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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Steelix GL Lv. 38
Rising Rivals
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.50
Limited: 2.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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Jigglypuff13 |
5/5 Steelix GL Lv.38 (RR)
Hello, and welcome to the continuation of our Rising
Rivals preview week, and we continue the week with a
card that everyone has not cared about in the slightest,
yes, it's Steelix GL. I'll get onto the reasons why
later, but first of all, the basics of the card, and it
has a mighty 110 HP. That's just brilliant, surpassing
most other normal non-evolving basics (normal or SP)
including many legendaries. Basically, if Steelix GL
doesn't survive at least 1 hit, when you also consider
it's Metal typing as well, then you must be up against a
Mesprit Lv.X (LA). x2 Fire Weakness probably won't be
too bad since there aren't that many good Fire Pokémon
threatening the metagame either at the moment nor
probably after the release of RR either. -20 Psychic
Resistance is always welcome, with who knows how many
good Psychic types being in the metagame. 4 Retreat Cost
is just a little too much in my opinion, so make sure
you run enough Warp Points/Switches to allow Steelix to
get to the safety of the bench.
The abilities now, and this is where the card takes a
downturn. For CC, Mend isn't too bad I suppose. You get
a Metal Energy from your discard and attach it to
Steelix GL, and if you do, you get to remove a damage
counter from Steelix GL as well. It's nice to see that
it's not limited to basic Metals, so you can get the
valuable Special versions back as well. However, it does
no damage, which makes it a bit less good than it
could've been. It's not much of a stalling attack since
it only removes 1 damage counter, which in the grand
scheme of things, does nothing. If it did damage, then
it might be worth a little more of that CC cost, but
without it, it's not great.
However, it is energy acceleration, which if you can get
enough energies in the discard pile, can help power up
the second attack a lot quicker. Squeeze costs a rather
painful MMCC, which is high even with the aid of it's
in-built energy acceleration from Mend. When you
consider it's base damage of 30, you can be forgiven for
thinking we have gone back to the days of WOTC and all
attacks cost 3 energies for 20 damage or something.
However, it has an effect. You flip a coin, and if
heads, you deal an extra 50 damage and Paralysis. It's
the flip that gets me. OK, I'll admit auto-Paralysis
would be too broken, but a flip for that would be
alright, it's just the extra damage that I wish you
didn't have to flip for. Essentially, it is MMCC for 55
and possible Paralysis on average, which isn't good. OK,
you can make it better by using Energy Gain, but it
isn't much better.
OK, so Squeeze and Mend aren't exactly going to break
every Pokémon it attacks, it does make for interesting
stalling option. Special Metals and the massive amount
of healing cards we have available, including the every
brilliant Poké Turn, along with it's on possible healing
from Mend and annoyance from Squeeze, means your
opponent might struggle to break their way through
Steelix GL. It's just a shame that stalling and decking
out aren't really that viable anymore, with many decks
being too fast for this slow card. Sorry, but this card
probably won't work.
I suppose Steelix GL doesn't have any direct counters as
such, but any Pokémon that can out speed it and/or deal
enough damage to get through it in a couple of turns
will do.
Modified: It's very slow, even with Mend, and when you
do get to attack, you'll find Squeeze being a useless
attack. OK, it can stall, but in this format, that just
isn't enough, it would also need to be a good attacker,
which it just isn't. It's a rather dull, uninspiring
card, this. 1.5/5
Limited: I can't see it being much better here. There
are cards that discard cards from your hand, so you can
get energies back and heal damage using Mend, but you
probably won't be able to do it when you want though.
Squeeze is still useless here, with MMCC being way too
much for an average of 55 damage and a 50% chance of
Paralysis. Get heads often enough, and it'll win you a
game or two. If you are like me, though, it won't be
much help with all of those tails you flip. 1.75/5 |
Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Steelix GL
Steelix was obviously meant to be a tank. Mend is great
for Energy acceleration and for recovering Special Metal
(Which you could put on a Dialga G using Bronzong G’s
Galactic Switch).
Squeeze is an expensive attack and needs a coin flip to
do decent damage. Paralysis is a nice effect, though.
Psychic Resistance is a nice bonus, Fire Weakness is ok,
but it is vulnerable to being KO’d in one hit by
Houndoom G. The retreat cost is horrible, but you could
always use Poke Turn or Warp Point.
Overall, Steelix GL is just too slow and its attack just
too unreliable to be worth playing over Dialga G.
Modified: 1.5 (just because it can recover Special
Limited: 3 (a tank Pokemon would actually be useful
here) |