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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Banette Lv. 48
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.25
Limited: 3.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

Meganium45 |
OK, here we go, hand denial.
When is having no hand valuable to you? When you can
force your opponent to do the same.
How? Copycat, or attacks like Exeggutor, where you draw
your opponent’s number of cards, and they draw yours.
You pull this off early, and they are likely shut down
for the game.
Problem is in getting it off before they set up a
claydol, or some other recovery mechanism, or just get
something set up that can roll through you.
Yes, it works well with the Loneliness attack, and the
Darkness switch attack, allowing you to calculate your
damage done to your opponent, but with 90HP, in this
envio, Banette is not going to stay out long enough to
become a factor.
Key here is rocking the combos and getting this to go
off QUICK. Any deck made with this card will HAVE to
play broken space-time, luxury ball, poke radar, rare
candy, and all other acceleration cards that can be
thought of to make this combo, and this card pop early.
Want a fun deck? Go for it.
Play in an envio with a lot of Toxicroak G and Unown G,
prepare to be FRUSTRATED.
Want a deck to win Regionals, I am skeptical this is it.
OK, here we go.
Modified…Rating a 3.5/5 Definitely potential here.
Limited – 3.5/5…I like the potential here as well. 60
for 2, and clearing your damage can be quite valuable in
an envio that contains NO unown G to stop either attack
(but Toxicroak G shuts this card DOWN)

PSC Online
TCG League |
Hey everyone! Welcome to another week here at Pojo's
COTD! Today we'll be reviewing one spooky-poke! It's
Banette! (PL-19/127) OK, let's take a look at this card
and see what it can do.
Poké-POWER: Temper Tantrum - Once during your turn
(before your attack), you may discard as many cards as
you like from your hand. If you do, put that many damage
counters on Banette. This power can't be used if Banette
is affected by a Special Condition.
(P) Darkness Switch - Discard an Energy card attached to
Banette, and then switch all damage counters on Banette
with those on the Defending Pokémon. (If an effect of
this attack is prevented, this attack does nothing.)
(P)(C) Loneliness - 30+ damage - You may show your hand
to your opponent. If you do and if you don't have any
Pokémon in your hand, this attack does 30 damage plus 30
more damage.
Type: Psychic
HP: 90
Stage: 1
Weakness: +20 to dark
Resistance: -20 to colorless
Retreat: (C)
OK, Poke-POWER review time! It's power is Temper
Tantrum. If you just read it's power most people would
think "WHAT?! Why would I want to do that???" But, if
you read it's second attack you'll soon see why. It's
power allows you to add damage counters onto Banette up
to what you can/want to discard from your hand and what
Banette can take. (80 max)
OK, to understand it's power you'll have to understand
the attacks. It's first attack, Darkness Switch, is what
make s that seemingly horrible power into something that
can help you out. It allows you to move EVERY damage
counter from Banette to the defending pokemon! Including
those dealt out by the defending pokemon! But of course
there's a draw back. (What else is knew... ^^') You have
to discard an energy from Banette. Now of course that's
not a terrible trade off but between It's power and
attack you'll definitely NEED to combo this with a deck
recycling strategy otherwise you're opponent could win
by you running out of cards!
It's second attack, Loneliness, is perfect for those oh
so common flop hands. You know, the ones where you have
10,000 supporters but no pokemon and maybe one energy?
Yeah, I know them too well... Any way, Loneliness can
take away some of that fear when it comes to a flop
hand! It does an OK 30 damage on it's own but is boosted
up to 60 if you have no pokemon cards in your hand!
Still, unless you don't have any pokemon in your hand
this attack is way over priced energy wise. I mean
Raichu from Stormfront has a FREE 30 damage attack! But
I digress.
Stat wise we've seen better. But in a metagame where
everyone play 130+HP pokemon as a basic (....Giratina....yikes.....)
I guess we've been spoiled for the higher HP's. Anyway,
it could possibly last at least a couple rounds early
game; but don't expect it to go more then that. It's
weakness to Dark is pretty good in a game that's full of
Legendary Psychic like AMU and Mewtwo. Although, we've
been seeing fewer and fewer. Any resistance is always a
plus but a colorless is pretty nice considering 8/10
decks have colorless pokemon. Retreats not too bad.
In all I say this is a card worth a look over into your
current deck but I definitely wouldn't drop my
Magma-jolt to pick up this as an entirely new deck.
Modified: 3/5
Limited: 3/5 |
2006 National
Champion |
States is over, now comes regional
Today’s card is Platinum Bannette #19. A 90 HP psychic
type Pokemon.
The attacks: 1, Darkness switch 1 psychic energy.
Discard an energy card attached to Banette, then switch
all damage counters on Banette with those on the
defending Pokemon (if an effect of this attack is
prevented this attack does nothing , example, an unown G
is attached to the defending Pokemon). There are many
problems with this attack. For 1 the energy discard. I
know people can say that that can be good for some
decks, maybe Kingdra, maybe regi, but I don’t see it.
And 2 if your opponent has a little less, or more damage
counters (or the same for that matter) this attack
becomes obsolete. The second attack is a little better,
a 1 psychic 1 colorless attack for 30+30 more if you
show your hand and you have no Pokemon in it. Still many
things wrong with it. For one you have to show your hand
which gives you a immediate disadvantage unless you hand
size is 0. 2. 60 damage is not a lot for showing your
hand, and you can do a lot more damage for 2 energy.
Poke-Power: Temper Tantrum, Once during your turn
(before your attack) you may discard as many cards as
you like from your hand. If you do put that many damage
counters on Banette. This power can’t be used if Banette
is effected by any special conditions. In my mind a
power not worth20the ink, the power would not work in
kingdra, just due to that’s what your discarding with
your attack, this power is just a dud in my mind, but
then again…I’ve been wrong before.
Retreat cost: a good 1, just like every Banette an easy
Weakness: a dark type weakness. In a format full of SP
decks with honchkrow’s, that’s a no no
Resistance: colorless, prevents a regigigas one shot…not
much else.
Modified: 1/5 this card has no potential, maybe in sets
to come but in this format I see no hope for this card.
Limited: 3/5 in draft this card can be a quick 60 damage
and a late game changer.
I personally think all Banette lovers
should be sad and scarred after looking at this card, me
myself am one, and this is the first time I’ve left my
bed since reading this card a few weeks back. But for
real a card that remind us of the old Banette Ex is a
card that will never live up to it, so with future
banettes were all going to be disappointed, yet that
crazy voice in our head is saying were going to play
this at regionals but save the humiliation and the 1/6
record and play a good deck.
Quack quack