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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Skuntank G Lv. 46
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.50
Limited: 2.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

Meganium45 |
OK, this card stinks…HEHEHE I am so funny!!
This card is designed for the SP variant that uses
Mightyena Platinum – that allows it to attack for like
80 for 0 if it is affected by a special condition. Other
than that, it can be used to frustrate an opponent who
is not playing an SP deck.
80 HP basic with 2 retreat and a weakness to fighting.
Little high on the retreat, but moonlight stadium fixes
that nicely.
The attack, 20 for 2 with a smokescreen, which of course
can be brought to 20 for 1 with energy gain…but that is
not why the card is used.
The power – if you have a Stadium Card in play (you must
control the stadium, it can’t be your opponent’s
stadium) then each active non-SP pokemon is Poisoned!
Not bad, not bad at all.
As for the attack, and the rest, KEEP HIM ON THE BENCH
if at all possible.
Ratings – Modified 3.5/5 Not a bad card. With a 1
retreat cost I would have gone to a 4 with him.
Limited – 3/5 Nothing real special here. |
Pokmeman |
Skuntank G Lv. 46
Skuntank will likely not fit in well with normal decks,
but as with Crobat G, it works much decently in a
Galactic Based deck. It's power doesn't poison G
Pokemon, and it allows for more damage to be done, which
is something that Galactic decks currently struggle
Honchkrow G can easily obtain the stadium(s) with its
first attack. Snowpoint Temple and Galactic HQ spring to
mind, and Moonlight Stadium also helps.
One of the best cards to combine Skuntank with is
Mightyena found in Platinum, because when it is affected
by a special condition, it can attack for no energy,
allowing Galactic decks to deal an easy 90 damage, which
would be difficult otherwise.
It can work with a number of different things, so it
deserves a better than average mark.
3.5/5 Modified.
Poison can really hurt in Limited. But with all the G
Pokemon running around, it likely won't be able to do
too much, and it's attack is really not very good,
despite it's colourless requirements.
2/5 Limited. |