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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Palkia G Lv. 78
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.00
Limited: 3.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

Meganium45 |
OK, here is the line I find the most interesting of all
of the SP Pokemon, the Palkia line.
I have reviewed (I think) the level x, but here is the
underling…which has a few things going for him,…and a
few things against.
1st Top/Bottom Stats – 100 HP Basic with a 2 retreat
cost and a weakness to lightning.
Weakness to lightning, still may be OK.
2 Retreat cost is fine, given the first attack.
The attacks, are quite cool.
1st attack 20 for 2 (or 1 with Energy Gain), and switch
Palkia G with a benched Pokemon. What a BRILLIANT attack
to use after you have leveled up!!
2nd attack – 50 for 3 (or 2) plus an auto 10 to each of
your opponent’s benched Pokemon. Like Prinplup but
I can see this little guy working his way into the
following decks – SP, Empoleon 2009, Delcatty/Blasty.
Just has a lot of potential.
This whole Palkia Line may be the MOST overlooked line
in the Platinum set…for now.
Modified…I am going 4/5 here. I have faith in the Blue
Limited…I am going 4/5 here…It has all the attributes I
look for in a limited card!!
There you go! Decide for yourself…Look at the Level X
and make your own decision! |
Pokmeman |
Palkia G Lv 78
Another Big Basic. Too bad it is so overshadowed by its
DP counterpart, Dialga. This card just doesn't quite cut
it. It has good HP, but its attacks let it down. They
are expensive, and lack the ability to perform anything
gamebreaking. It's LvX is good for its power, but seeing
as you are going to want to have quite a few Pokemon on
your bench in a Galactic deck, it is overshadowed there.
Its only real use is to Lv Up into Palkia G LvX, who may
find its way into different sorts of decks like Dusknoir
2/5 Modified
Slightly better in Limited because of its high HP
ability to switch out with its attack.
3/5 Limited. |