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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Chimecho Lv. 30
Supreme Victors
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.50
Limited: 2.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Jigglypuff13 |
10/16 Chimeco Lv.30 (SV)
Hello, and welcome to the end of the week, and a card
that absolutely no one has cared about. There is a good
reason for this, and I'll get to that later. Basics of
the card first, and it has 70 HP, which for a
non-evolving Basic, is alright, but not great. +20
Psychic Weakness is quite annoying since Psychic is
always a popular type, thus you will find this card
being OHKOed a lot thanks to this and it's relatively
low HP. No Resistance is to be expected, and not very
helpful. It does, however, have 1 Retreat Cost, which is
quite good, and easy to reduce thanks to the use of
Moonlight Stadium, but you probably won't need it.
Abilities now, and they really aren't very good, and the
reason why you'll never see this card in a good deck.
First of all, we have Heal Bell, which, for C, remove 3
damage counters off each of your Pokémon in play. Sounds
quite nice, especially since Nidoqueen is such a popular
tech at the moment, and this attack is worth 3 of them
at the same time, you may think it's pretty good.
However, Nidoqueen has the bonus of being a Poké-Body,
but Chimeco's Heal Bell is an attack, so will end your
turn, and automatically lose any points this attack may
have gained from healing so much damage all at once.
Super Psywave isn't that great either. The attack name
obviously comes from Nintendo's new “rad” attack name
department, along with Supreme Blast and Extreme Attack
probably. Anyway, Super Psywave allows you to choose one
of your opponent's Pokémon and place a number of damage
counters on it equal to the amount of Energies attached
to that Pokémon, all for P. First off all, the attack is
blocked by Unown G (GE), but that shouldn't be much of a
problem. The main problem is that most Pokémon only
really need 3 Energies attached to them maximum, and a
30 for P attack is done a lot better by, say, Gengar
(SF), who at least doesn't depend upon what your
opponent does.
Combos? There really isn't one, bar the shoebox.
Counters? When everyone realizes how rubbish this card
is. I can't help but feel as though that may be very
Modified: You don't need to guess. Heal Bell is done
better by Nidoqueen (RR), and Super Psywave is just a
little too dependent on your opponent for my taste, thus
would prefer the use of Gengar (SF), say, instead of
Chimeco. It can't even gain any points from being an SP
Pokémon, so you may as well throw it in the shoebox, and
forget the card even exists until you next pull it from
a pack. 1/5
Limited: It doesn't get better here really. Heal Bell is
not worth wasting an attack on. I know there is no other
healing, but it still not worth an attack, and Super
Psywave is, amazingly, even worse here, since your
opponents Pokémon will need even less energies attached
to them than in modified on average (2 maybe?), so deal
even less damage. It can't even tank due to it's weak HP
value. Get rid of the card ASAP. 1/5 |

Meganium45 |
OK, are we really running out of good Pokemon in this
We have a better way to beat a spread deck, it is called
I guess, if spread is huge in your area, you could use
this as a way to clear your Pokemon of Damage, but at
the waste of an attack.
Top Stats – 70 HP Psychic weak to psychic…retreat cost
of 1. Not even a free retreat cost as a redeemer here.
Attack, 1 for removal of 3 damage from each of your
Pokemon. I guess, a creative person could use this to
clear the self damage done by Luxray Level X’s attack,
but, really? You have to assume that THIS Pokemon is
going to be knocked out the turn it attacks, so damage
removal for a prize? Not a good tradeoff.
Second attack, 1 damage counter to a Pokemon for each
energy attached to that Pokemon? Are you SERIOUS? In
this era of 1 and 2 energy attacks this is feeble at
BEST! Unown G smacks it in the head as well.
Just like yesterday…if you flip this over, I have got to
either figure I have a game won…or I am going to play go
fish, as I am better suited for that game.
Modified…1/5 Worse than the Relicanth yesterday.
Limited…1/5 No reason to draft this card EVER.
Vince |
Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Chimecho Lv 30
If you are playing a non-SP Basic that doesn’t Evolve
then it is usually because it . . .
a) helps you to set up (like Pachirisu GE)
b) wrecks the opponent’s set up (like Absol SW)
c) has an attack which makes it a useful tech in the
metagame (like non-shiny Relicanth SV) or,
d) is called Uxie, Azelf, or Mesprit.
Can Chimecho fulfill any of those functions and earn a
slot in competitive decks? Let’s see . . .
The basic stats for Chimecho are acceptable, if not
outstanding. 70 HP is ok, Psychic Weakness is
manageable, as is the Retreat cost of one. It’s first
attack, Heal Bell removes three damage counters from ALL
of your Pokémon for the low cost of one Colourless
Energy. Now that’s not bad, and could certainly be handy
when facing a spread deck or late game when you have a
few damaged Pokémon on the Field. The big question,
though, is, is it worth using up an attack to do it?
Well, no doubt there would be some situations in which
the answer would be ‘yes’, but generally it isn’t the
case. In the early game, your Bench is unlikely to need
it, and in late game you will most likely want to be
doing some big damage of your own. In a stall deck, you
are probably better off sticking with Poke Healers and
Super Scoop Ups (PokeTurn in SP, of course) so that you
can heal your Pokémon AND attack your opponent. Other
healing options that don’t waste an attack, or promote
an easy-to-KO Basic, are Blissey PL and Garchomp C LV X
for SP decks.
Chimecho boasts a second cheap attack too, but it is
pretty ineffectual. For [P] you can place damage
counters on any of your opponent’s Pokémon equal to the
amount of Energy attached to it. While snipe is nice,
this is seldom going to do enough damage to make it
worthwhile. Very rarely do you see a Pokémon with more
than three Energy on it, so a Pokémon would have to be
very badly damaged (and be without Unown G) to make this
attack worthwhile. Azelf LV X has a much better version
of the same attack (it does damage for the total amount
of Energy the opponent has in play) so if you wanted to,
you could always add that to your deck. After all, you
are almost certainly running the Basic Azelf anyway.
Although it does have something to offer, it isn’t
nearly enough to see Chimecho join the list of playable
non-evolving Basics, I’m afraid.
Modified:1.75 (very limited usefulness)
Limited: 3 (much better here. Both attacks are cheap and
could be very handy)
Guy |
The last card we have for review this week is Chimecho.
Chimecho is average HP and retreat cost wise for a
basic, but weakness to psychic hurts. However, this card
could be useful for it's attacks. Removing 3 damage from
all pokemon is very helpful for only 1 energy, and doing
10 for each energy on one of your opponent's pokemon
could be useful if used in the right situation. MAY, not
definitely, but may be useful in a snipe deck. Have a
great weekend everyone!!
Modified: 2.75/5
Limited: 3/5 |