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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Mamoswine GL Lv. 61
Rising Rivals
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.00
Limited: 1.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Jigglypuff13 |
Name: Mamoswine GL Lv. 61
Set: Rising Rivals
Rarity: Rare
HP: (100) - Pretty good for an SP Pokemon
Weakness/Resistance: (Metal x2/Lightning -20) - This
feels weird, but you actually have to say that a Metal
weakness might be something to worry about these days.
The Lightning resistance is very good, especially on a
water Pokemon.
Retreat Cost: (4) - Very not good. Even epically not
good. Terrible. Etc.
Poke-BODY: (Icy Aura) - This is the one redeeming
quality of this card. Of course you will fight decks
with water stuff in it once in awhile (Kingdra, Floatzel
GL Lv. X, Palkia G Lv. X...) but this is a good ability
to have to discourage warp pointing. Your opponents will
likely have to put into account an extra ten damage if
they warp point and can't do 100 damage.
Attack #1: (Avalanche) - Pretty flipping average.
Seriously though, it's flippy. 60 damage is decent for 2
energy, but Palkia obviously is a better choice to
attack because it has an automatic spread.
Final Thoughts: Well it has good things (100 HP,
Lightning resistance, Icy Aura) and bad things (4
Retreat Cost, weakness to Metal, and average attack).
This will probably only make decks as a tech for its
lightning resistance, and the body also does not hurt.
It can be a good wall with the 100 HP and the damaging
Icy Aura. This could be a pretty good setup staller for
Floatzel G, but I obviously haven't tested anything out
Modified: Not something to build around. It's something
to build around something else. 1ish per deck if you do
use it in a water, etc deck. (2.5/5)
Limited: The body it really nice in the format, but the
attack and retreat cost is terrible. Oh, and everyone
puts metal in their deck because they are abundant in
this set. (2/5) |
Alexander Stewart |
If you haven’t noticed I am new to the Card of the day
section. I will just say a few things about myself. My
name is Alexander Stewart; I am from Edmonton Alberta
Canada. This is my 4th year in Pokémon and
this has been a great year for me. Winning two City
championships (Both Undefeated) with Duskzong and
Machamp. And winning provincial championships with
Machamp. My friends and I created a Team named “Team
Grade A” we don’t really know why we called it that but
I got an A on a paper that day. Team Grade A is focused
on improving above average players into absolute insane
players that when an opponent hears that they are facing
them they immediately start to freak out asking there
friends things like “What deck are they playing” or
“Please tell me that’s a mistake” yes I have actually
heard people say stuff like that. I am Dr.empoleon on
Pokebeach forums, as well as my friends are on pokebeach
forums they are: Dr4g0n and Aron*. I focus more on
perfecting decks rather then “Teching” in cards to beat
specific decks. That’s why I have accomplished so much
early on in the season. So now that you know a little
about me I will get onto my first card on the Card of
the day selection which is… Mamoswine GL
Ok looking at this card you immediately notice that is a
SP Pokémon. This means it has large amounts of support
now that the format has moved into the SP era. Some
support may include Energy Gain, Power Spray, and Poke
turn. There are also new ones from the new set “Rising
Rivals” which are Flint’s Willpower, Berthas Warmth,
Aaron’s collection, Lucian’s Assignment, SP radar and
Team Galactic’s invention G-107 Technical Machine G. All
of these cards are specifically used to support the SP
Pokémon; So Mamoswine GL has a lot of support.
Hit points (HP): 100
This is pretty basic for an SP Pokémon, no point
explaining this further.
Poke-body: This Poke-Body is actually
pretty interesting, only because it puts 1 damage
counter on each active Pokémon that are not water
Pokémon. This actually helps in the Gengar Matchup;
Because Gengar can only activate its poke-power when it
is knocked out by attacks. Mamoswine GL might possibly
become a tech to beat Gengar, sure you have to hit the
opponent for 100 then some how send in Mamo GL to KO the
Gengar. But you are all smart people I’m sure you will
find a way.
Attack (s): Avalanche
This attack even with energy gain is totally not worth
it. For 3 energy (With energy gain) it does a measly 60
damage and a possible 10 bench snipe. In a format with
attacks with 1-2 energy to start hitting for endless
amounts of damage (Machamp) I think wasting your time on
charging up this puppy will just be wasted for a very
small amount of damage. Really not worth it.
Weakness & Resistance
Mamo GL has a x2 Weakness to Metal which would cause it
fail against Dialga G.
And its Resistance -20 to lighting could come in handy
against the new Luxray GL LVX.
Retreat Cost
Nope… four to retreat is crazy. Note to self… have a
switch, Warp point or poke turn before trying to KO a
Modified: 2/5
Limited: 1/5 (Way too much to attack) |
Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Mamoswine GL
Mamoswine is a classic example of a card that is similar
to, but nowhere near as good, as one we have already. In
this case, the card it is inferior to is Palkia G, one
of the most popular cards of the last set.
Mamoswine’s Icy Aura PokeBody is pretty good, putting a
damage counter on all non-Water Pokémon between turns
when it is active. Because this happens after your
opponent’s turn as well, the damage can soon stack up.
Being an SP Pokémon, the Body isn’t shut down by Dialga
G LV X either. 100 HP should keep it around for a turn
or two.
Unfortunately, Mamoswine has a X2 Weakness to Metal,
making it a very easy KO for Dialga G. While Resistance
to Lightning is nice, most Lightning decks will be
playing the new Sunnyshore Gym card which cancels
Resistance to Electric attacks. The Retreat cost of 4
is, of course, absolutely horrible.
What really hurts Mamoswine, though, is that it only has
one very costly attack. Avalanche does 60 Damage and
spreads 10 to the Bench for [W] [W][C] [C]. Even with
Energy Gain, it will take you 3 turns to get an attack
from Mamoswine. When you consider that Palkia G can do
50 + 10 spread for [W][C][C], has a decent first attack,
and an awesome LV X then . . . well, there is very
little reason to be playing Mamoswine.
Modified: 1 (just play Palkia G)
Limited: 2 (IF you can get the Energy on it, it could
win you the game) |
Steel_Winger |
We're back with another COTD!
Today we look at Mamoswine GL... This card, for some odd
reason, gave me a thorough beating in Round 3 of the
Prerelease I went to.
Let's examine the card itself. Mamoswine GL has 100 HP,
which is great on a basic Pokemon; it's right up there
with some of the larger Legendaries. A x2 weakness to
Metal-type Pokemon is bad news if Dialga G shows up,
it'll only take 5 Deafen attacks to KO it. But not many
other Metal-type Pokemon see play anywhere near as
often, so it's fine for the most part. Mamoswine GL,
like me, believes that Lightning-types will see a major
surge in playability, so it prepares for it with a -20
Lightning Resistance. It's Retreat Cost is 4... What!? I
have to discard 4 energies to retreat this thing!? Note
to self: Use Switch. Or Warp Point. Or Warp Energy. Or
even Poke Turn; it is an SP Pokemon after all.
But the big-bodied Pokemon has a Poke-Body: Icy Aura
does 10 damage to every Active Pokemon that isn't a
Water-type between turns... as long as Mamoswine GL is
your Active Pokemon. Oh, why does Mamoswine have to be
active for it to be in effect? This would've been so
useful much more useful otherwise if it could activate
on the bench as well. And it doesn't help if your
opponent uses a lot of Water Pokemon like Kingdra and
Blastoise. Well, at least it helps you do damage while
you charge up its attack...
Avalanche: 2 Water Energies and 2 other Energies for 60
damage is a bit overpriced. Well, it can be reduced by
one energy due to Energy Gain. Also, you can do 10 to
everyone to the opponent's bench, but you have to flip a
coin. I'm not a big fan of flipping coins. The attack
itself can do a bit more damage, but we've seen worse.
Much worse. I'm looking at you, Steelix GL.
(Steelix GL lets loose a deep growl at Steel_Winger.)
But it's true! Come on, your damage on the flip hurts
more than your initial damage!
I've realized a combo while typing this review: pair
Mamoswine GL up with Skuntank G. With its Poke-Power and
Mamoswine GL's Poke-Body you'll be doing an optimal 20
damage between every turn. Of course, you need a Stadium
to get it going; I suggest Lake Boundary since Mamoswine
GL has a x2 Weakness anyway, or Dawn Stadium for some
minor healing if you need to charge it up. The combo can
be affected, however; if your opponent's active is an SP
Pokemon, then it's not getting Poisoned by Skuntank G.
If the opponent's active is a Water-type, then it's not
getting damaged by Mamoswine GL's Icy Aura. So don't
attempt this against Water-type SP Pokemon.
Modified: 2/5 Even with Icy Aura, Mamoswine is too slow
to make any real impact.
Limited: 2.5/5 It's not much better here.
This is Steel_Winger, until next time!