! More details on that to
Vince. |