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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day


Camerupt G Lv. 57

Supreme Victors

Date Reviewed: 10.13.09

Ratings & Reviews Summary

Modified: 1.95
Limited: 2.50

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 
3 ... average.  
5 is the highest rating.

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Camerupt G


Another week, another Camerupt. Cyrus certainly does seem to like Fire Pokémon, but then again, who doesn’t?


Camerupt G comes with a very nice 100 HP, the ability to benefit from all the lovely SP support, and a not-exactly-shocking X2 Water Weakness. It also has a Retreat cost of three, so you can either leave it active or use up a PokeTurn.


Searing Flame, Camerupt G’s first attack, is nice enough, doing 20 damage + auto Burn for a reasonable cost of [R][C].  That’s not so bad considering that you can use Energy Gain. It’s second attack, Earth Power is more expensive at [C][C][C][C], but it does 60 damage to the active and up to 20 damage to all of your opponent’s Benched Pokémon, depending on coin flips. Again you can reduce the cost with Energy Gain and/or Upper Energy.


Camerupt G’s main problem is that, while it is not a terrible Pokémon, it is completely outshone by its fellow Fire SP Basics. It lacks the disruptive Power and massive attack of Infernape 4 and it cannot match the sheer speed and ability to abuse burn that Blaziken FB possesses. It’s also much too slow to be worth a place as a Fire tech in an SP deck.




Modified: 1.75 (an average Pokémon that is outclassed by others)

Limited: 2 (Status conditions work better here, but it’s still slow)

Steel_Winger Welcome back to the Pokemon COTD!

Today's card is one of the Shiny Pokemon in the Supreme Victors set: Yanma. Let's look at the basics: 70 HP on a Basic Pokemon is great. A +20 Weakness to Lightning hurts it against Ampharos, Luxray GL (LV. X) and anything else you see attacking of the same type. A -20 Resistance to Fighting helps against Hippowdon and Machamp (if you have an Unown [G] attached). A Retreat Cost of one, is average.

No Powers or Bodies as expected, but there are two attacks. The first attack, Sonicboom, does 10 damage for an energy of choice, and the damage is unaffected by Weakness or Resistance.

...Correct me if I'm wrong, but there's not a Pokemon in this format that has Resistance to Grass for some odd reason. And competitive Pokemon with Grass Weakness (that would normally be active) are few and far between at the moment.

Still, I can understand the set damage output because Sonicboom always does a set 20 damage in the video games. In that case, why doesn't this card's Sonicboom do a set 20? It could use a bit more power.

The second attack, Baton Pass, does 30 for 3 energies, one which must be Grass. I can hardly imagine someone lasting that long to attach 3 energies to do so little damage. But if you can, you're rewarded with the opportunity to switch Yanma with another one of your Pokemon and move as many energy cards from Yanma to whatever is taking it's place. It's almost as if Yanma is expecting to be KOed and doesn't want the energy attached to it to go to waste in the discard pile. Combo it with a Pokemon that can hinder the opponent from attacking or hurting the opponent when they do so. Examples are Sharpedo (RR), Garchomp (SV), and Mr. Mime (MT).

As for the card as a whole, it's not bad in leading to Yanmega, but I would rather use the Yanma from Legends Awakened.


Modified: 2/5 See previous statement.
Limited: 3/5 It's better than the regular Yanma from the same set in my opinion.

This is Steel_Winger, until next time!
Guy I believe that Camerupt G has some potential. I faced a TON of SP snipe decks this past weekend at the league, and each one had one heavy hitter in it. I don't know if Camerupt G can be played well in a snipe deck, or SP deck, but it has SOME potential. It is an 100hp basic, with so-so attacks, but I just do not see it being played to much. Obviously you can use Power Spray, Poke Turn, or any of the other sp trainers and supporters, but that is about all I see playable with Camerupt.

Modified: 2/5
Limited: 2.5/5

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