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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Arcanine Lv. 53
Rising Rivals
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.50
Limited: 3.90
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Pokmeman |
Arcanine Lv 53
I'm back after a bit of a hiatus because of heavy
workload at school. Hopefully I'll be doing reviews more
often from now.
On to the card. It has good HP with 100, though it's not
spectacular, it's workable, because there will need to
have been two deafens and a Crobat G before Second
strike can get the knockout.
The Poke-body is quite useful, avoiding extra damage
from Palkia G, Blastoise, and Abomasnow, though again,
nothing spectacular.
It's first attack is reasonable considering the cost,
though burning yourself can really hurt if you roll two
tails. The additional damage allows for a One-hit KO on
Dialga G or Dialga G LvX (Without any special Metal
Energy), so the first attack is decent.
The second attack is quite good in my eyes with it being
able to hit for 150 damage (Unlikely, but it is the
upside). It can also make good use of the new Upper
Energy. I like this card overall, but I don't know if it
will see too much play due to it being only “good”.
3.5/5 Modified.
I consider 3 average, and like I said before, I like
this card, I see it as possibly seeing some play, but it
will not be a metagame – changing card.
4/5 Limited.
It has good attacks which do not need significant
investment of energy type, though it may be tough to
maintain Flames of rage. |

Steel_Winger |
Welcome back to a new week of Pokemon COTD!
Today's card is the new Arcanine from Rising Rivals.
First off, it's a Stage 1 with 100 HP. That's really
great on a Stage 1, even considering that's as far as
Arcanine goes. However, it has a +20 Weakness to
Water-type Pokemon. Kingdra, Blastoise, and Palkia G LV.
X should all have fun KOing this guy. Arcanine has no
Resistance to speak of, and its Retreat Cost of 2 is one
more than what people would prefer.
Arcanine does have a Poke-Body though: Flare Condition
eliminates Arcanine's Weakness if it has any Fire Energy
attached to it (and it should). Water-types will have to
put a bit more effort into defeating it.
Arcanine has 2 attacks. First: Burn out, which does 30
damage for a Fire Energy and another Energy of choice.
However, you can do an additional 30 damage but Arcanine
is burned afterwards if you do. (A Fire-Type burning
itself? Very odd.) It's not a bad attack in my opinion.
The chance you take Burn damage is 50/50, but that's
upped to 100% if you face off against Heatran LV. X
(LA). So don't do the extra damage if you really don't
want to take the extra damage.
... Actually, the card was designed to make you WANT to
take the possible extra damage from burning yourself:
Arcanine's second attack, Flames of Rage (I like the
sound of that) needs one Fire Energy and two other
energies of choice to execute. Now, discard an attached
Fire Energy from Arcanine to do 60 damage plus 10 more
damage for every damage counter on Arcanine. If Arcanine
is just 10 damage short of being KOed, it'll reach its
max potential of 150 damage. Very few Pokemon can
survive such an attack unaided. But you know, if that
Fire Energy you discarded from Arcanine was the ONLY
Fire Energy on it, Arcanine will regain its +20 Water
Weakness. I think you'll be able to do good damage
whether or not the attack is powered up or not.
Combos? Xatu (SW) can take the Burned condition away
from Arcanine and place it on the opponent's Active
Modified: 3.5/5 Shaymin has another reason to be scared.
It can get pretty good KOs on all kinds of Pokemon under
the right conditions.
Limited: 4/5 It's even better here, Pokemon that attempt
to KO Arcanine will easily bite off more than they can
This is Steel_Winger, until next time! |
Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
This is a card that definitely will feature in its own
deck. We will have to wait and see how good that deck
will be.
Flare Condition is a more than useful PokeBody, which
cancels Arcanine’s Water weakness if it has a Fire
Energy attached. At last, a Fire Pokémon that isn’t
going to be destroyed by Kingdra!
The first attack, Burn Out, CAN do 60 for [R][C]. This
makes it a fast, cheap attack (that can OHKO a Dialga
G), but it comes with the drawback that Arcanine
inflicts Burn on itself (which is pretty careless when
you think about it). That drawback can be a benefit,
though, when you look at the second attack, Flames of
Rage. For [R][C][C], and a discarded Fire Energy,
Arcanine does 60 + 10 more damage for each damage
counter on it. Get tails on a couple of burn flips, and
Arcanine is soon doing 100 Damage and your opponent is
going to be reluctant to use any attack on Arcanine
which can’t KO it in one hit. You could even combo it
with Pokémon that damage your own bench like Luxray GL
LV X or Zapdos MD.
Arcanine’s Basic form, Growlithe RR is a very good Basic
too, with 70 HP and an Energy accelerating attack. This,
plus the new Upper Energy card, means that it is not
difficult to get Arcanine doing big damage quickly.
There are a few downsides to the card, though. The
Retreat cost of 2 for both Arcanine and Growlithe is
expensive, and any card which self-damages is vulnerable
to OHKOs. It’s a good counter to Dialga G based decks,
but it may well be too fragile to stand up to the rest
of the metagame.
Modified: 3.5 (Makes for a powerful rush deck, but lacks
staying power)
Limited: 3.5 (A stage 1 that can hit hard is very useful
here) |