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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Mismagius GL Lv. 26
Rising Rivals
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.00
Limited: 2.33
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Jigglypuff13 |
5/14 Mismagius GL Lv.26 (RR)
Hello everyone, and welcome to Thursday and the day of
Mismagius GL from the new set, Rising Rivals! Rather
than go on about nothing in particular, I thought I'd
just go straight into the basics of the card, starting
with it's 80 HP. Maybe it's just me, but I think that's
slightly lower than the average for an SP card at the
moment. It might only be by 10 HP, but than 10 HP can
make all the difference, so I'm not a fan of it. x2
Weakness to Dark isn't great either, thanks to Weavile
(SW) existing (now selfish of it), and the inclusion of
Shiftry in RR. -20 Colorless Resistance is nice against
Flygon from RR, but probably not enough to save it. 1
Retreat Cost is about average, but if you really don't
want to pay anything, you could always try Moonlight
Abilities now, and I'll start off with Psychic Removal.
P for 10 is the sort of thing you'd see in the Base Set
days. It wasn't good then and it isn't good now.
However, the effect is quite interesting. You get to
flip 2 coins. If both are heads, you discard all
energies attached to the Defending Pokémon. 25% chance
of Discarding energies. Even if it is only for 1 energy,
it still isn't that good. If it was a 50% chance of
Discard 1 energy, it might have been better, but this?
It's way too risky to even consider relying on. It's
nice if it works, but if it doesn't, it's horrible. You
can't even use Energy Gain for this attack.
Grudge is maybe slightly better. PC (or P with Energy
Gain attached) for 20 isn't a good start, but the extra
10 for each prize your opponent has taken is a nice
effect. It's sort of like a cheaper, weaker version of
Dusknoir (DP)'s Hard Feelings attack. I suppose it'd be
nice late game, dealing 70 for P and Energy Gain, but
it's too weak to really make full use of it. Dusknoir
had the HP to really be able to abuse it's attack late
game and possible even take a prize or two. With
Mismagius GL, I feel as though you'd be lucky to even be
able to attack with it twice late game, since 80 HP is
too easy to OHKO.
So, what do you combo this card with. Well, first of
all, there really is no way of using the horrible first
attack, so I'll skip over that to the combos for Grudge.
We have a couple of suiciders in this format, both of
which are quite nice so could both be used. First, we
have Electrode (SW), who can KO itself a do 100 damage
and become an energy, all at the same time, powering up
Mismagius GL in two ways. However, it doesn't help with
the slightly low maximum power of Grudge though.
Electrode G (RR), on the over hand, does. For L, it
blows itself up and does 20 to each of your opponents
Pokémon. Not only does it increase Grudge's attack power
by 10, it also means Mismagius GL will need to deal 20
less damage to KO something, which is great if you can
get them down to having a maximum of 70 HP left on all
(or any) of their Pokémon. To get over the low maximum
HP problem, Mismagius GL Lv.X (RR) is the perfect
solution, increasing it to a massive, er, 100 HP. OK, so
it isn't that massive, but it's better than before,
So, what are this card's counters? Well, any Dark or
Psychic Resistant Pokémon will ruin Mismasgius GL's day,
either OHKOing it or annoying it and reducing Mismagius
GL's damage output due to Resistance. Either works
equally fine. Weavile (SW) is a fine tech for if you
feel as though Mismagius GL will give you problems,
though it really shouldn't. To be honest, so long as you
keep a Pokémon that can deal 80 or 100 (or 120 thanks to
Snowpoint Temple and the Lv.X version) damage in one go
alive with at least 80 HP remaining, Mismagius GL
shouldn't be a problem. Another counter, is giving your
opponent a double tailed (is that the right term?) coin
so Psychic Removal won't work. However, I will advise
against this second counter since it would be likely to
get you kicked out of the tournament due to cheating.
Modified: Yeah, I'd recommend staying away from this
card. 80 HP on a revenge attack is too low, even if it
is an SP (and can be boosted by Snowpoint Temple and
it's Lv.X), the revenge attack is a bit weak, and
Psychic Removal is just pointless. I suppose it has
potential, I suppose there is something about it that
screams to be abused, but it won't be abused this
format, I can tell you that already. Probably. 1.5/5
Limited: Grudge becomes even worse here. PC for a
maximum of 50 isn't great, so other picks would be
better. Psychic Removal is still bad, but if you can
pull it off, might turn a game around for you. I still
don't think it's good, even here. 1.75/5 |
Arbok14 |
Name: Mismagius GL Lv. 26
Set: Rising Rivals
Rarity: Rare Holo
HP: (80) - Pretty average for SP.
Weakness/Resistance: (Darkness x2/Normal -20) - Darkness
is not something to fret over, and the resistance to
colorless is awesome, especially considering the looming
beast of Flygon. Oh, but the Flygon can still do 130
damage to it, since yo ushould be playing this as the
level X. Its bottom stats also don't change for the
level X.
Retreat Cost: (1) - Not bad at all.
Attack #1: (Psychic Removal) - Maybe good on like the
first turn. Maybe?
Attack #2: (Grudge) - This is a nice attack for as the
game gets longer. For 1 energy, you can't get any
better. Well, you can, but not on this card.
Final Thoughts: This card will probably see a bunch of
play, especially if the Lv. X catches on, which it
probably will. I mean, this is a pretty average card,
but the level X makes it more than just remotely
Modified: Play with the Lv. X and never alone. (2.5/5)
Limited: Pretty good in this format, because it has a
cheap retreat cost and cheap attacks. (4/5) |
Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Mismagius GL
If your feeling lucky, Mismagius GL is a great card.
Imagine discarding all those Special Metals from Dialga
G, or leaving a fully powered up Tyranitar Energyless.
That’s a really big if though. Needing to flip 2 heads
to get the effect of the first attack (Psychic Removal)
makes Mismagius far too unreliable. The second attack is
better: Grudge does 20 plus 10 for each prize card your
opponent has taken, possibly giving a way back in to a
match if the opponent gets a good head start on Prizes.
Ghost types are pretty good right now, as they can hit
Psychic Pokémon like Gallade 4 and Toxicroak G for X2
Weakness without being vulnerable to a return KO from
one of those Pokémon.
In the end, though, Mismagius GL is too luck-based and
situational to be worth a place in most competitive
Modified: 2 (might just work as a tech, but there are
better options)
Limited: 2 (not much better here, the second attack is
even weaker as there are only 4 Prizes in Limited) |
Steel_Winger |
Welcome back once again to Pojo.com's Pokemon COTD!
Today we're looking at Mismagius GL, a Psychic-type SP
Pokemon wielded by Fantina. Let's see... Mismagius GL
has 80 HP, which appears to be average for SP basics at
the moment. It also has a x2 Weakness to Dark-type
Pokemon. Besides Mightyena (PT), Sableye (SF), and
Tyranitar (SF), not a lot of other Pokemon currently
played are Dark-type. Unless you throw in Weavile (SW)
who can turn any of its allies into a Dark-type.
Mismagius would certainly be in trouble then. It also
has a Resistance: -20 to Colorless Pokemon. The new
Snorlaxes from Rising Rivals may see a bit of play, and
people still play with Garchomp LV. X (MD) and Regigigas
(SF). A retreat cost of 1 is average, and it can be
reduced to 0 by way of Moonlight Stadium.
Mismagius GL doesn't have any Poke-Powers of Poke-Bodies
(fortunately and unfortunately), but it does have two
attacks, the first one being Psychic Removal. For one
Psychic Energy, you do 10 damage which is average. You
also get to flip 2 coins, and if BOTH are heads, the
Defending Pokemon is stripped of its attached energy.
Not a bad effect.
Now what are the chances of this actually happening?
Not worth it if it's something you're actually trying to
It's second attack, Grudge, inflicts a base 20 damage
for a Psychic Energy and another Energy of your choice.
If your opponent has taken any prize cards, add an extra
10 damage for each one. So this can reach a maximum of
70 damage for only 2 Energy. Not bad for a late-game
attack and your opponent is close to winning, but
Mismagius probably won't survive long enough to use it a
lot. Well, there's Poke Turn to get it back to the hand
when it's almost KOed, and Energy Gain reduces Grudge's
cost by one. Still, use it as a late-game attack.
Here's a combo: Do you know of Unown [N] (SW)? (Yes,
there are other Unowns besides [G] and [Z]). It's
Poke-Power, NOD, gives your opponent the option of
letting you take a Prize card. If they let you, then
they can take a Prize card themselves (powering up
Mismagius GL's Grudge attack in the process). If they
don't let you, then you can draw a card from your deck.
Mismagius GL makes that decision a bit harder for them.
Modified: 2/5 Psychic Removal is nice, but the low
possibility of stripping away the opponent's energy
lessens its appeal.
Limited: 2.5/5 Lots of Pokemon have high-energy attacks
here, so you can possibly get one off while they're
This is Steel_Winger, 'till next time!