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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Froslass GL Lv. 44
Rising Rivals
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.60
Limited: 2.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Arbok14 |
Well, this one will be quick...
Name: Froslass GL Lv. 44
Set: Rising Rivals
Rarity: Rare Holo
HP: (70) - Bad...
Weakness/Resistance: (Metal x2/none) - Bad...
Retreat Cost: (1) - Not very bad...
Attack #1: (C - Sleep Inducer) - This is actually kind
of decent.
Attack #2: (PC - Wake-Up Slap) - Well, if you can get
this and a Skuntank and the Energy Gain, there is a
quick 50 damage. Oh and Crobats can help, too.
Final Thoughts: This really is not that great of a card,
it could be useful until about turn 2. Nothing special
about it. At all.
Modified: Um. I don't even know what to say because I
think it is that bad. (1.25/5)
Limited: It would definitely be good in limited, because
you can drag something out and sleep is always good.
(3.5/5) |
Steel_Winger |
Welcome back to the Pokemon COTD!
Today we're looking at Froslass GL. Let's start off with
the basics: first, it has 70 HP, which is below average
on an SP Pokemon. It's a Water-type, so you could
probably give some Fire-type Pokemon problems (in
theory, anyway). It has a x2 Weakness to Metal-type
Pokemon. The only ones really being played right now are
Dialga G and... um... Dialga G. I can't really think of
any other Metal-types that see play, maybe Magnezone
(SF). It has no Resistance which would've helped
compensate its low HP, and it has an average Retreat
Cost of 1.
No Poke-Powers or Poke-Bodies, but Froslass GL does come
with 2 attacks. It's first attack, Sleep Inducer, costs
only one energy of choice (nothing if you use Energy
Gain) and switches your opponent's active Pokemon for
one on his/her bench, similar to Zangoose (PT). Instead
of inflicting 20 damage, however, Froslass GL puts the
new active Pokemon to sleep. It's best to get a Pokemon
with a pesky Power that nobody is really willing to
attack with (Claydol or Porygon2, anyone?) and put them
to sleep. Now you just have to hope that the opponent
STAYS asleep so they won't be able to attack or use
their Power. Darkrai G, a card we covered a couple of
days ago, can combo with this card.
It's second attack, Wake-Up Slap, does a base 30 damage
for a Psychic Energy and another energy of your choice.
If the opponent is afflicted with a Special Condition
when you attack, you get to do an extra 20 damage, and
then remove all Special Conditions from your opponent.
Only an extra 20 damage? Come on, Shaymin (PT) did way
better than that! It's unlikely that the opponent will
stay asleep long enough by way of Sleep Inducer for you
to do the extra damage, they'll probably use Switch/Warp
Point/Warp Energy to get out of there, unless they wake
up between turns.
To me, the best way to use Froslass GL is to combo it
with a Pokemon that inflicts Special Conditions
continuously. Here's a few: Darkrai (MD), Skuntank G
(PT), and Blaziken (PT). Then, using Wake-Up Slap
(hopefully reducing the cost by 1 due to Energy Gain),
hit the opponent for a guaranteed 50 damage every turn,
repeating the process. Sure, Toxicroak G can do the same
thing for a bit more damage with Skuntank G's Poison
Structure, and it has that great Poke-Body, but Froslass
GL is a Water-type. So if Fire is a big thing wherever
you play, this might warrant a look.
Other than that, I highly doubt it'll see much play.
Modified: 2/5 It has potential, but its weak stats
cripple any chance of bringing it out.
Limited: 1.5/5 Not many Pokemon inflict Special
Conditions here, and it's easy to KO.
This is Steel_Winger, 'till next time! |
Jigglypuff13 |
5/22 Froslass GL Lv.44 (RR)
Hello, and welcome to final day of our RR week, and we
end it rather poorly with the new Froslass GL! I'll
start off, as always, with the basics of the card, and
it's 70 HP, which for an SP Pokémon, is rather poor,
with most having at least 10 HP more. With 70 HP, I
wouldn't expect it too last too long. x2 Metal Weakness
is only going to be a problem if Dialga G and it's Lv.X
(both PL) stay popular. They will be at least for a
tech, and as an attacker, you never though really. No
Resistance is to be expected and be glossed over. 1
Retreat Cost is average, really, so I can't really say
too much about it. Also, this is an SP Pokémon, so has
all the usual benefits of being one, so gets to take
advantage of Energy Gain, Poké Turn and the rest.
The abilities of this card are alright, but not great. C
for bring up one of your opponents benched Pokémon and
putting it to Sleep is alright I suppose. It can be made
a free attack thanks to the use of Energy Gain, which
makes it better. However, I don't like the fact that you
have to switch your opponents Pokémon. OK, most people
will have at least 1 benched Pokémon, allowing Sleep
Inducer to be used, but still, it's not always great.
Wake-Up Slap isn't great either. PC (or P with Energy
Gain) for 30 is not good, and the effect isn't great
either. You do a whole 20 extra damage if the Defending
Pokémon is affected by a Special Condition, which isn't
good at all either. Even worse, you then remove those
Special Conditions from the Defending Pokémon. Why on
Earth would you ever want to do that? Almost all of the
time, it's better to keep them affected by the Special
Condition(s) because then, any Poké-Powers they may have
can't be used, and damaging Special Conditions will get
round abilities like Fainting Spell (Gengar (SF)). You
could use Wake-Up Slap with Skuntank (PL)'s Poison
Structure, but to be honest, I'd much prefer to use a
different attacker (like Toxicroak G (PL), who is more
powerful as well as needing the same energy costs) and
keep the Poison rather than use Froslass GL and get rid
of it.
Combos, well, like I said, it could be used with
Skuntank G (PL) for a continuous stream of 50 damage,
but why do that when Toxicroak G (PL) will do 60 for the
same cost and keep Poison on the Defending Pokémon? I
suppose you could also use it in a Sleep deck, but even
then, I don't like it that much.
Counters include but aren't limited to Pokémon who will
happily take the 50 damage from Wake-Up Slap (almost
every main attacker out there), Machamp (SF) due to Take
Out alone, and anyone who can Retreat quickly if brought
active by Sleep Inducer, though Pokémon who aren't
affected by the effects of attacks are also great for
countering Froslass GL.
Modified: I see very little to play this card. Wake-Up
Slap is rubbish really, with Toxicroak G being a lot
better than this, since the main combo with both is done
a lot better with Toxicroak G than Froslass GL. OK,
Froslass GL can take advantage of other Special
Conditions, but you get rid of them all the same, so
it's pointless. Sleep Inducer is alright I suppose, but
there are so many other better Sleepers out there. Leave
this card well alone. 1.25/5
Limited: It has more uses there, slightly. You don't get
Special Conditions on your opponents active as
consistently as you may like for Wake-Up Slap, but in
this format, Special Conditions are going to be a lot
more useful than the extra 20 achieved from getting rid
of it, so it isn't a problem. Sleep Inducer is alright
here, with Sleep being a very nice Special Condition
here. However, I fear there may be a better sleeper in
the set, who makes this card pointless even here. 1.75/5 |
Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Froslass GL
Another interesting card from Rising Rivals that hasn’t
had much attention.
70 HP is low for an SP Basic, and x2 Metal Weakness is
one of the worst at the moment (thanks Dialga G!), but
Froslass does have some things going for it.
Sleep Inducer is a handy attack, allowing you to drag
out an opponent’s Pokémon and put it to Sleep. Obvious
combos include any card or deck which focuses on Bench
damage: pull up a Claydol, retreat Froslass, and hit the
Bench while your opponent searches for a Warp Point, or
wastes Energy attachments trying to retreat. Froslass is
like a Zangoose PT for SP decks, and that’s a good thing
because it gets to use the SP support.
The second attack, Wake-Up Slap, is less useful, doing a
so-so 50 for [P][C] if the defending Pokémon is asleep,
and then removing any Special conditions. As Sleep is
easily removed through evolution/Warp Point/flipping
heads, though, this attack will be doing 30 more often
than not, and that just isn’t good enough.
Modified: 2 (low HP might find a place as a tech in some
spread decks)
Limited: 4 (great combos with the bench hitters in this
set. Use Sleep Inducer on a Machamp GL or Bronzong 4,
then Split Bomb with Infernape 4 until you win!) |