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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Flygon Lv. 65
Rising Rivals
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.17
Limited: 3.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Arbok14 |
Name: Flygon Lv. 65
Set: Rising Rivals
Rarity: Rare Holo
HP: (120) - Not bad for a Stage 2. It's not the best,
but what can you do.
Weakness/Resistance: (Colorless+30/Lightning-20) - The
weakness could be a problem, but the resistance is
pretty nice.
Retreat Cost: (0) - Well, it is definitely the best you
can get.
Poke-BODY: (Rainbow Float) - This power is definitely
nice. It can combo well with the Palkia Lv. X.
Attack #1: (CC - Sand Wall) - This is a nice attack,
especially if your opponent is using a lot of stadiums.
Attack #2: (CCC - Power Swing) - This attack can
possibly get up to 110 damage, which is definitely nice
with upper energy.
Final Thoughts: Well, it obviously has the Lv. X, which
is very good, especially against other Lv. X. It has
strong attacks, and a good Body. Add free retreat and a
good resistance, and you have something to build a deck
Modified: You will definitely see this around. (4.5/5)
Limited: Well I got two last week, but no Trapinch... :(
(2.5/5) |
Steel_Winger |
Wecome back to the Pokemon COTD!
Today, we're loking at the brand new Flygon from Rising
Rivals. Personally, I love this card, and you'll
probably see why when we look at it in detail. First,
its HP: 120 on a Stage 2 is about average these days.
Its Colorless typing could be a problem if you come
across Gengar and Dusknoir. A +30 Weakness to
Colorless-type Pokemon... The only Colorless Pokemon
that really see play are Regigigas (LA), and Porygon2
(GE), and the latter isn't really used for attacking.
But I can really see this going against itself sometime
soon. There's also a -20 Lightning Resistance, which is
great should it find itself against Luxray GL LV. X,
Manetric (PT), and Raichu LV. X (SF). Then there's
Flygon's Retreat Cost... or complete and utter lack of
one! FLY away from danger, GON to the bench.
Flygon has a Poke-Body: Rainbow Float, which sounds like
some sweet concoction. Anyway, any of your other Pokemon
can retreat for free if Flygon has any basic Energy
atached to it that matches that Pokemon's Type. Too bad
Colorless-type Pokemon get left out since there's no
basic Colorless energy out there. This guy can REALLY
lessen the burden of retreating if you don't have a
Switch or a Warp Point. It almost reminds me of
Moonlight Stadium, only you need to attach an energy to
a Pokemon, but there may be a time when you have to
decide to attach that energy to Flygon to retreat a
Pokemon that's in danger of being KOed, or attaching
that same energy to the endangered Pokemon in order to
pull off an attack. Weigh your options before you
Aside from the Poke-Body, Flygon has two great attacks.
Sand Wall, the first attack, requires two Energies of
any kind to do a decent 40 damage. Also, it discards an
opponent's Stadium they have in play if they have one
out (and most would readily have one in play), and that
in turn gives Flygon complete protection from attacks on
your opponent's next turn. You know what I'd like to
see? Some should take a Trapinch and, using their
opponent's BTS, send it 51 Levels into the future in
less than 2 seconds, attach an Upper Energy to it
because they're winning, and use Sand Wall to discard
BTS and protect Flygon.
Good stuff!
What's more, after you use this attack, the opponent
probably won't be so eager to play another Stadium until
they're confident they can get rid of Flygon; if they
do, they'll probably worry about it being obliterated by
another Sand Wall. And it can get rid of that pesky
Dusknoir LV. X (SF).
... Enough ranting.
Flygon's second attack, Power Swing, does an average 60
damage for 3 energies of choice, adding an extra 10
damage for every evolved Pokemon on your bench. With
Rare Candies, Claydol (GE), and BTS, this can rack up to
at least 80 or even 90 on normal conditions. Flygon is
at its best when surrounded by other Pokemon that aren't
basics. Apparently it can care less about the SP Pokemon
even though there's a lot of them alongside him in the
same set.
Not a bad Pokemon at all; this guy is great even before
you get to its LV. X form.
Modified: 4/5 Flygon is versatile, able to play as an
Active threat or a Bench supporter, and can alternate
between these roles easily.
Limited: 4/5 Even though there are a lot of SP Pokemon,
there are still some good Stage 1s and 2s worth using if
you pull them. Flygon's Power Swing gets stronger for
every one of them you have to play. This also gives good
field control if they get out any Stadiums, just discard
them and watch your opponent cringe as you rid them of
an advantage and protect Flygon at the same time.
This is Steel_Winger, until next time! |
Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
The next Gallade/Gardevoir, or an overhyped deck that is
easily defeated by techs? Either way, the LV X is going
for insane prices on eBay. The whole Flygon line is
strong, from the Energy accelerating Basic, to the
Kingdra-killing Stage 1, to the fearsome LV X, and you
should expect to see a good number of Flygon decks at
every tournament for the foreseeable future, so be
prepared (hint: tech in a Ditto LA!).
The Stage 2 Flygon that is up for review today is a very
good Pokémon in its own right. The versatile Rainbow
Float PokeBody gives free Retreat to any of your Pokémon
which is the same type as any Energy card attached to
Flygon. With a good Energy list, you can have yourself a
whole deck of free retreating Pokémon (no more worries
if your Claydol is dragged out).
The first attack, Sand Wall, is very underrated. 40 for
[C][C] is only decent, but if your opponent has a
Stadium out, it is discarded, and Flygon is protected
from any damage or effects for the next turn. Stadiums
have become popular again recently and although your
opponent can choose not to play one down, they are often
hurting themselves in other ways if they don’t, so the
threat of Sand Wall is often gaining you an advantage
beyond its 40 damage: now the opponent can’t increase
their Basic Pokémon’s HP with Snowpoint Temple, or
retreat their Dark and Psychic Pokémon for free with
Moonlight Stadium, for example.
The second attack, Power Swing, has a base damage of 60
for [C][C][C], but is increased by 10 for every evolved
Pokémon on your bench. As well as the obvious Claydol,
Flygon can be run with a variety of Stage 1 Pokémon to
support it and increase the damage from Power Swing. You
could use Weavile SW for Energy acceleration, Manectric
PT for Bench protection, or Scizor MD as a tech against
decks running Special Energy.
Any Resistance is good, and Flygon’s Lightning
Resistance will be especially useful against cards like
Luxray GL and Raichu GL. Free Retreat is, as always,
brilliant, but the Colourless Weakness could cause
problems and makes it somewhat easy to tech against.
Delcatty PT, Gengar SF, and Regigigas will all make life
tough for Flygon. One option is to tech in a Flygon SW
(which is a Fighting-type) to help make these match ups
a little easier.
Modified: 4 (will be a new archetype, but has its
Limited: 2.5 (if you pull the whole line the Colourless
attacks will win you the game)