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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Toxicroak G Lv. 40
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.00
Limited: 3.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Jigglypuff13 |
3/5 Toxicroak G Lv.40 (PL)
Thursday, and we have everyone's favourite frog (maybe),
Toxicroak G, the card that is in most G decks at the
moment, and with good cause. First, the basics of the
card, and 90 HP on a basic is very nice, so should be
able to survive a hit or two. x2 Psychic Weakness is
rather annoying, since many Psychic Pokémon will be able
to do the required 50 damage to get the OHKO (including
other Toxicroaks). No Resistance shall be glossed over,
but the simply hideous 2 Retreat Cost shall not. 1
Retreat Cost would be all right, but 2 just means that
you'll never want to pay the cost. Thankfully, Moonlight
Stadium will get rid of the Retreat Cost, but if you
ever need to pay the 2, I don't expect you'll be able to
thanks to Energy Gain.
Abilities now, and first, the brilliant Anticipation. It
prevent all non-damage effects done to Toxicroak by
attacks. Sound simple enough, but it's the same as an
in-built Unown G (GE), which is just fantastic. This
means that your opponent nasty looking Machamp (SF) will
no more than tickle Toxicroak G with Take Out rather
than KO it, or any nasty Special Condition inflicting
Pokémon won't be able to to inflict their Special
Condition (obviously). Look, I can't think of many
really nasty effects that are going to played a lot at
the moment, but that's mainly because I'm very tied at
the time of writing. Anyway, all of those effects that
you can think of are stopped dead by Toxicroak G, which
is just brilliant, like Unown G really. Speaking of,
because of this Poké-Body, you won't need to attach an
Unown G to Toxicroak, meaning you can use your Tool to
be something a little more productive, like Energy Gain.
Actually, just Energy Gain.
The attack isn't too bad either. Deep Poison does a low
20 for PC (or for P with Energy Gain), but does an
addition 40 if the Defending Pokémon is already
Poisoned. For PC (or P), that's pretty good, but the
problem is Poisoning the Defending Pokémon every time.
Still, if you can answer this very simple problem, you
will have a simple and probably quite effective little
combo on your hands.
OK, so what's the best way of Poisoning the Defending
Pokémon every turn? Well, it's the card that was
reviewed yesterday, Skuntank G! Have a Stadium out, and
you won't Poison Toxicroak G since it's an SP Pokémon,
but will Poison your opponents active, if it isn't an SP
Pokémon, thus allowing Toxicroak G to do that 60 damage
Deep Poison. However, this combos slightly falls apart
against another SP deck, and does nothing against
Psychic Resistance SP Pokémon. find yourself up against
Weavile G (PL) or Dialga G (PL), and you will be
nothing, thus you'd need to change your attacker to
really do anything. Still, against everything, this
combo can prove to be quite fast and quite powerful.
Counters to this are simply and direct. First, you have
the 2 SP Pokémon I said about, Dialga G and Weavile G.
Both of these have Psychic Resistance and can't be
Poisoned by Toxicroak's favoured Skuntank G, thus they
stop Toxicroak G from doing anything unless the
Toxicroak player uses some other Poisoner. Another
counter comes in the form of Mewtwo Lv.X (LA), who won't
be effected by Deep Poison due to Mewtwo Lv.X's Poké-Body.
Unfortunately, Dialga G Lv.X (PL) exists, meaning Mewtwo
Lv.X does nothing useful if Dialga G Lv.X is on the
field. The other real counter is a Pokémon who can't be
Poisoned. I know there are some and there have been
some, but I can't remember any off the top of my head at
the moment. Anyway, these Pokémon will only be taking 20
damage from Deep Poison, which will allow you to stall
for a while at least. However, most of these Pokémon
have Poké-Bodies to stop Poison, so say hello to Dialga
G Lv.X again.
Modified: This is quite a good little card. Anticipation
is great since it prevents against all of those popular
effects, and most of all, prevents Take Out, which means
you won't need Unown G for this card, which is great.
Deep Poison needs support to make it work, which isn't a
bad thing really since then, you can use all of the nice
SP support we have at the moment. If I'm honest, I wish
it didn't need quite so much support as it does. At the
moment, Skuntank G is needed to make the card work at
it's best, which then means other SP Pokémon just stop
the card cold. Still, it's a very good card. 4/5
Limited: There are a lot of SP Pokémon here, and if you
do get Toxicroak G and Skuntank G and a Stadium, and get
to use the combo at some point, then you may find it
useful, until your opponent gets out their SP Pokémon,
at which point you will have to change your active, and
that 2 Retreat Cost becomes annoying. 3.25/5 |

Meganium45 |
Just when you thought pokemon could not get any uglier.
My 3 year old HATES the look of this thing. Looks like
an ‘evil frog’. I guess, you could also call it a ‘toxic
toad’, eh?
Now, on to the show…
90 HP basic, weak to psychic. Weak to psychic in this
envio = bad.
2 retreat cost, we can work around, but still not great.
The Pokebody is the same as having an unown G attached.
Not bad. Not bad at all. Won’t stop a power or body from
laying a condition on you, but will stop a lot of the
status attacks we see flying around now.
This little guy is another friend of yesterday’s hero,
Skuntank. The attack states is the defending pokemon is
poisoned, the damage is 20 plus 40, so 60 for 2 (or for
1 with an energy gain!). This really punishes non-SP
decks, and gives the Skuntank SP decks another option
when your Mightyena goes down.
In a mirror match, this becomes one of the worst cards
in your deck, with the weakness, and the inability for
SP Pokemon to poison each other with Skuntank.
All in all, a decent card.
Modified – will go 3.5 out of 5. Happy, but not
Limited – will go 2.5 out of 5. Less happy here.
Only 9 shopping days until States! Have you bought me my
gift yet???
Vince |
2006 National
Champion |
I’m back! You miss me?
More SP Pokemon. Uh oh.
Today’s Pokemon is 90 HP basic psychic type Pokemon with
a 2 retreat cost and a x2 weakness to psychic. We call
this beast of a basic, toxicroak-G.
Toxicroak-G’s is simply a great Pokemon at first glance,
the 2 retreat cost could be a small setback, but a
moonlight stadium could fix that problem in a snap.
Toxicroak-G’s HP is amazing, a 90 HP basic Pokemon that
could be 110 with the help of a Snowpoint temple, I’d
seriously consider playing Snowpoint temple in a deck of
all basic Pokemon.
Now on to the attacks of Toxicroak-G’s attack, a 1
psychic and 1 colorless attack for 20 damage = 40 more
if the defending Pokemon is poisoned , absolutely the
best hitter in this deck, and the poisons not a problem
if you play skuntank (which is highly needed in all SP
decks) and if you play Energy gain (another card you
must play in any SP deck) you have a 1 for 70 attack! (
60 for the attack, another 10 damage for poison).
The Poke-Body of Toxicroak-G is “prevent all effects of
attacks, excluding damage done to toxicoak-G.” A very Ok
Poke-Body in a format when most special conditions are
caused by Poke-Powers or Bodies, but eh, it couldn’t
hurt to have if you come across a rouge special
condition deck.
=0 A
The only thing I haven’t covered now is the weakness, a
x2 psychic weakness will be a burden against a mirror
match, and against a deck that runs Uxie, but if you see
any of those, ether get out weavile-G and pray they
don’t play dusknoir in there deck, or get out dialga-G
levelX and try to do what you can.
Modified: 4.0 This card is definitely playable is a SP
deck, the speed in this card will rush your opponents to
get up fast or lose a quick painful match.
Limited: 3.5 Another good card if you can get cards it
needs to run properly the skuntank and the stadium card,
but if you can get those you’re a winner.
Thank you the guy who does the Pokemon for Pojo (sorry I
can’t remember your name ><) and the rest of the Pojo
team for the birthday wishes!
States is comings people! Prepare!
Winner of a
Stormfront Prerelease |
Toxicroak G (PL40)
Today's card of the day is one of the main hitters in
any G deck, and he also reminds me of a certain muppet.
Toxicroak G has 90 HP, which combines nicely with it's
body to give it quite a bit of staying time. The frog
also has a x2 weakness to Psychic which really hurts
with all of the Psychic decks running around. (Giratina,
Dusknoir, and GG revivals to name a few.) The lack of
resitance is disappointing, but expected, and the two
retreat cost is pretty heavy, but most of the time you
want want to retreat Toxicroak G, you'd rather attack
with it.
Toxicroak's G's Pokebody is Anticipation,which functions
like having a free Unown G attached, blocking Machamp's
Take-Out, Damage counters, and so much more.
Toxicroak's only attack is Deep Poison, which does 20for
one Psychic and one Colorless energy, unless your
opponent is poisoned, in which case it can do a whopping
60 for two energies. Add in Skuntank G and an Energy
Gain,a nd you can easily do 60 on turn one.
Modifed 4.5/5
The weakness is pretty bad in my opinion, but Toxicroak
more then makes up for it with its awesome body and
Limited 4/5
If you can pull this and a Skuntank, use them! Two for
60 is amazing in Limited, espceially coming from a Basic
~KFT |
Pokmeman |
Toxicroak G Lv 40
One of the main weapons in a Galactic deck, with the
ability to do 70 damage for one Psychic energy when
combined with Skuntank G, a Stadium card in play, and
Energy Gain. Of course, that does seem like an awful lot
to obtain for 70 damage, but it is relatively simple
with cards such as Honchkrow G, Roseanne's, and Cyrus
Being a 90 HP basic which isn't affected by effects of
attacks is very good, because it means that Machamp must
hit it twice (once hitting at least two heads on a
Hurricane Punch), ditto for Rampardos, and Pachirisu
can't get rid of the Energy Gain attached to it.
Though its attack is mediocre at best without the other
support cards, it is the fact that it can work with
those very cards that makes it valuable.
One of the better G Pokemon.
4/5 Modified
Keeping in mind that Limited is not my area of
Basic with 90 HP and can't be affected by Special
conditions? Good.
Insufficient attack power without large amount of
support? Bad.
2.5/5 |