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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Bastiodon Lv. 56
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.33
Limited: 2.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

Meganium45 |
OK, here we go, a 130 HP monster that is, well, without
a good power, and without any good attacks.
Oh, did I mention it evolves from a fossil? This makes
it even MORE worthless.
OK, fire weakness is OK.
Resistance to Psychic is actually good.
The power, of remove damage with a tool, is acceptable.
The attack for 3 for 30, or the other attack of 4 for
80, with damage to itself, oh, really? No sale here.
4 retreat cost.
Ratings…Modified 1/5 There are much better choices, even
better Bastiodons.
Limited…2/5 I feel generous today |
2006 National
Champion |
Not more fossils!
Today’s card is a 130 Hp Bastiodon from platinum.
Attacks: 2 metal 1 colorless for 30 damage, flip a coin
if heads prevent all effects of attacks including damage
done to Bastiodon during your opponents next turn. A
terrible attack for 3 energy, a classic agility it may
be, but it only does 30 damage. Second attack 2 metal 2
colorless for 80 damage and Bastiodon does 30 damage to
itself. Another terrible attack, 80 would be good for 3
energy with a good effect, but it’s a 4 energy attack
and it his itself for 30. Terrible.
Poke-Body: as long as Bastiodon has a Pokemon tool card
attached to it, remove 1 damage from Bastiodon in
between turns. Its a bad Poke-body, I like it with an
Unown G attached to it ensuring it not be removed, but
the Poke-Body is shut down by a Skuntank SP with its
poison. And with all the SP decks around, its not the
best if you run into one.
Retreat cost: the common trend with metal Pokemon, a 4
retreat cost and there’s nothing that can help it in
this format.
Weakness: Fire+30 not the worst thing in the world, not
a whole bunch of fire in the format. Maybe here and
there so stay on your toes.
Resistance: -20 is resistance ever bad?
Modified: 0/5 Possibly the worst card in the set, a
fossil Pokemon is terri ble, 2 terrible attacks that
take to much energy, and a 4 retreat cost which makes
you waste deck space on switches (like this entire
Pokemon line isn’t enough of a waste).
Limited: 4/5 in draft on the other hand if you can get
this rare out its great, just because nothing can really
one shot it or deal it a lot of damage at one time.
Regional championships is in just a few weeks, get
ready! |

PSC Online
TCG League |
Hello everyone! Eevee again here to review another COTD!
Let's see what Pojo's picked out for us today! *shuffle
shuffle. Shift, Shift) Ah-ha! ^^ It's none other then
the hard-headed Bastiodon! (Me: I hope he didn't here
that... Bastiodon; Oh yes I did. -_-* Me: Uh-oh... Time
to run!!!) Anyway, let's take a look at today's card!
Poké-BODY: Metal Trait - As long as Bastiodon has a
Pokémon Tool attached to it, remove 1 damage counter
from Bastiodon between turns.
(M)(M)(C) Iron Defense - 30 damage - Flip a coin. If
heads, prevent all effects of an attack, including
damage, done to Bastiodon during your opponent's next
(M)(M)(C)(C) Iron Tackle - 80 damage - Bastiodon does 30
damage to itself.
Type: Metal
Stage: 2
HP: 130HP
Weakness: +30 to fire
Resistance: -20 to psychic
Retreat: (C)(C)(C)(C)
Yikes... *_* I think Bastiodon has won the year's award
for most over priced attacks... But I digress. let's
look at it's Poke'Body first. It's called Metal Trait,
and it's not too bad. As long as you can keep a Pokemon
Tool on it, it will remove one damage counter between
turns. Now this is enough to annoy the heck out of your
opponent but it's not really enough to do much good.
Attack wise, uh...., yikes... It's first attack is Iron
Defense; a move every video game player know and loves.
But in the TCG, definitely NOT a good idea. For three
energy it will only do 30 damage. Now it does have the
ability to prevent all attack effects during your next
turn but it's only a 50/50 chance. And for three energy
I'd rather add it on to a Dialga G Lv.X.
It's second attack, Iron Tackle, isn't much better. For
FOUR energy it will do 80 damage but also do a 30 damage
recoil. Yet again, I'd rather put that energy on Dialga.
HP wise it's about even with everything else but it's
still a stage two so it'll take a while to get into
play. Not to mention the fact that it's a fossil card.
X.x' They may look good but you can never get them into
play fast enough... A weakness to fire isn't very good
considering allot of people are trying to counter the
current Shaymin/Skymin metagame. It's resistance is much
better suited to what's being played tho. It's retreat
on the other hand, ouch. You'll definitely need Switch
cards; and allot of them.
In all I say this card is a No-go but that may just be
because I don't care for fossil decks. Either that or
because it's energy cost is just way too high.
Modified: 2/5
Limited: 2/5 |