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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Grass Arceus
- Lv. 100
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.00
Limited: 4.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

Meganium45 |
Ah, the playable Arceus – the Grass one.
90 HP, weak to fire (not good) resistant to water (OK,
will be better soon).
2 Retreat cost is no bueno, but this thing should NOT be
your attacker!!!
The attack for 2 energy does 30 damage (not bad) and
removes 30 damage from EACH of your Benched Pokemon!
For some of the giant grass decks developing out there,
this could be a monster card. The benched Pokemon don’t
have to be grass, they don’t have to be anything…just
This is a “game changing” Pokemon in draft as well. Send
something up, get it damaged, then recover with this
little beasty, and repeat.
Ratings…modified 3.5/5 I think this is one of the better
Arceus in the set, as it can be very useful in both an
Arceus deck, and a non-arceus grass deck!!!
Limited…4.5/5 This is the best of the Arceus for draft.
If it had a 1 retreat cost, I would have gone “5” on it.
See you all soon! Cities announcements coming!!!
Vince |
Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Arceus – Grass Type
Do we get to call this Pokémon Grasseus? No? Just
Anyway, 90 HP is good for a Basic Arceus. Water
Resistance might be a little useful, though Gyarados and
Kingdra will often find a way to OHKO anyway. Retreat
Cost of two is a bit of a pain, and X2 Weakness to Fire
is nasty unless Infernape and Blaziken magically
disappear, but Levelling Up will fix those problems.
Grass Arceus’s attack, Leaf Refresh, is reasonably
priced at [G][C], but does a mere 30 damage. It does
come with a nice bonus though, and removes three damage
counters from all of your Benched Pokémon. This does
give an Arceus deck a handy counter to spread decks like
Gallade 4 or Abomasnow, but they are rarely seen these
days due to the presence of Nidoqueen RR in the Format.
The biggest drawback with the Grass version of Arceus,
though, is that there are simply not many playable
Pokémon that are weak to Grass. Claydol is very common,
but it is very seldom active, Rampardos is rarely seen,
and that leaves . . . ummm . . . Gastrodon decks? Sadly,
Grass Arceus does not have an attack that you would want
to use often, and the type coverage it supplies is
largely irrelevant.
You COULD include one in your Arceus deck, for the sake
of completeness, but that slot would probably be better
used for an extra copy of a more effective version of
the Pokémon.
Modified (Arceus Deck): 2 (Not an essential inclusion)
Limited: 3 (good HP, mass healing, cheap attack = decent
for this format) |
virusyosh |
Arceus Lv. 100 - Grass Type
Good day fellow Pojoers! I hope that your weeks are
going well. Today we're continuing with Arceus week by
reviewing the Alpha Pokemon's Grass form.
Grass Arceus is a 90 HP Grass-type basic with a double
weakness to Fire, a -20 resistance to Water, and a
Retreat Cost of 2. 90 HP is pretty decent for a
non-evolving basic, but you should be careful when
putting this Arceus up against opposing Fire Pokemon,
since it probably won't last too long with the double
weakness. Water resistance is good to have. The retreat
cost of 2 is a bit high, but you can pay it if you're in
a bind.
This Arceus only has one attack. For (GC), Leaf Refresh
deals 30 damage and removes 3 damage counters from each
of your Benched Pokemon. Doing 30 damage is average for
the cost, but removing 3 damage counters from your
entire bench is really great: you can deal damage to
your opponent while keeping your bench safe from snipers
and spread damage. This works especially well in the
Arceus deck, as removing 3 damage counters from your
benched Arceus can mean a lot when your whole bench has
less than 100 HP.
Modified: 3.5/5 In an Arceus deck, this card can keep
your other benched Arceus alive as well as dealing
decent damage. Just look out for Infernape 4 and other
Limited: 4/5 Healing in Limited is always really nice,
and a 90 HP basic with mass healing is excellent.
Possible searchability with Beginning Door is another
plus, but as always, look out for Fire Pokemon.