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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Fire Arceus Lv. 100
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.68
Limited: 3.15
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

Meganium45 |
80 HP fire type weak to water, 1 retreat…all sounds
pretty good for now!
Fire type will make it VERY effective against all of the
big grass decks we expect to see!
Then the attack, 80 for 3, discard energy only on a
tails…not bad, not bad at all. My goodness a decent
You don’t even discard ALL your energy, only 2!!!
So, we may have a playable arceus, assuming you can get
it powered up…you can, right?
Modified…3.5/5 Good, but not great. Still better than
Limited…3.5/5 80 damage is huge here. If you hit the
heads, you are ROLLIN on…bad news is that water is
bigger here!
Good luck!
Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Arceus – Fire Type
Ah . . . now this is one of the heavy-hitters to call
upon with your LV X!
Mid-range HP of 80, acceptable Retreat Cost, worrying
Water Weakness (with Kingdra, Palkia G, and Gyarados all
hovering around the Format), but the LV X takes care of
that problem.
The attack, Bright Flame, does a pretty good 80 damage
for [R][C][C]. Remember that with Arceus decks, you
should always be aiming to hit for Weakness, which would
increase the attack damage considerably, depending on
the Defending Pokémon. The usual Energy discard downside
that we expect from big Fire attacks (see Charizard,
Blaziken, Infernape) is present, but at least the double
discard is on a coin flip, and Arceus decks shouldn’t
have too many problems with it anyway, given the deck’s
ability to manipulate its Energy attachments with the
Ultimate Zone Stadium.
The Weakness coverage that the Fire type provides is
mediocre at the moment. Dialga G decks have been pushed
out of the metagame somewhat due to the popularity of
Infernape 4 and Blaziken FB, while the big, slow Metal
and Grass Pokémon that are typically weak to Fire (Magnezone,
Torterra) have all but disappeared. If the new Tangrowth
and/or Sceptile see some play, and Dialga G creeps into
tournaments again, then this aspect of Fire Arceus will
become more important. For now it can justify its places
in the deck on account of its superior damage output.
Modified (Arceus Deck): 3.75 (the necessary big-hitter
for the deck)
Limited: 2.75 (slow, and tails flips hurt, but good
damage and HP for a Basic) |