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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Volkner's Philosophy
Rising Rivals
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.17
Limited: 4.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

MN State
Champion |
Today's card of the day will be a welcome change from
the long string of Pokemon we've had so far. That's
right, it's the one previewed Supporter card, Volkner's
Not much to say here, but Volkner's lets you optionally
discard a card from your hand to draw until you have six
cards in your hand. Once Claydol is rotated out (of it
is), hands will get a lot smaller with just Uxie to rely
on, so this card can be come really good. But the
downside is, that you may end up only drawing one card.
Modifed 3/5
Don't throw away your Professor OAk's Visits yet, after
Battle Roads, we'll see how this works.
Limited 4/5
In Limited, small ahnds rule, so Volkner's can get you a
lot of cards, unfortunately, as I learned when I was at
my PR, two Volkner's plus multiple uses of Snorlax Lv.
X's Poke-Power make your deck run out pretty fast.
That's all that there is to prevent a five.
~KFT |
Steel_Winger |
Welcome back to Pojo's COTD! Today's card is one that I
was personally hyped about when I found out about it:
Volkner's Philosophy!
(Just what does that guy think about besides the
apparent lack of Pokemon trainers that can give him a
good match?)
Volkner's Philosophy, like the ever-popular Claydol (GE)
allows you to draw cards until you get six in your hand.
Unlike Claydol, however, you can discard only one card
instead of up to two, and that card goes to the discard
pile instead of the bottom of your deck.
So, where are its uses? To me, it's best in the early
game. You can get rid of a card that you feel you don't
need and instantly replinish your hand. It's not a
PokePower like Claydol's Cosmic Power is, so no worries
about getting Power Sprayed. (Not like many people spray
Claydol a lot...) Also, if you discarded a Pokemon or an
energy, you can alwats get it back with Pokemon Rescue,
Energy Restore, Night Maintenance, Time-Space
Distortion, and some others depending on what you
It also makes the PERFECT topdeck against those decks
that force you to deplete your hand. I'm looking at you
two, Absol (SE) and Emploeon LV.X (DP).
Will it see use? Probably by an average amount. Hand
sizes in the Pokemon TCG tend to be rather large half of
the time with all the draw power in this game, and most
of it isn't held back to a specific theme. But if you
are in need of options and don't mind getting rid of
something you probably don't need, I suggest trying this
out. I am.
Modified: 3.5/5 Pretty useful in a low hand size
Limited: 4.5/5 It is here, however, where this card
really shines.
This is Steel_Winger, signing off 'till next time! |
Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Volkner’s Philosophy
Claydol in Supporter form! (And we all know how useful
Claydol is!)
Since we lost TV Reporter and Steven’s Advice in the
last Rotation, there hasn’t been any really good draw
Supporter. Volkner’s Philosophy is not nearly as good as
Steven’s Advice but for the moment it is the best that
we have.
Being able to discard a card before drawing (but only if
you want to!) is a real bonus for decks like Tyranitar
SF, Regigigas LA, and Blastoise/Delcatty PL, because
they can make good use of discarded Energy to power up
their attacks. With so many decks using Power Spray and
Mesprit LA to lock Powers that are used for drawing (Uxie
LA and Claydol), it’s good to have a Supporter that can
be used to fill the hand again. It is also a nice
counter to any hand disruption decks that use cards like
Absol SW and Giratina to reduce hand sizes.
I can see Volkner’s replacing Professor Oak’s Visit as
the default draw Supporter in a lot of decks.
Modified: 3 (solid Supporter draw)
Limited: 5 (ANY draw is good here . . . even Mom’s