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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Arceus X
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.00
Limited: 2.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Jigglypuff13 |
11/3 Arceus Lv.X (PA? AR? What's the official
abbreviation for this set? 94/99)
Yep, after a bit of a break (stupid Uni), I'm ready to
start doing some more irregular reviews, and I start off
with the continuation of the Arceus (Pokémon) week with
Arceus Lv.X no. 94/99. Now, the reason for the number
being included twice already in this review is
important, it's because there are 2 other Arceus Lv.X's
in this set, and those 2 are, well, you see later,
either by reading this review, or the scans/translations
of the cards. Anyway, we are focused on this 94 Lv.X,
and the basics of the card first, and it has 120 HP. For
a Basic Lv.X, this is very nice to have, with only
Regigigas Lv.X (SF) beating it on this front, thus you
should survive a hit or two. Weakness is non-existent,
for which I'm glad, we haven't seen that many
no-Weakness cards recently (Sableye's and maybe the odd
Spiritomb), so it's good to see more. Oh, and it's
perfect, and on a Pokémon like this, you'd expect it
really. No Resistance, well, it's normal, but
considering it's the Alpha Pokémon we are on about here,
you'd think he might have something. 1 Retreat Cost
really is befitting off such a Pokémon, though again,
you may think 0 would've been more appropriate. Even
better than all of this is the fact that you can play as
many Arceus cards in your deck as you like, which is
great fun, and makes an Arceus deck viable at least.
Solid base stats on the Alpha Pokémon are a good base,
but what about abilities? Well, I think it's fair to say
there is no Pokémon in existence that's been printed to
be as flexible as this card. It only has 2 Poké-Bodies.
It's first is Multitype (also seen on the other, worse
Lv.X's) that changes the type of Arceus Lv.X to the same
as the Pokémon it's Levelled Up from. Most of you will
probably already know that there is an Arceus for every
type, thus this card can become any type you like, just
by Levelling Up whatever typed Arceus you want. For
better fighting a certain deck, just Level Up the Arceus
of their Weakness, enjoy the extra HP, and watch as they
cringe in fear as you use any attack from any Arcues you
have in play.
Yes, you read that right, this card can use the attack
of any Arceus you have in play thanks to it's second
Poké-Body Omniscient. OK, you need the correct energies
attached to use the attacks, but you can't expect
anything less really, since then it would be too broken.
Whilst some of the attacks on some of the Arceus's are
rubbish, you don't have to use that attack or even that
Arceus in your deck in the first place. The sheer
flexibility here has to be broken at some point, surely?
Well, if it's going to be broken, it'll have to be with
other Arceus's since that's the only way this card will
see any play, obviously. You can run a variety of
different typed Arceus in you deck to get the right
against the right deck, then play the Arceus with the
best attacks for that situation. Simple. For getting the
correct energies into play, then the Colorless Arceus is
pretty good for that. The other attacks all have their
own uses, but for the most part, are require perfect
timing, which is why this Lv.X helps, along with Rainbow
and/or Multi energy, for having the right types
Counters are rather few and far between, simply due to
the sheer flexibility of the card. Machamp (SF) is the
big one, being able to use Take Out for a OHKO on Arceus
Lv.X without Unown G (GE) attached, but Unown G and
Levelling up from the Psychic Arceus, and then just
using your most powerful attacks. Since Arceus is likely
to be an all Basic deck, you may think Mewtwo Lv.X (LA)
will be a big counter to Arceus, but Levelling up from
the Psychic one (again), use Plus Power/Expert Belt, and
then use the Water Arceus's attack for a OHKO. The main
counter to Arceus Lv.X is, in my opinion at least, is
Dialga G Lv.X (PL), who turns off all non-SP Poké-Bodies.
Turning off both Multitype and Omniscient all in one go
really makes this card useless. Your only hope is that
Dialga G Lv.X stays active long enough for you to OHKO
it with the Fire typed Arceus, but that isn't likely.
Modified: Obviously, this card needs it's own deck to
actually be effective, based around getting whatever
type you need and using whatever attack you need at the
right time. This deck has almost infinite flexibility,
and thus could be used to counter any metagame, by
changing the ratios of the Arceus you use, but that
isn't the point, the point is that this card can be
great. However, it needs someone to get the correct
skeleton build, and then allow it to adapt to the
metagame. It's too early to tell if this will be
possible, but you have to admit, there is potential at
least. 3.5/5
Limited: Chances are you will get 1 Arceus in your packs
(it's one is every 4 packs roughly I believe), but that
really doesn't help this card. You'll only have 1 type
to play with, and 1 attack, making both of these Poké-Bodies
absolutely pointless. So, basically, leave this card
alone here, unless you get lucky enough to pull 2
Arceus's. 1.25/5 |

Meganium45 |
Here we GO! An Arceus Level X…and the one with the
Omniscient Pokebody, which allows it to use the attacks
of all Arceus in play.
This is the key to an Arceus deck, maximum flexibility.
If you face a Mewtwo Level X, not only should you have
the psychic type arceus under you, you should be using
the attack of the Water type Arceus!
Kind of a new fangled Mew EX, limited to Arceus.
I like it. It is going to take some trials and testing
to see just how much, but with Unown G, and big Arceus
support, this could be a lot of fun!!
Modified…3.5/5 Of course, only in an arceus deck, but
you knew that, right?
Limited. You are going to take it, it is worth it, but
given that you may only get 1 or 2 other total arceus,
it is usually only good for a HP boost…2/5
There you go! Cities are coming so GET TESTING!!
Vince |
Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Arceus LV X (Omniscient)
Of all the three (yes, THREE) Arceus LV X in the set,
this is the one you really want.
Like its fellow LV X’s it has a respectable 120 HP and a
very manageable Retreat cost of one. Sadly, Arceus LV X
has no Resistance (few Pokémon do), but it more than
makes up for that by having no Weakness either. That is
a huge plus for Arceus, as nearly all non-Arceus LV X
have that dreaded X2 Weakness that can make them
vulnerable to teching. With this card, you can
effectively negate the various Weaknesses of the Arceus
that are levelled up.
Another thing that all Arceus LV X share is the
Multitype PokeBody, which makes Arceus take on the type
of the Pokémon from which it Levelled Up. This gives the
deck tremendous versatility: it is more or less the
opportunity to pick whatever type you need in order to
hit your opponent for Weakness. By playing several
copies of this LV X, you can virtually guarantee this
against the vast majority of Pokémon in your opponent’s
What really sets this Arceus LV X apart, though, is its
second PokeBody, Omniscient. This allows Arceus LV X to
use ANY of the attacks of ANY of the Arceus you have in
play. Wow!
Now you would think that the various Energy needs of all
the different attacks would cause problems, but those
are solved with the Arceus Stadium card, Ultimate Zone,
which allows you to move any Energy you like on to your
active Arceus and give him access to all of those
attacks. Now, not only can you hit for Weakness, you can
also use whatever attack suits the game situation you
are in. Need a big hit to take out a threat? Then copy
Fire Arceus’s 80 damage attack (remember, if you are
doing it right, you will be hitting for Weakness too).
Has your opponent found a way to block your attack (such
as Mewtwo LV X’s PokeBody, or Flygon RR’s Sand Wall)?
Then copy Water Arceus’s Fastwave, which does 50 damage
and ignores any effects. Need to hit-and-run? Then just
use Lightning Arceus’s attack. You have a lot of options
to take advantage of with this card.
Dialga G LV X, is an obvious concern for a Pokemon that
relies on just its PokeBodys to function. Though Fire
Arceus can easily KO an active one, a bench-sitting tech
Dialga G remains a problem. That aside, though, this is
the crucial offensive weapon in an Arceus deck. In its
own deck, it is almost like a Mew EX with no Weakness
and higher HP, and it should be run in multiples, and
never mind the expense!
Modified (Arceus Deck): 4.75 (almost the perfect card to
work with this deck concept)
Limited: 2 (High HP and no Weakness are nice but its
PokeBodys will almost certainly be irrelevant) |
virusyosh |
Arceus Lv. X
Hello again everyone! Today we are reviewing the one of
the superpowered forms of Arceus in the new set, Arceus
This particular Arceus Lv. X has 120 HP, which is just
about right for a Lv. X levelling up from a Basic. It
can easily survive a hit or two while dishing out a few
of its own. No Weakness is fantastic, no Resistance is
average. A Retreat Cost of 1 is pretty good: you can pay
for it if you really need to without setting yourself
too far back. Also, like other Arceus cards, you may
have as many of this card as you want in your deck,
which can be useful.
As for Arceus Lv.X's abilities, it has two Poke-Bodies
and no attacks. Its first Poke-Body, Multitype, makes
Arceus Lv. X the same type as its previous Level. This
is very good in a deck with many different types of
Arceus, as it allows you to choose a type to most
effectively fight your opponent. Arceus Lv. X's second
Poke-Body, Omniscient, complements this very well. This
body allows Arceus Lv. X to use any attack on any of
your Arceus in play, as long as it meets the energy
requirements. Like Multitype, this provides maximum
flexibility in the Arceus deck, allowing you to use
attacks based on the energy you have available and your
current needs. At the same time, this very flexibility
can be this card's downfall: If you don't have many
other Arceus in play, your options are severely limited.
Modified: 3.75/5 In an Arceus deck, this card can do
almost whatever you need it to do with the proper setup,
and getting that proper setup shouldn't be too hard with
all of the various draw power and search cards available
in the format.
Limited: 3/5 Not quite as good here, because the chances
of you getting a good surrounding setup aren't nearly as
good. Even still, without any other Arceus, it's still a
120 HP beast with whatever attacks and type that your
previous Arceus had.