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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Darkrai G Lv. 58
Rising Rivals
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.13
Limited: 2.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Arbok14 |
Name: Darkrai G Lv. 58
Set: Rising Rivals
Rarity: Rare Holo
HP: (90) - Not bad for an SP pokemon.
Weakness/Resistance: (Fighting x2/Psychic-20) - The
fighting weakness is pretty bad, even though the Machamp
can OHKO it anyway. Sooo... And the psychic resistance
isn't that good.
Retreat Cost: (2) - Not good, especially on a basic
Poke-BODY: (Eerie Aura) - This is a pretty decent Body,
especially if you combo it with other stuff, like
Darkrai Lv. X.
Attack #1: (DCC - Darkness Sleep) - Combo this with
Crobat G, and you have a 60 damage attack with auto
sleep and possibly more between turns.
Final Thoughts: With its weakness to fighting and 2
retreat cost, it is hindered from the start. The attack
is kind of average, and the body is really the only good
part of it. I can't see this being played very much, but
maybe as tech in a deck utilizing sleep.
Modified: Not great at all, I can't see it being played
a lot. (1.5/5)
Limited: It would be pretty decent in this set because
the Forretress can easily put damage on everything, and
then bring this in to clean up. (3/5) |
Steel_Winger |
Welcome back to the Pokemon COTD!
Today's card is Darkrai G, owned by none other than
Cyrus himself. Let's get to the basics of this Legendary
Basic: first off, it has 90 HP, which seems to be about
average among the legendaries. However, its x2 weakness
to Fighting-type Pokemon can cause problems, and Machamp
can simply Take Out for KO. It has a redeeming quality
in its -20 Resistance to Psychic-type Pokemon. That
means the likes of Gengar, Gallade 4, and any other
Psychic-types may need a little help with their attacks
to damage Darkrai G like they want to. Lastly, Darkrai G
has a Retreat Cost of 2. Personally, I don't think
Darkrai G should HAVE a retreat cost... oh, wait,
there's Moonlight Stadium. OK.
Now we come upon Darkrai G's Poke-Body: Eerie Aura. Any
of your opponent's Pokemon that remains Asleep between
turns takes 10 damage. I'm assuming that this means they
flip tails on the coin flip because otherwise that
Pokemon would wake up that turn. So the opponent would
have to be unlucky (and most of us are most of the time)
to have a Pokemon not wake up between turns. If only the
text read, "Put one damage counter on each of your
opponent's Pokemon that is asleep between turns."
There's a difference between being asleep and waking up
and being asleep, period, I think.
Still, it's good to just sit on the bench if you have
other Sleep inducers (those that use Water Pulse, for
example). One of the new Snorlaxes has an attack that
can put both it and the opponent to sleep, but Darkrai G
will only go after the opponent.
Darkrai G's single attack, Darkness Sleep, does an
about-average 50 damage for a Dark Energy plus two other
energies of choice and and puts the opponent to sleep if
the opponent isn't in full health. Energy Gain helps
out, lowering the attack's cost by 1, and Crobat G
definitely helps if you're facing a completely healthy
opponent. This attack is clearly meant to activate Eerie
Aura. And it's nice to have an opponent sleep, even with
a 50/50 chance of waking up. Opponents can use Switch,
Warp Point, or Warp Energy among some Poke-Powers to put
the Sleeping Pokemon on the bench.
Modified: 3/5 With all the snipers available, Darkrai G
should be able to put quite a few Pokemon to sleep with
its attack. Just be sure not to start off with it if you
don't have an Energy Gain.
Limited: 2.5/5 A slightly lower rating here: Darkrai may
take a while to charge up, and when it does get to use
its attack, you have to rely on the opponent staying
asleep to rack up damage, which doesn't always happen.
This is Steel_Winger, until next time! |
Jigglypuff13 |
5/20 Darkrai G Lv.58 (RR)
Hello, and welcome to Wednesday and the continuation of
our Rising Rivals week with a card that people weren't
sure if it was going to be in the set or not due to the
fact that it was a promo in Japan, yes, it's Darkrai G!
Because of this, no one has hyped it, but once people
had seen it, they knew they wanted to use it (I know I
do at least). Onto the card itself and the basics of it.
90 HP on an SP Pokémon seems about average really, so it
should survive at least 1 hit. On a strange note, it's
actually higher HP than any of the normal Darkrai's
released so far (non Lv.X ones, obviously). I suppose
there are some Pokémon that make it less strange (Turtwig
GL (RR), for example), but maybe it's just me, but I
thought an SP Darkrai would have the same HP as a normal
one, like there are normal Dialga and Palkia's with the
same HP as Dialga G and Palkia G (both PL). Anyway, I
digress, so back to the card. x2 Fighting Weakness is
expected, and annoying thanks to Machamp (SF) and
Rampados (PL), though Machamp is already OHKOing without
Weakness thanks to Take Out. -20 Psychic Resistance is
to be expected, and is quite nice really, with, as
always, a fair few popular Pokémon being Psychic typed.
2 Retreat Cost, well, for a Legendary, I suppose I can't
really complain about it, and Moonlight Stadium can
reduce it to 0, but I'd still like to see one knocked
off it.
It's abilities now, and this is where the card becomes
really interesting. I'll start with Eerie Aura, the Poké-Body,
and the reason to play this card. It's a very simple
effect, but one damage counter between turns on each of
your opponents Pokémon that remain Asleep. Simple
enough, yet very brutal. Sleep is quite a common Special
Condition to inflict, and thus even with the 50% chance
of waking up inbetween turns, it's likely that your
Pokémon will remain Asleep between turns at least once,
meaning you will take at least 1 extra damage counter of
damage thanks to Eerie Aura. It doesn't sound like a
lot, but if you remain Asleep a lot during the course of
a game, then it soon builds up, causing massive amounts
of damage. And I haven't even mentioned about it stacks
yet. Yep, have multiple Darkrai G's on the bench, and
Asleep Pokémon will remain permanently Asleep quite
quickly if you aren't careful. It's a subtle way of
dealing damage, and one that I rather like. Best of all,
because it's an SP Pokémon with all the usual benefits
from the TGI's and what not, it won't be shut down by
the ever present Dialga G Lv.X (PL).
So, it's got a brilliant Poké-Body, meaning it deserves
at least a bench sitter space, but what about being an
attacker? Well, I could work, but I don't see it working
well. With Energy Gain, it's doing a not bad 50 for DC,
not including Special Dark boost either (or for DCC
without Energy Gain, obviously), so the damage front
isn't too bad. The effect can be good. If the Defending
Pokémon has any damage counters on them, then they are
Asleep. Well, with Eerie Aura, you'd hope this card
would be able to put your opponent's active to Sleep. I
suppose the reliance on having any damage counters on
there before using Darkness Sleep is quite annoying, but
it's easier to put even one damage counter on there than
you may think, will I'll cover in the combos section.
Overall, not a bad attack to go with that great Poké-Body.
So, what are the best combos with this card then, you
may be asking. Well, first things first, it deserves to
go with other Sleep cards, for obvious reasons, I
assume. Out of the lot (and there are a large number as
well), Darkrai Lv.X (GE) is probably the best of the
lot. The reason is that it will force your opponent to
flip 2 coins for their Sleep check rather than 1, giving
them a meagre 25% chance of waking up instead of 50%,
thus you have a higher chance of Eerie Aura coming into
play. They also have a 25% chance of being KOed thanks
to the effect of Darkrai Lv.X's attack. So, things
really aren't looking good for your opponents active
there, but what if you don't want to rely on that Lv.X's
expensive attack, and would prefer to use Darkrai G to
attack instead? Well, aside from Energy Gain, which is
mandatory with many SP's, I'd have to say, use Crobat G
(PL). Flash Bite, it's ridiculously brilliant Poké-Power,
puts one damage counter on one of your opponents
Pokémon. Flash Bite their active, and Darkness Sleep
will send them to Sleep, which is what you want, really.
If that wasn't enough, how about making them take even
more damage inbetween turns using Skuntank G (PL) and
Poison Structure without effecting yourself in anyway.
Great stuff, and really nasty with even a couple of
Darkrai G's out. I suppose my only worry about be bench
space since you would like to swarm Darkrai G's, use
Crobat G and Skuntank G and set up with Uxie. Poké Turn
helps, but it'll still be a bit of trouble.
Counters, and there is one big one that goes by the name
of Machamp (SF). Take Out and it's Fighting typing
destroy Darkrai G. To stop Take Out, you'd need Unown G
(GE) attached, which stops the use of Energy Gain. Fair
enough, but then you have to rely on your opponent
getting less than 2 heads when they use Hurricane Punch,
otherwise Darkrai G gets OHKOed anyway. Bubble Coat
would be an option if it didn't mean you couldn't have
Unown G attached as well. However, you aren't allowed
both, so Darkrai G falls down to Machamp, unless you can
put it too sleep early enough. Rampados (PL) gives the
same problem, to a lesser extent since Unown G wouldn't
be needed, but even with Bubble Coat, there's still a
high chance of being OHKOed if your opponent uses Crobat
G (PL) or Plus Power or Buck's Training.
Modified: I love this card. Eerie Aura just makes the
idea of a Sleep deck quite viable, and it's not too bad
of an attacker either, so you could make an SP Sleep
deck (or maybe that should be SleeP deck). However, it's
way too Machamp weak to work in this format, and so long
as Machamp remains popular, this card will be un-used
competitively. However, it could make a good rouge,
maybe for BR's? Until Machamp dies down (which it most
probably won't), not great, but I'm still going to give
it a go. 3.5/5
Limited: There's less in the way of good Sleepers here.
There are a couple, but none that can compare to ones we
have in Modified, so Eerie Aura becomes less effective.
Also, you'll probably only get one Darkrai G if you are
lucky, so you won't be able to swarm them, so would be
less effective. One damage counter extra inbetween turns
is nice, but without the certain that you get with
Poison, it just doesn't cut it. The attack is alright I
suppose. DCC for 50 is nice, but the likely hood of the
Defending Pokémon having a damage counter on it before
you use Darkness Sleep without KOing it is low. 2.75/5 |
Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Darkrai G
Possibly the most interesting card in Rising Rivals,
Dialga G is just begging to be used in all kinds of
nasty combos. Like all SP Pokémon, Darkrai G benefits
from near-broken support. Being Dark means it can use
Special Darkness Energy, and can retreat for free with
Moonlight Stadium.
The PokeBody, Eerie Aura, puts 1 damage counter on
Pokémon that stay asleep between turns. Now that might
not sound like much, but bear in mind that the Body
stacks, so 3 Darkrai G on the Bench means a very useful
30 damage between turns for your opponent. This gets
even better when you think how easy it is to achieve a
sleep condition. Darkrai MD with Super Scoop Up is a
good choice, inflicting sleep whenever it is played on
to the Bench. Wigglytuff GE’s Good Night Melody is
another option. It does put your active Pokémon to sleep
too, but if you want, that can be taken care of with
Xatu SW.
Of course, Darkrai MD and Darkrai GE also have attacks
which can inflict Sleep, and Darkrai LV X has the best
sleep condition of all, requiring the Sleeping Pokémon
to flip 2 heads to wake up, and knocking them out
automatically should they get 2 tails.
Is it time for Darkrai to stop being used just as a very
rare tech in Dark decks, and finally shine in a deck of
its own? It just might be. It would certainly give
Gengar decks a hard time, with Psychic Resistance,
attacks that hit for Weakness, and an easy way to avoid
triggering Fainting Spell by getting the KO between
Modified: 3.5 (has a lot of potential)
Limited: 2 (needs to be played with the right Pokémon to
be really effective) |