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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day


Breloom Lv. 37

Supreme Victors

Date Reviewed: 10.14.09

Ratings & Reviews Summary

Modified: 2.50
Limited: 2.87

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 
3 ... average.  
5 is the highest rating.

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Top 4 UK Nats

Breloom Lv 37


Breloom is one of those weird Pokémon that you tend to forget exists a lot of the time. A boxing mushroom? . . . Uh ok.


That certainly isn’t the fault of the people who make the cards though, as they have certainly given Breloom a coupe of interesting attacks that are well worth a second look.


Hover Hit, is this Pokémon’s first attack, and it deals a very nice 40 damage for a single Fighting energy. In previous formats, that would have incredible OHKO potential, with all the low-HP, Fighting-weak Basics being played (such as Holon’s Castform). These days, though, even non SP Basics seem to have 60+ HP, and the SP Pokémon themselves are even tougher. Still, the attack is very good value, though the attack’s downside, giving the opponent’s active Free Retreat, is a bit of a worry. At first, you may think of the obvious combo with Breloom SW, which deals 120 damage to Free Retreating Pokémon for three Energy. This isn’t really going to work though, as your opponent will just retreat the active on their next turn.


Breloom’s second attack, Crash Bomber, has some definite possibilities in this format. For the low, and easy to achieve cost of [C][C], it does a mere 20 damage. BUT, if the Defending Pokémon has Special Energy attached, that becomes 60 damage and you get to discard the Special Energy. This in itself is nice as there are very few cards which can retrieve Special Energy from the discard pile (Electivire FB LV X, Conductive Quarry can do it for Special Metal). What is more, Special Energy is probably just about common enough to allow you to benefit from this attack. Most decks play Call Energy, Upper Energy is used in some Stage 2 decks (such as Flygon), SP decks often use SP Energy, and Gyarados  (and sometimes Machamp) decks will often tech Cyclone Energy. Add to that a smattering of decks that use Special Dark or Metal Energy, and you can see that you can reasonably expect to get full value for Crash Bomber in most match ups.


But does that make Breloom worthy of a tech slot in your deck? Well, you have to consider that its relatively low HP and Weakness to the popular Fire type mean that it is unlikely to stay on the Field very long. In addition, the most common discard with Crash Bomber (Call Energy) is not going to hurt the opponent much after the first turn or two and 60 damage, even at a low cost, is unlikely to be game-breaking.


So, while Breloom’s attacks can be useful, it probably just falls short of justifying space as a tech in a competitive deck.




Modified: 2.5 (nearly, but not quite)

Limited: 3.25 (40 for one Energy is great here)


Guy Breloom is an interesting card. 90 hp is NOT much for a stage 1 card. Weakness to psychic is obviously a downfall, but the attacks get interesting. 40 damage for one energy is not bad, but unless you are playing a snipe deck, why would you ever want to give your opponent free retreat? The second attack is the most intriguing to me. For two energy, you can do 20 + 40 damage if there is a special energy attached to the defending pokemon. Then you can discard the special energy attached to that pokemon. This could be extremely helpful depending on how the season shapes up with pokemon who use special energy. So keep your eyes open and see what is being played, and keep Breloom in mind.

Modified: 2.5 with potential
Limited: 2.5

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