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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Roserade GL Lv. 22
Rising Rivals
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.33
Limited: 3.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

MN State
Champion |
Today's card of the day is Roserade GL, another card
from the new Rising Rivals expansion. Let's take a look,
shall we?
For starters, Roserade GL has 80 HP, an average HP
number for SP-Pokemon. that combined with the x2
weakness to Fire ensure that Roserade is, literally,
toast against any Fire Deck, such as the new Arcanine,
and Infernape 4. No resistance is again average, as is
the retreat cost of one. Finally, being a Grass Pokemon
does Roserade GL no favors, since very few Pokemon in
the metagame are weak to grass.
Roserade GL's first attack, Poison Bind costs one
colorless energy and Poisons the defneding Pokemon,
prevents them from retreating, and also does 10 damage.
This attack is nice early game, but, as you can see from
it's next attack, what Roserade GL lacks is stopping
Fianlly, Roserade GL can do 30 damage to a Pokemon for
one Grass and one colorless. Doesn't that sound just
amazing? <-Sarcasm
But, that's not all! If the defending Pokemon is
affected by a special condition, you can do the damage,
instead, to a Pokemon on a bench.
Modified 2/5
Roserade won't last in this format, dealing at max 30
damage a turn, not including Poison, which they'll
retreat from the minute you finish using Poison Bind. It
could be comboed with several other poison causing
cards, but why bother? Roserade will find it's place in
many binders rather then decks.
Limited 3/5
There's a lot of special conditions in here, such as the
entire Snorlax line (which I ran at my PR, Snorlax FTW!),
so you can punish your opponent for falling asleep, and
any sniping you can get will be well worth it.
~KFT |

PSC Online
TCG League |
Hey! ^^ Hope you had a great weekend!
Hey everyone! Welcome back to COTD! I'm back this week
to review Roserade GL! One of the new SP-GL Pokemon!
It's a blast from the past with our trainer Pokemon!
(yeah, my first card was a Lt.Surges Spearow XD) Anyway,
back on task, ^^' Let's get this review started!
(C) Poison Bind - 10 Damage - The defending Pokemon is
now Poisoned and can't retreat during your opponent's
next turn.
(Gs)(C) Long Whip - 30 Damage - If the defending Pokemon
is affected by any special condition, you may do 30
damage to any 1 Benched Pokemon instead. (Don't apply
weakness or resistance for Benched Pokemon.)
Type: Grass
Stage: Basic (SP-GL)
HP: 80HP
Weakness: x2 to Fire
Resistance: None
Retreat: (C)
Ok, review time! First up, no bodies/powers. As always,
not good but not bad either. It's all in your play
style. Next is it's Stats. An evolved basic is always
nice, higher HP and faster set up. Unfortunately it's
also highly cobusken-able. (XD) Yeah, x2 to fire. Not
good when more and more people are trying to meta-game
sweet little Shaymin. Tho I doubt many of them are
thinking it's sweet when it's dealing out 70-130 damage
every other turn. ^^' Anyway, it's weakness may prove to
be a problem; especially with the new Inferape 4 LvX
('tis a basic! =O) It's HP isn't bad for a SP Pokemon,
tho it's weakness will make it an easy OHKO for several
fire Pokemon. Bubble Coat could help it here however. No
resistance is one of those things that no one in their
right mind would enjoy. (Unless you're up against the PT
Beautifly of course) And of course it's retreat, not
bad, tho if you play Flygon from RR or Dawn Stadium with
it you could have a free retreat.
Now let's look at the attacks. First up is Poison Bind.
Not a bad effect, tho the initial damage is pitiful. It
could combo well with a G-deck tho. It's next attack is
Long Whip. For 1 grass and 1 colorless this attack isn't
bad. It would work really well with Poison Bind or in a
G-deck. If you've got your opponent under any specials
you can do 30 to a bench instead of an active. Great for
those hold outs that are waiting for a Poke Healer + to
come along.
In all I'd say this card is worth a look over. It'd work
great in any Stat-deck, namely Galactic since there are
so many SP Pokemon now. (tho we'll just have to wait and
see the rest of the RR card list) Watch out for it's
weakness tho. That could cause some major problems in
the future.
Modified: 3.5/5
Limited: 3.8/5
Cath 'ya later! ;D
~Eevee |
Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Roserade GL
Just got back from Prereleases, which means I actually
had the chance to try some of the cards we are reviewing
this week. If you went I hope you all got the cards you
Roserade GL gives SP decks a Grass Pokémon to play with,
but is it any good? The first attack is a nice
auto-poison, no Retreat and 10 damage for [C]. Not bad
at all, but not exactly game-winning. The second attack
does 30 for [G] [C] and, if the Defending Pokémon is
affected by a Status Condition, lets you do the Damage
to a Benched Pokémon.
I can see the second attack working with Skuntank G’s
Poison Structure to let you KO an already damaged
Pokémon on the Bench. The only thing is that SP decks
already have Honchkrow G, which can snipe damaged
Pokémon for 40. In my opinion, Roserade falls just short
of being useful because its maximum damage is too low.
Grass type isn’t the best at the moment, as very few
playable Pokémon are weak to it (Rampardos and . . .
ummmm . . . .). At the same time, there are a lot of
good Fire Pokémon in Rising Rivals (like Infernape 4 and
Arcanine) which will have no trouble KOing Roserade in
one hit.
Modified: 1.5 (too weak to be really useful)
Limited: 2 (nice first attack, but the set is full of
Fire Pokémon) |