Not very often can you drop a tool, supporter, and an
energy and perform a three energy attack, but that is
essentially what this will allow for. Though the
possibilities aren't necessarily endless, this is a
solid card in all SP decks because it allows for greater
speed, can be used even if all the Energy Gain's have
been used up, and makes big attacks manageable/workable.
This is a great card for the speed that it allows SP
pokemon to have.
Extra energy can be a huge difference, and there are
plenty of SP pokemon for this card to be effective.
Baby Mario Top 4 UK Nats
Flint’s Willpower
Flint’s Willpower is one of the numerous supporters in
the next set that makes SP decks even more powerful.
Thought Energy Gain handed SP Pokémon an advantage by
letting them power up costly attacks fast? Well, Flint
just makes things worse by giving them ANOTHER
attachment for the turn, at the cost of playing their
Supporter. Energy acceleration generates huge advantage
in Pokémon, and can make Flint a great card in the right
Effectively , with Energy Gain, you can attach up to
three energy per turn (four if one of them is Upper
Energy and you are behind on Prizes!). Great for
surprising an opponent who is calculating on you not
having the Energy to attack for a turn or two, great
with SP Pokemon that have a large Energy requirement to
attack, great with SP Pokémon that have attacks which
require you to discard Energy, such as Infernape 4 LV
X. I can see this card being teched in some SP decks,
as it is always nice to have another Energy attachment.
Infernape 4 decks will probably run a playset.
Modified: 2.5 (most SP decks will stick with just Energy
Gain, but a brilliant card if you have the space)
Limited: 4 (Always nice to have another energy
attachment here)
Welcome back to the Pokemon COTD!
Today's card is yet another Supporter from Rising
Rivals: Flint's Willpower. It allows you to attach a
basic Energy to an SP Pokemon from your hand.
What are the good things about this card?
It helps with energy acceleration, which can be a good
thing since most of the SP Pokemon have costly attacks.
You could combo this with Energy Gain and pull off that
big attack way earlier than expected. Of course, you can
always just put the energy on another Pokemon to get it
primed and ready as well.
What are the downsides?
Unfortunately, there are quite a few. One: It's a
Supporter, meaning you can only use one of them every
turn. I'm sure a lot of people will say that there are
more important things a person can do with their
once-a-turn Supporter other than attaching more energy.
Two: You can only attach basic Energy. That means that
Special Dark or Metal, Multi, Rainbow, Health, Recover,
Call, Warp, Cyclone, Upper, and SP Energy are a no-go.
Three: You can only attach the Energy to an SP Pokemon.
That is the biggest one since it cuts this card's
versatility by a LOT.
Modified: 1.5/5 Any person playing a decent deck
wouldn't be that concerned about energy to play a
Supporter of all things that gives you an extra chance
to do what you would normally do that turn. Also, thanks
to Energy Gain, SP Pokemon are the last ones to worry
about energy.
Limited: 3.5/5 Here, however, is a whole different
story. To be able to put Energy on your SP Pokemon
faster than your opponent gives you the advantage of
attacking an unprepared opponent.
This is Steel_Winger, until next time!
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