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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Dustox Lv. 42
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.75
Limited: 2.33
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Jigglypuff13 |
3/9 Dustox Lv.42 (PL)
The start of a new week brings more COTD's, and we start
with the some persons favourite moth, Dustox! The card
has turned a few heads, but before we get to why, it's
time for the basics of the card. First off, 130 HP on a
Stage 2 is about average at the moment, so should be
able to survive a hit or 2. +30 Fire Weakness might be
quite annoying, but due to the fact that no one knows
what's going to be popular at states (will new Grass
decks be big, so people anti-metagame with Fire, or will
people still play Kingdra and other Water types to make
Fire useless?), the Weakness might hurt or it might be
non-existent in the metagame. I believe it will be the
latter because I can't really remember any Fire Pokémon
that might be used at the moment, other than the new
Blaziken (PL), and maybe people using Infernape based
decks or Magmortar (SW), I don't see many Fire types
really making an impact at the moment, so I'm inclined
to say that the weakness isn't too bad. No Resistance is
something we can gloss over, but no Retreat Cost is just
brilliant, perfect for getting hurt Dustox's back to the
Abilities now, and the reason it turned heads is for the
Poké-Body, Camouflage Pattern. Essentially, you get a
permanent agility effect against Pokémon effected by 2
or more Special Conditions. That is great, but
obviously, you need to be able to get 2 Special
Conditions on your opponents active to be able to make
use of this effect, and only 3 out of the 5 you can do
will have any effect (Poison, Burn and Confuse) since
the others stop them from attacking. There are some easy
ways of doing 2 of these Special Conditions, which I'll
talk about later. The first attack does inflict one of
these Special Conditions. Smogscreen does a meagre 20
for GC, but it also inflicts auto-Poison, so you only
need one more Special Condition to bring Camouflage
Pattern into play, and also gives the usual Smokescreen
effect of making your opponent flip a coin if they try
to attack with their current active during their turn,
with tails meaning fails. I'm not a big fan of
Smokescreen effects, since you can retreat out of it
(and thus, also get rid of Poison), and there's still a
50% chance of being hit anyway. However, it's not too
bad of a secondary attack. The second attack is better.
Chemical Scale uses GCC for 60, which is average.
However, the effect isn't too bad. If the defending
Pokémon has a Poké-Power or Body (which, lets face it,
most Pokémon do nowadays), then you Confuse and Burn
them as well. This means that, in one attack, you have
just activated Camouflage Pattern with one attack.
Still, there are Pokémon who won't be effected by this,
mainly Toxicroak G (PL), Kingdra (LA) and Pokémon with
Unown G (GE) attached, so you will find Chemical Scale
be useless on a large number of Pokémon in the metagame,
so you still need support to get Camouflage Pattern into
So, what are the best ways of inflicting 2 Special
Conditions then? Well, there are 2 good Pokémon with
Poké-Powers that are good for this as far as I can tell.
First, we have Blaziken (PL), who will instantly Burn
your opponents active each turn. It's a Stage 2, which
is quite annoying, but since Dustox it already one as
well, it's manageable. The second is Skuntank G (PL),
who, if you have a Stadium in play, will Poison all
non-SP active Pokémon. There are 3 weaknesses with this
card as far as I can tell. First, you need a Stadium in
play, and people will be playing a lot of counter
Stadiums at the moment due to the popularity of G decks.
Secondly, you will find Dustox Poisoned by this method,
meaning you will need to heal Dustox, unless you want to
lose 10 damage inbetween turns. Thirdly, it doesn't
effect G Pokémon, and since they will be a big part of
the metagame, you won't be able to Poison a lot of the
metagame. Still, they are the best ones with Poké-Powers.
If you after an attack who will inflict Special
Conditions, it might be best to go with Dustox's pal,
Beautifly (PL), who, with enough energies attached, will
happily inflict a lot of Special Conditions. However,
Beautifly deserves it's own deck, so you are best of
using Dustox as a tech in Beautifly decks, rather than
the other way round. There are others that will inflict
a lot of Special Conditions, but none are quite as good
as Beautifly.
Counters, well, first off, there's the obvious one which
is the fact that you can just Retreat out of all of your
Special Conditions, making Camouflage Pattern worthless.
However, if you want to counter this, then you could use
Ariados (MT) or Dugtrio (PL), who can convince your
opponent to keep their active in place. Unfortunately,
neither of these effect cards like Switch, Warp Point,
or Poké-Powers like Teleportation, so those will still
annoy you a lot. Also, Evolving and Leveling Up get rid
of Special Conditions, meaning you can only really use
your Special Conditions against fully evolved Pokémon to
be effective.
Modified: I like the idea of this card, with Camouflage
Pattern seeming like a nice little Poké-Body that can
stop everything, but it's just too easy to get rid of
Special Conditions, which makes Camouflage Pattern
useless. You can stop some of these ways, but most you
can't. The attacks are all right but they are slightly
underpowered, and while the effects are nice, they are
easy to get out of again. It's a nice idea, but I don't
think it will work in practice. won't stop me from try
though! 2.75/5
Limited: If you have a way of inflicting a Special
Condition other than Poison, which can be inflicted by
Smogscreen, then this card will become invincible, since
your opponent is less likely to Retreat and waste
precious energies than normal, and are less likely to
evolve since there are less evolutions here. However,
it's just inflicting the other Special Condition, which
is still quite tough. 3/5 |

Meganium45 |
Not much time today, as we are gearing for States, but
here we go…
Dustox…always a good card, but somehow always falls JUST
short of being a top tier contender. This one is EXACTLY
First…130 HP, Free Retreat, Weakness to Fire….all GREAT
bottom stats. I could live with this. Psychic type, so
all weak to psychic stuff could be in trouble…and
spashable in a grass deck as an interesting twist.
Pokebody…2 special conditions? Really? Talk about
FAILING before you start. This body is so avoidable,
that, well, a new player may fall for it, but any other
player will NEVER get suckered by this Body.
Attacks. Smogscreen for Grass and 1. You poison it, and
then tell it if it stays active it has to flip to
attack. Talk about DEMANDING a retreat or evolve! Not
happy with that. For 2 energy, actually undercosted.
Second attack…60 and if they have a power or body, then
they are burned and confused….this could be VERY
useful…I just wish it was poisoned and burned…but so be
it. Once again, you are FORCING the retreat or evolve.
If it was Paralyzed and burned…man, we may have a TIER 1
card…but we don’t.
Not an SP, so energy gain won’t help.
OK, if you face this thing, play smart and you will be
If you play a high retreat cost deck, this card could
give you fits!
Good news, after round 3, it should be 1-2, so you can
go on about your business without worry any further.
Modified 3/5 A lot of good attributes, no great
Limited..2/5 Getting a stage 2 line is difficult, but
you may be able to pull this off, as NOONE else will
think that this card has been drafted. Then you just
have to get all the pieces out, and you will usually
have lost by then.
See you all VERY soon at a States near you! |

PSC Online
TCG League |
Hey everyone! ^^ Eevee here! Yikes, I haven't done a
review in a while... Well, hopefully I'll be able to get
back into the swing of things starting this week! ^^ And
to start the week off we're reviewing one of those
pokemon you know everyone has raised at least once.
That's right! It's the Hoenn bug, Dustox! Let's look at
it's stats and attacks.
Poke'Body: Camouflage Pattern - Prevent all effects of
an attack, including damage, done to Dustox by your
opponents Pokemon that has 2 or more special conditions.
(G)(C) Smogscreen - 20 damage - The Defending Pokemon is
now poisoned. If the Defending Pokemon tries to attack
during your opponents next turn, your opponent flips a
coin. If tail that attack does nothing.
(G)(C)(C) Chemical Scale - 60 damage - If the Defending
Pokemon has any poke'bodies, the Defending Pokemon is
now Burned and Confused.
Type: Psychic
HP: 130HP
Weakness: Fire, 30+
Resistance and Retreat: None.
Ok, now for the review. First of all it's Poke'Body.
Personally I don't like it at all. It can only come into
effect if you've managed to get at least two special
conditions on your opponents. And as far as I've seen in
the games I've played, that's no easy task. Between
switching, trainers (Double FUll Heal) and d-evolving
it's way to easy to remove the conditions. Unless you
have something in play that prevents the removing of
conditions. Like Heatran Lv.X's ability.
Attack wise it's a little costly of a pokemon to use.
It's first attack, Smogscreen, only does 20 damage for
two energy. I've seen some free attacks do more damage
without the drawback of needing energy. It's secondary
effect is ok tho. Poisoning and causing a 50/50 chance
of landing an attack. It's second attack, Chemical
Scale, isn't too bad. It is a bit high cost for the way
I play but still within range for a 60 daage attack.
Other then causing some pretty heavy damage (enough to
KO most basic and some stage 2's) it also burns and
confuses. Now this one isn't too bad if you combine it
with a stat-removing block like Heatran. It could easily
help you KO a opponents pokemon at least one turn
sooner. Plus having to flip for an attack is nice. AT
least is is when your not the one flipping. ^^'
In all i think this card could possibly work in a deck
if you know how to keep the stats on your opponents
pokemon. Personally tho, I wouldn't use it much. I'd
much rather use the Platinum Beautifly. (Which I
actually pulled two of in my first Platinum pack!)
Modified: 2.5/5
Limited: 2/5 |