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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Bastiodon GL Lv.41
Rising Rivals
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.00
Limited: 1.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Jigglypuff13 |
5/19 Bastiodon GL Lv.41 (RR)
Hello, and the week of Rising Rivals cards continues
this week with the new Bastiodon GL! Now, I will say
this. If you don't like very reviews that are straight
up and very harsh, I suggest you look away now. Now we
only have people who like harsh, very critical reviews
reading this, I'll continue. I'll start with the basics
of this card, and 90 HP on an SP Pokémon seems to be
quite good really, so should be able to survive a hit or
two. x2 Fire Weakness probably won't be that important,
with very few good Fire Pokémon around (Arcanine (RR),
reviewed yesterday, maybe, otherwise, I can't see any
many being played). -20 Psychic Resistance is nice
though, with a lot of good and well played Pokémon being
Psychic. 3 Retreat Cost is a bit steep. I know it's a
Metal Pokémon, and they all have high Retreat Costs, but
it's still too much. Also, it's an SP Pokémon, in case
you haven't already guessed, so you get all of the nice
SP support.
However, the attacks are where this card really fall
down. I'll start with Bounce Back. MCC (or MC with
Energy Gain attached) for 30 is a really bad start. To
make it even slightly worth it in this day and age,
you'd need to be doing at least 40 damage for that cost.
However, it does have an effect. It forces your opponent
to switch their active with a benched Pokémon. OK,
that's mildly disruptive, but if they have even at least
1 good Pokémon to put active in this situation (another
main attacker, a free retreater or even Palkia Lv.X
(GE)), then it's not going to effect them at all, and
maybe even help them. Really, it's not going to do
enough damage or disruptive your opponent enough to even
Smack Attack isn't much better (and neither are the
attack names). MCCC (or MCC with Energy Gain attached)
for 60 isn't too bad I suppose, and I could live with it
if it has a good effect. Unfortunately, I can't say that
it does. For all those energies and that low damage
output, all you get to do is remove 1 damage counter
from Bastiodon GL. 2 damage counters, and you may have
had enough to make a half decent stall deck. 1, though,
makes it kind of useless. The attack does so little,
that it really isn't worth the energy used for it.
Combos, well, I suppose you could make some sort of
stall deck with it, using this (obviously), Special
Metals and healing cards. Energy Gain is an option, but
I'd prefer to use Unown G (GE) instead, so I don't get
donked (or OHKOed) by Machamp (SF) every turn. However,
4 energies for the attack and only 90 HP really don't
work for a stall deck. There are other options for this
sort of deck, and almost all of them are better.
However, stall decks aren't really that viable at the
moment, so they all kind of fail, so this one fails even
Counters, and so long as you can withstand it's
"massive" 60 damage attack and slight annoyance from
Bounce Back, then you are set. It might take a little
time to KO due to Special Metals and it's slight
healing, but it won't cause many decks much trouble. Or
Modified: Yeah, it's not good. The attacks cost too
much, the damage output is too low, and the effects of
them are all rubbish. If it cost less energy to attack,
or had more powerful effects or did more damage, any one
of them, it would get something more than a 1. However,
it doesn't. It's useless, and if you get this card in a
pack, you'll have the brief joy of pulling a holo,
followed by the massive disapointment of seeing how bad
the card is. Don't play it, and sorry if you get it in a
pack. 1/5
Limited: Slightly better here, I suppose, but still not
worth it. It still requires too many energies to attack,
and the effects and damage are still to weak. However,
90 HP and possible Special Metals do make it a slight
tank, especially if you also get Bertha's Warmth and are
actually able to use Smack attack. However, most other
cards you pull are going to be better, and more worth
the deck space. 1.5/5 |
Pokmeman |
Bastiodon GL
This is a pretty weak card. Even with Energy Gain, it
still needs two energy for it's first attack, and three
for it's second. The attacks aren't significant and this
card does nothing to enhance already powerful G decks.
There are simply far better cards available.
1/5 Modified
I truly believe that this card will not see play.
1.5/5 Limited
This card is only marginally better here. Still, there
are much better options. |
Steel_Winger |
Welcome back to the Pokemon COTD!
Today we look at Bastiodon GL, Byron's signature Pokemon
from the games. On to the basics: 90 HP on a basic is
about average on a basic SP Pokemon. It's Metal-typing
gives it a x2 Weakness to Fire-type Pokemon, which
aren't widespread a the moment, but that could change. A
-20 Psychic Resistance is common to most Metal-types,
and it really helps against popular ones like Gallade 4.
It has a hefty retreat cost of 3, if you want to
retreat, you should use Switch/Warp Point/Warp Energy.
Bastiodon GL has no Poke-Powers of Poke-Bodies, but it
comes with 2 somewhat overpriced attacks. Bounce Back,
for a Metal Energy and 2 other energies of choice, does
a measly 30 damage and forces the opponent to switch
his/her active for another Pokemon. Good thing Energy
Gain can reduce this attack's cost by 1. Opponents can
bounce back (no pun on the attack, I promise) from this
effect by using Switch and Warp Point. Unless they
decide to switch in another main attacker... in which
case, they'll promptly proceed to beat face.
The second attack, Smash Attack needs one Metal Energy
and 3 other energies of choice for 60 damage. WAY too
overpriced, even for the minor 10 damage healing on
Bastiodon GL. Sure Energy Gain can reduce the cost from
4 to 3, but to take so long powering up mediocre
attacks... consider yourself really lucky if you
actually get to excecute this attack.
If I were to play this card (and I have no idea why it's
a rare-holo), this would not be the first Pokemon I play
Active. Machamp could wreck it to pieces before it gets
even halfway charged up. Bastiodon has horrible speed in
the games, and its TCG counterpart is no different.
Modified: 1.5/5 Overpriced attacks + mediocre damage +
not-so-good effects = something that's destined to
shine... in the trade binder. Not many Pokemon are even
weak to Metal-type Pokemon, the only one of note being
Weavile (SW).
Limited: 2.5/5 It could be a bit better here. Most
people are going to try to attach a lot of energy to
their Pokemon when they attack, and Bastiodon can
probably cause a little trouble. Just mind the few
Fire-types you come across in Rising Rivals-- like
yesterday's card.
This... is... SPARTAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! (Sorry, couldn't
resist something different... This is Steel_Winger,
until next time!) |
Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Bastiodon GL
Well, the good news is that, as a Metal type SP Pokémon,
Bastiodon benefits from all the SP Pokémon Support, and
can reduce damage with Special Metal Energy. The bad
news is that no-one would want to use any of it on
90 HP is ok, but nothing special for an SP Basic.
Resistance to Psychic is nice, but Fire Weakness is
becoming a problem again with the release of Infernape
4, Houndoom G, and Arcanine. A Retreat cost of 3 is bad,
but you could always waste a Poke Turn on it.
It is Bastiodon’s poor attacks that really let it down,
though. [M][C][C] for 30 is extremely expensive. Yes,
you force a switch (of your opponent’s choice), but
there are other cards which do a better job at much less
cost (Zangoose PT, Froslass GL). Bastiodon’s second
attack is, if anything, worse. For an extra Energy, you
can do 60 damage and remove . . . wait for it . . . one
whole damage counter from Bastiodon! 60 for 4 just
doesn’t cut it these days, even with Energy Gains, I’m
Modified: 1 (if you want a Metal tank, please use Dialga
Limited: 1 (with all the Fire Pokémon in the set, it
won’t survive long enough to use its sub par attacks) |