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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day


Team Galactic's Invention Technical Machine G

Rising Rivals

Date Reviewed: 05.26.09

Ratings & Reviews Summary

Modified: 3.09
Limited: 3.00

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 
3 ... average.  
5 is the highest rating.

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Jigglypuff13 5/26 Team Galactic's Invention Technical Machine G (RR)

Hello, and welcome all to the beginning of our Rising Rivals Trainer week! We start this week off with the very nice TGI TM G (do you really expect me to type out the full name every time?). First of all, it's obviously a TM, so there is only one way of searching it out (Cyrus's Conspiracy), but it's not exactly a bad thing since TM TS-1 and TS-2 couldn't be searched out at all, and they both got used. However, this one is slightly different in the fact that it can, obviously, only be attached to SP Pokémon, which can be annoying unless you play it in a pure SP deck (or as near to pure as you can get considering Uxie (LA) is practically mandatory in any deck, including SP decks).

The attack itself is quite a nice one. It may cost CCC, but that be reduced to CC thanks to Energy Gain. It then a Rage type effect, only you get to attack an of your opponents Pokémon, and deal 10 damage to it for each damage counter on your attacking Pokémon. That is just great, really. It can be a bit situational, as in, it's best when your main attacker is about 10 HP away from being KOed, but it's also good when you haven't been hit much if your opponent has anything severally weakened on the bench. Still, even then, you can only really expect that mid to late game, so it's a dead draw early on, so you'd be best off only running a couple. However, you can still get them when you need them thanks to Cyrus's Conspiracy, so it's not too bad really.


Modified: A little on the situational side, being at it's most useful late game when all your little SP's are badly damaged. It may also be slightly on the pricey side, but that can be reduced. However, since it's most useful late game, when all your Energy Gains are likely to be in the Discard Pile. Still, it's a good card, and well worth the space in SP decks due to the sniping ability it has, so should be able to give you the last prize or 2. 3.75/5

Limited: Less useful here. 3 energy attacks aren't good, and your SP is likely to be KOed before you can even use this attack. If you can use it, I can see it being quite useful due to being able to snipe, something that will be a bit lacking here, and very welcome. However, with no way to search for it at all, you just better hope you draw it when you need it. 2.75/5

OK, here is an interesting little technical machine, that works great with cards like Alakazam G level X which allows you to move damage counters.

Can only be used on SP Pokemon, which is fine, since Alakazam Level X is also an SP Pokemon. Also limits your damage to 100 (as the biggest SP pokemon in the format I believe has 110 HP).

This is the SNIPER that is needed in most SP decks. Even putting one of these in the deck will make it extremely effective for a late game finisher.

The other power of this card, being a technical machine is that it still allows you to use Energy Gain (likely) or unown G or Q (less likely) on your Pokemon while using this technical machine. Very powerful hitting for 2 energy with this, eh?

Colorless attacks are really nice, and who knows, Porygon Z may have just snuck his way into a G deck or 2!!!

Try it, see what you think.

Ratings – Modified 3/5. Could be low, but still just a tech card. If it removed the damage, would be simply broken.

Limited – 2/5…less valuable here, as with a 3 energy attack, you are so limited and will most likely only get one shot off.

Talk to you all soon!

Good luck at Battle Roads!!!


MN State Champion
I'm here to review cards and chew bubblegum, but I'm all out of gum.

Anyways, today's card of the day is Technical Machine G, a whole new Team Galactic Invention and the third TM in the format.
For starters, being a TM lets this trainer be swapped around using Mismagius Lv. X, but it cannot be used to power up Porygon-Z (Promo). Being a Galactic Invention lets you search for it with Cyrus.
Technical Machine G lets the Pokemon SP it is attached to use Damage Porter for three energy (two with Energy Gain). Damage Porter provides an excellent sniping attack and can be used in many SP decks that take advantage of Damage Counters, i.e. Turtwig GL, Alakazam 4, and maybe even Luxray GL.

Modified 3/5
Good tech for SP decks that need to snipe, but the cost and the limited space available in SP decks limits its use.
Limited 4/5
Take whatever trainers you can get in this format. The ability to hit a Pokemon on your opponents bench can easily turn the tide.

Pokmeman Lucian's Assignment

Too bad we have other cards performing the same action. This card doesn't even serve any specific niche, as we have Bronzong G, Energy Switch, and Energy Link. None of which share the burden of being a supporter, hence not allowing for another supporter to be used that turn.
It won't do anything more than be a useless card for Gengar to pick on with Poltergeist. I suggest using Bronzong G, and otherwise, with the exception of AMU, you usually can get by without such things.

Modified: 1.5/5
Pretty weak all around, considering the one-time use and it being a supporter.

Limited: 2/5
It won't often use up your supporter slot because you won't have too many others, but still, it is situational, and there are some times when you simply need the extra space that this card takes up.
Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats
Team Galactic’s Invention G-107 Damage Porter

Damage Porter is the latest Technical Machine, coming after Evoluter and Devoluter, both of which did see a bit of play in tournaments. Unlike them, Damage Porter can only be used on SP Pokémon, which is a downside as it could have seen some play with the more bulky Stage 2 Pokémon. The massive upside of being a Team Galactic’s invention is that it is searchable with Cyrus. But is it worth searching out?

Three of any type of energy isn’t too bad considering now that we have Energy Gain and Upper Energy, and being able to snipe any Pokémon on your opponents side of the field is brilliant. There are some SP Pokémon that have the HP to completely abuse this card, such as Dialga G and Palkia G, which can score a surprise KO on a Benched Claydol. Unfortunately, you will most likely lose that Pokémon on your next turn, when you could have used Poke Turn and re-played it.

 One of combinations that can be used with this card is Alakazam 4 LV X. Move all of your damage counters on to your active, attach Damage Porter, and snipe away. The card really works best as a ‘desperation’ measure with Upper Energy when you are trying to come from behind to cripple your opponent’s set up.


Modified : 2.5 (might just be worth a tech slot)

Limited : 3 (if you pull Upper Energy, it can be brilliant)
Steel_Winger Welcome back to the Pokemon COTD!

Hmm... It looks like Team galactic has invented another devious device... so without further ado, I present to you... Team Galactic's Invention G-107: Technical Machine G!

Only useable with the SP Pokemon, this Technical Machine comes with the attack Damage Porter. For the cost of 3 Energies of choice (2 if you're using Energy Gain), you get to pick an opponent's Pokemon and do 10 damage times time the nunber of damage counters on the attacking Pokemon. It's sorta like a Rage attack, but with sniping. I think that's great. Unlike the other Technical Machines, this one needs energy in order to use the attack. Being one of Team Galactic's Inventions, you can use Honchcrow G or Cyrus's Conspiracy in order to search for it. If you're not a fan of tight spacesuits, there's also Pokemon Contest Hall, provided you flip heads on that.

Now: how practical is it?

To me, three energies is quite a bit of energy to use for an attack of varying power. You'll obviously be doing the most damage when your Pokemon is on the ropes. However, if your active SP Pokemon isn't Toxicroak G or protected by an Unown G and you're facing Machamp (SF), there won't be any ropes, so you probably shouldn't bother with this if that's the case. SP Pokemon can accumulate damage quickly due to their x2 Weaknesses, so it's best to combo this with an Energy Gain so you can use it faster. They also make great use of Snowpoint Temple; they can take more damage and, in turn, do more damage with this attack. It also combos well with Crobat G, Gallade 4 and its LV. X form. Other SP Pokemon that spread damage like Raichu GL can also make great use of this card.

With this, every SP Pokemon has a bench-sniping option. It may be a bit pricey without Energy Gain, but some attacks by SPs are costly anyway (like Machamp GL's Brush Off, which is sick). At the very least, it's another attack option that's useful in quite a few situations.


Modified: 3.5/5 Sniping options are always nice. It's a good way to send your SP Pokemon out with a bang.
Limited 4/5 Most of the SP Pokemon are going to love this if they can survive long enough to pull it off. Not recommended for those with low HP, however.

This is Steel_Winger, until next time!

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