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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Lucario GL Lv. 32
Rising Rivals
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.50
Limited: 1.90
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Jigglypuff13 |
5/7 Lucario GL Lv.32 (RR)
Hello, and welcome to the continuation of our Rising
Rivals preview week, and I'm afraid this is going to
have to have a short review on a card I could really go
in depth about, Lucario GL! When you've all stopped
cheering, I'll continue. Right, Lucario GL, and like I
said, I could go in depth, but not about the basics of
the card. First of, it's has a not too shabby 80 HP. I'm
not too sure how good that actually is for an SP
Pokémon, but on non-evolving basics in general, it's
pretty really. x2 Psychic Weakness is to be expected,
and is quite annoying really, with a lot of big Psychic
types floating around or will be around (Like Gallade 4
Lv.X (RR)). No Resistance can be glossed over, and the 1
Retreat Cost is average as well, so no real big deals or
shocks in the basics department.
The abilities are where this card start to get
interesting. First off, it's Poke-Body, Boundary Aura,
and it's Lake Boundary in a Poké-Body, which is
brilliant. Lake Boundary, as I'm sure everyone reading
this will know, is a Stadium that changes all weaknesses
into x2. Use correctly and it can be devastating.
However, it's one weakness is that you can only draw
into it and not search it out (unless you use Palkia (DP
or GE or one of the Promos), at which point, why aren't
you using the superior PL version with Palkia Lv.X, the
only reason you'd ever use either?), which means timing
can be a bit of a problem. However, since Lucario GL is
a basic Pokémon, it's easy to search for it, with staple
Supporters like Roseanne's and Bebe's searching it, to
often over-looked trainers like Great Ball. Because it's
so easy to search out, the devastating effect can be
much timed right a lot easier. I suppose the only
downside is that it takes up a bench space, but the
reward simply outweigh the costs.
Combo Throw deserves minimal attention really, since
it's a rather average attack . MCC for 30 plus 10 more
damage for each energy attached to the Defending Pokémon
means it will often max out at 60 damage, which
shouldn't be enough to 2HKO most main attackers out
there. I suppose the only reason it would see play is
because of Energy Gain reducing it to a MC cost attack,
or as as tech in SP decks for Tyranitar (SF) if it still
sees any play at all, to take out a heavily loaded T-Tar
in one hit. Otherwise, though, leave it on the bench.
Combos, and really, just leave it on the bench in any
deck and it will have done it's job well. It's best off
in SP decks since all of their Pokémon already have x2
Weakness, so won't adversely effect them. Other good
Pokémon to but Lucario GL with are those without
weaknesses or that can easily get rid of them (so many
Psychic types with Azelf Lv.X (LA) in play as an
example). If you really want to use the attack, I
suppose you could use Tentacreul (LA) which can load up
your opponents Pokémon with loads of energies, but there
really isn't much point to it.
Counters, and it really doesn't have a lot of them.
Dialga G Lv.X (PL) won't shut it off because Lucario GL
is an SP Pokémon, so they can happily be played side by
side. I suppose Lucario GL might have to be afraid of
Dusknoir (DP) or snipers, but really, it's the same with
any bench sitter.
Modified: Brilliant, just brilliant. Boundary Aura is a
fantastic Pokémon, proving devastating when played at
the right time. It's hard not to like it really. OK, it
can't go into decks whose Weakness is already a bit iffy
in the metagame because that would just accentuate it no
end. I suppose the attack could've been, and I do wish
it had a little more HP, but they are minor problems
with an otherwise brilliant card. 4.25/5
Limited: I'm not so sure about it here. Combo Throw is
even more useless here, so it's never going to attack
(if you are sensible, anyway). Boundary Aura probably
won't be that helpful either since most people will use
SP's, all of which already have x2 Weakness, making
Lucario GL obsolete. I suppose it will be helpful
against non-SP, but it's limited in it's usefulness
really. 1.75/5 |

MN State
Champion |
Today's card of the day is one of Maylene's, probably
because it's her very own Lucario!
Lucario GL has average SP stats, once again, with 80 HP,
a x2 weakness, this time, one that could hurt it if any
non-Gengar Psychic decks are still around, and a retreat
cost of one, along with no resistance. All of those are
pretty average, so I'll skip over them and get to the
Lucario GL's Pokebody is Boundary Aura. As long as
Lucario's in play, all Pokemon have their weaknesses x2.
Hmm, haven't we heard that before. Oh yeah, Lake
Boundary does the exact same thing! well, hopefully the
attack will be better...
And Lucario Gl fails to deliver. For one Metal and two
colorless (one colorless with Energy Gain), Lucario GL
does 30 damage plus 10 damage for each energy on the
defending Pokemon. In an enviroment of fast attacks
costing one or two energy, Lucario GL lacks stopping
power and will be ran over like a ugly kung-fu dog in
the middle of a highwway.
Modified 1/5
Given the choice, use Lake Boundary until it gets
rotate, it stops Suntank G and doesn't get Take Outed by
Limited 2/5
This may just stem from my long hatred of Lucario, but
this card has no real advantage in the entire Rising
Rivals set. Unless you were running some freaky Flygon-All
Color deck designed to take advantage of weakness, don't
use this card unless running metal.
Prereleases are 2 days away!
~KFT |
Octillery49 |
Lucario is an AMAZING tech in many decks. He's
searchable with Roseanne's and Bebe's, so you can get
him into play when needed. His attack isn't awful, but
you mostly would use him for his Pokebody anyway, so it
doesn't matter. Sadly, he can be shut down by Dialga G
X, so that keeps him from getting a perfect score. 4/5 |
Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Lucario GL
This is a great tech for SP decks. Lucario GL’s PokeBody,
Boundary Aura, makes it into a searchable Lake Boundary
which evens things up against decks which don’t have x2
Weakness like the SP Pokemon. It allows you to play
another Stadium (like Galactic HQ) and STILL hit your
opponent’s Pokemon for double Weakness.
So far, SP decks have been missing a Fighting-type, and
this fills the gap nicely. It can take advantage of the
Weakness of Lightning Pokemon like Raichu, Luxray,
Manectric, and Ampharos, and is even capable of getting
a OHKO on a Tyranitar SF if they have at least 4 Energy
attached to it (which they most probably will).
Psychic Weakness isn’t great, but most of the time,
Lucario GL will be sitting on the bench for its Pokebody.
If you need to use its attack, then Energy Gain makes
the cost much more reasonable.
Modified: 3 (very useful tech for SP decks)
Limited: 1.5 (no Energy Gain makes its attack expensive)