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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Gallade 4 Lv. X
Rising Rivals
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.88
Limited: 3.95
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Jigglypuff13 |
5/4 Gallade 4 Lv.X (RR)
Hello everyone and welcome to the beginning of the new
week and the beginning of a look at the new cards from
the next set, Rising Rivals! We start the week with an
eagerly anticipated new card, Gallade 4 Lv.X! Being an
SP Pokémon, it has the benefit of all of the SP support
from Platinum (Energy Gain, Poké Turn, etc.) plus the
new support coming out in Rising Rivals, meaning that it
already has quite a bit of support to go with it, even
without considering normal Pokémon. Anyway, onto the
basics of the card (though, to be fair, the fact that
it's an SP Pokémon is a basic, so more like the
continuation of it then) and it's HP, a slightly low 100
HP. On an SP Lv.X, it might not be too bad I suppose,
but we have to wait a while before we can tell what the
proper average will be for non-Legendary SP Lv.X's.
Still, 100 HP seems a little on the low side to me,
though it should still survive a hit or two. x2 Psychic
Weakness is to be expected and again, quite annoying
since many big Pokémon are and will be Psychic type. No
Resistance is no Resistance, so I'll gloss over that,
and the 1 Retreat Cost is about average really, so the
usual things apply which I won't bore you all with
None of that was particularly exciting, but the
abilities change everything. Blade Storm is just
brilliant really, and what I (and probably a lot of
other people) have wanted again since Jolteon Ex (DS)
got rotated out some 2 years ago or so now, a Pokémon
that will put 1 damage counter on each of your opponents
Pokémon for certain with a Poké-Power. It's great,
simply as that. The extra damage counter is kind of like
a Plus Power against all of your opponents Pokémon, or 6
Crobat G (PL) drops all in a row in the same turn. It
really allows SP spread (maybe SPread?) to come into
it's own, along with support from other spreaders like
Palkia G (PL), other cards that come in RR (I'm not
giving any of them away since you probably all know them
by now anyway), and Crobat G. What's actually going to
go into that sort of deck, I'm not 100% sure of myself
at the moment, but it's probably going to be great. The
fact that Gallade 4 Lv.X has to be levelled up from your
active from your hand is a small annoyance, making Level
Max useless with this card, but Premier Ball will do the
job just as well.
The attack combos very nicely with the spread from Blade
Storm (like what Jolteon Ex had). Aimed Cut seems fairly
expensive (PCC for 40 is quite bad), but a) Energy Gain
will reduce that to PC for 40 and b) it does an extra 10
damage for each damage counter on the Defending Pokémon.
So with just 1 Blade Storm, you will do 50 straight away
for PC, and the number will only increase in size
(unless they heal everything and become really
annoying). It really is a great little attack.
Combos and, well, it combos very well indeed with
itself. Spread, spread, more spread, then Aimed Cut for
high damage KOs. Simply as that really. Crobat G is very
nice since it will act like a doube Plus Power when you
play it and use Aimed Cut in the same turn (10 from
Flash Bite and the extra damage from Aimed Cut for
having a damage counter on their Pokémon). The regular
Gallade 4 (and there obviously is one) also helps the
spreading ability (read the spoilers for yourself to
find out). Poké Turn will be a staple with Gallade 4
Lv.X as well, for the re-use of Blade Storm. There are
other spreaders in RR that will help as well, but while
you are off checking the spoilers about Gallade 4, you
can check the other Pokémon in the same set for the good
SP spreaders (or should that be SPreaders?).
There are counters, as you may well expect. First, Power
Spray or power lock in general really hurts this card.
Gallade 4 Lv.X will rely on Blade Storm Working,
especially the first one, to increase the damage output
of the card. Stop that, and you will severely hurt
Gallade 4 Lv.x. Power Spready will be used in SP decks,
but for non-SP's, there's always Alakazam (MT) for
targeting Power denial, or Mesprit (LA) for an all round
lock. Take your pick really. Also, if they can heal all
or a lot of their bench damage counters, then that will
hurt how much damage Gallade 4 will do when their
opponent brings up a bench Pokémon. It'll be hard to
heal it all off their active unless they use Poké-Healer
+ or Life Herb, so you don't need to worry about that so
much, but if they heal it off their bench, then things
will start to get pretty interesting later on in the
game. Also, since Gallade 4 Lv.X will probably need
other spreaders to go with it (or use Gallade 4), then
Manectric (PL) becomes an interesting tech choice since
it stops bench damage bar that done to Manectric. It
might be quite useful, but it's just a shame that Dialga
G Lv.X (PL) will still be around to shut it's Poké-Body
Modified: This card is likely to end up in one of the
top decks in the format after the release of RR. Blade
Storm is just an awesome Poké-Power, and has been since
it was first released on Jolteon Ex under some other
name, and Aimed Cut is a great attack to combo with it.
Other spreaders help a lot, and it's fairly hard to shut
down as well, despite how much I've written in the
counters part (can you heal all of your Pokémon every
turn, or use Alakazam well in a non-SP deck?). I suppose
all Gallade 4 Lv.X really needs to look out for is other
SP decks that use Power Spray. 4.5/5
Limited: If you can pull it and Gallade 4 here, and get
them out, you will easily take a majority of games (or
at least, that's what I predict). Their spreading
abilities will probably take a couple of Pokémon out at
the same time as well, which will be fun. I suppose the
hard part will be getting it out, but there are a fair
few good supporters and trainers in the set, so you'll
probably get at least a couple of them along with your
Gallade 4 Lv.X line, thus if you get it, use it. 4.5/5 |

Meganium45 |
Wow, is this going to be a great set or what?
First we have Delta Species Pokemon…now we have SP
Pokemon. New series (Platinum) new fun!
Let’s just focus on this card for a second.
Gallade 4 Level X.
Place this on your active Gallade SP, and one damage
counter goes on each of your opponent’s Pokemon. Can’t
be used with Level Max, sorry kiddies.
Can be power sprayed, but can also be Poketurned to use
again, and again, and again. Think of crobat G, but for
all of your opponent’s Pokemon. Kind of nasty.
The attack does 40 plus 10 more for each damage counter
on the defending Pokemon (which should be at least one,
thanks to the power). An attack that hurts them worse
the worse they are hurt. In a mirror, it will one-shot
another Gallade 4 Level X.
SP decks are going to have SO many options it is CRAZY!
This may not even be the strongest one, but we will have
to look at Gallade 4 to determine that.
3 energy (even 2 with an Energy Gain) is a lot for this
100 HP with a x2 psychic weakness is really bad in this
1 retreat cost, pretty good.
Ratings -
Modified – a lot will depend on the Gallade 4…so hard to
tell. This card has upside and downside, so I am going
Limited – how rare will Gallade 4 be? Will there be
energy gain in your draft? So tough to tell. Adding
damage counters is healthy, but the odds of getting
this, and even a rare or holo Gallade 4 SP is pretty
tough. You will take it for the rarity, but for play
value? 3/5
There you go.
Have fun folkses.
Meganium45 |
Mew2 Master
Wisconsin |
Hey there Mew2 Master here. Sorry I have been a little
busy with school and drama club. Anyways this week were
reviewing cards from the rising rivals set. Today its
Galade Lv. X. Galades a real damage dealer. With that
Poke-body of his putting a damage counter on each of
your opponents Pokemon once you put galade Lv. x on
galade. But it attack is also pretty cool. I wouldn’t
mined getting one of these. Also its attack is great
armored cut . One round you do 40 damage the next you
can do 80 damage. Pretty darn cool. Not to mention it
retreat is only one simple energy. The only minus is the
weakness as usual. But with a hp base of 100 hp
shouldn’t be much of a problem. Well cool as well since
it is an Sp pokemon. Well I hope I get one of there when
I go to the Pre-Release
Modified- 2.5
Limited -4 |
Today's card of the day is the first in a long line of
Rising Rivals cards.
So, ladies and gentlemen, Nidoran of both genders, put
your hands together for Gallade 4 Lv. X!
Anyways, on to the review. For his basic stats, Gallade
4 has the advantage of being a SP-Pokemon, enabling the
use of cards such as Energy Gain, Poke Turn, Power
Spray, and more. Being a Level X doesn't hurt either,
since it makes him easily searchable with Premier Ball.
Gallade 4 Lv. X has 100 HP, a rather low amount and one
that means that Gengar will eat him alive, when combined
with his x2 weakness to Psychic. Poltirgiest needs you
to have only two trainer cards in your hand to ensure a
KO. No resistance is average, but the single retreat
cost is wonderful, although most of the time you'll be
using Poke Turn to get Gallade out of harm's way.
Next up is Gallade 4 Lv. X's Poke Power, Blade Storm.
This power lets you hit each of your opponent's Pokemon
for 1 damage counter when you Level Up Gallade from your
hand. (So no Level Maxes.) People may say, "Oh, I'll
just Power Spray it." But the glory lies in being able
to Poke Turn Gallade to use its power over and over and
over and over again. Plus, how can they stop you without
letting you use all your Uxies. And the Power comboes
excellently with his attack...
Aimed Cut! Sounds like something Micheal Myers would
have, but nonetheless... Aimed Cut costs a Psychic and
two Colorless Energy (which can always be brought down
to one with a good old fashioned Energy Gain) to do 40
damage plus 10 for each damage counter on the defending
Pokemon. Brings me back to the good old days with
Meditate on Jungle Mr. Mime. Anyways, yeah, just playing
it to Level Up Gallade 4 brings it to 50 damage, and
along with Energy Gain, that's easily 50 for two
energies, not including any other damage they might have
Modified 5/5
Gallade 4 Lv. X will be a very big deck, since it combos
with so many new cards, and is an SP-Pokemon, so look
out for it come Battle Roads and Nationals.
Limited 4/5
Not as good here, since there aren't as many support
cards like Poke Turn, Energy Gain, and more. No Power
Spray's nice however.
Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Gallade 4 LV X
This is a great card and I think it will see a decent
amount of play. Easy to get out because it is a Basic LV
X, and it benefits from all the SP Trainers.
Blade Storm is a fantastic PokePower, spreading damage
to everything on your opponent’s side of the field just
for dropping it. Follow that up with Spiritomb LA and/or
Crobat G and you will be doing some serious damage.
Because it is an SP Pokemon, you can also Poke Turn it
and re-use! The Power has amazing synergy with Gallade
4’s Chop Up attack which does 10 damage to any of your
opponent’s benched Pokemon that already has damage
counters on them.
Aimed Cut is a bit expensive, but you should be using
Energy Gain. Most of the time, though, you will just use
Chop Up.
X2 Psychic Weakness isn’t the best as it will hurt
against Gengar, Gardevoir, and in the mirror match. The
retreat cost of one is reasonable, though the 100 HP is
a bit on the low side.
Modified: 4 (Just watch out for Power Spray, and Flygon
Limited: 4.5 (No Power Spray here, so you can destroy
your opponent’s bench with ease)