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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Relicanth Lv. 36
Supreme Victors
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.60
Limited: 2.40
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

Meganium45 |
The Relicanth
Boy, oh boy, did we just meet Gengar’s BEST friend? No
more pesky unown Gs to stop damage from Gengar, when you
can send Relicanth after them!
70 HP basic, weak to grass, retreat of 1, all good
stats. Having lightning resistance for this rock would
have made him about PERFECT!
Attacks – 1 fighting energy for 30 for each tool and
stadium your opponent has in play to ANY Pokemon (not
just the one holding the tool!).
No weakness for the bench, but you are usually looking
for a you pick for 30-60 damage. WOW.
2nd attack (is there one? Really?) Amnesia for 30, but
you know the rest…usually not going to use this unless
you are in a pickle, and then it is probably too late
Modified…4.5/5 Almost the perfect Pokemon…for a
Limited…2/5 Not too hot here. Not many tools, not many
gyms…better choices here.
There you go…a great card for a Monday!
Vince |
Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Relicanth Lv 36 SV
Yay, this week we kick things off with an actual GOOD
Keep the shiny one for your binder, THIS is the
Relicanth you want to put in your decks.
The basic stats for this card are pretty decent in
themselves. 80 HP is solid for a non-evolving Basic,
Weakness to Grass is one of the better Weaknesses to
have. The Retreat cost of [C] is, if anything, on the
generous side.
The reason people are including this card in their
decklists, though, is its first attack, Grand Swell. For
the bargain price of a single Fighting Energy, you can
do 30 damage to ANY of your opponent’s Pokémon for each
Pokémon Tool that they have in play. Note that it is
damage you are doing, not placing damage counters. Unown
G won’t save your opponent here . . . in fact, because
it is a Tool when attached, it will actually be
increasing the damage Relicanth does.
Because the most commonly used Tools in Pokémon are
Unown G and Energy Gain, it should be obvious that
Relicanth’s main use is as a tech against SP decks. SP
decks will often have 3 or more of these cards in play,
which effectively means that Relicanth can snipe
anywhere for 90+. Of course, an opponent could always
choose not to play those cards, but by doing that they
slow down their deck and leave it vulnerable to
effect-based attacks. The most obvious combo here is
with Machamp SF. If the SP player guards their Pokémon
with Unown G, you snipe them with Relicanth, if they
don’t you use Machamp’s Take Out attack to OHKO all of
their Pokémon.
An added bonus is that the very common Luxray GL is weak
to Relicanth’s Fighting type, which makes Relicanth a
viable and sturdier alternative to Mankey SV as an anti-Luxray
Against non-SP decks, Relicanth has fewer uses. It can
have a place in Gengar SF decks, as players will often
use multiple Unown G’s to counter Shadow Room.
Generally, though, Tools other than Unown G are rarely
seen. Some Flygon decks use Memory Berry, but not until
they have locked your active Pokémon, making it
difficult to retreat for Relicanth. Cards like Energy
Link, Bubble Coat, and Leftovers see little or no
competitive play.
Relicanth’s second attack, Amnesia, is worth a mention
too. 30 damage for [F][C] is not bad, and the fact that
you can prevent the Defending Pokémon from using an
attack of your choice next turn can be somewhat useful,
especially against Pokémon that have only one usable
attack (such as Gyarados SF). You won’t find that you
use this very much though. Grand Swell is all that this
card needs to make it a sound, fast, easy to use anti-SP
Modified: 3.75 (It’s good, but it is just a tech, and
you would never play more than one)
Limited: 2.25 (No Tools in the set. Amnesia isn’t too
bad in Limited though) |
Steel_Winger |
Today's card is Relicanth from Supreme Victors... the
GOOD one, this time. Let's check the stats: 80 HP on a
non-legendary Basic tha doesn't evolve any further and
isn't a SP is excellent. The Fighting-type let's it
knock around Manetric and Luxray GL LV. X. A +20
Weakness to Grass is pretty good as the only Grass deck
being played widely now is Speedrill, and I think that's
dwindling in popularity. No Resistance is expected. A
Retreat Cost of 1 is average; not bad.
Relicanth has no Powers or Bodies, but it does have 2
attacks. The first, Grand Swell, is what makes the card.
For one Fighting energy, you get to snipe an opponent's
Pokemon for 30 damage times the number of Tools and
Stadiums your opponent has in play. This attack is
clearly meant to be a counter to SP decks since they run
Energy Gain and usually Snowpoint Temple/Galactic
HQ/Champion's Room. Two of any combination of Tools and
Stadiums lets Relicanth get a OHKO on an active Luxray
GL LV. X. Barring that, you can make your opponent think
twice about playing those cards recklessly, giving you a
bit of an edge. It also helps against those who use
Unown [G], which is just about every other deck out
If you think this attack is good now, just wait until
the Arceus set is released. Just about everyone will be
testing Expert Belt and Bench Shield, and Relicanth will
apparent;y have a field day in theory.
...Oh, that's right! Relicanth has a second attack,
Amnesia. For a Fighting and anoter energy of choice, you
do 30 damage to the Defending Pokemon and prevent it
from using one of it's attacks on their turn. Relicanth
usually won't be your starter, but if it is, it's a good
way to keep your opponent from using their best attack
on you and that could give you more time to set up.
Expect Relicanth to make more of an appearance when the
Arceus set is released.
Modified: 3.5/5 Even though it depends of whether your
opponent plays Tools and Stadiums or not (and almost all
of them do), it's easy enough to tech in a deck as to be
a surprise to the opponent who recklessly plays them out
of necessity.
Limited: 2.5/5 Well, there aren't many cards that
justify Relicanth making an appearance here. Buffer
Piece doesn't last for long, Champion's Room is for SP
Pokemon, and Battle Tower is for LV. Xs. These cards
probably won't be so widespread as in Modifed, but a 30x
snipeis nothing to laugh at if the opponent does play
This is Steel_Winger, until next time! |
Guy |
Today's card of the day is Relicanth lv 36 from Supreme
Victors. Relicanth has 80 hp, 1 retreat cost, weakness
to grass, and no resistance. All are average stats for a
Amnesia is a so-so attack. All the opponent has to do is
switch/warp point/retreat the defending and then it can
attack with someone else. So all you could really do
against a decent player is hit the defending for 30.
Grand Swell is an interesting attack. With so many
broken space time's going around, and so many galactic's
energy gains in the loose, Grand Swell has potential to
be a good attack. I could see grand swell doing 60-90
damage to an sp deck and 30 to a non sp deck. However,
the real question is whether one has room in their deck
for a card like relicanth. With so much other good stuff
out there I would say no, but I can see the potential in
the card so I would suggest that you try it out and see
what happens.
Modified: 2.5/5
Limited: 3/5 (Im giving it a pretty decent rating here.
An 80 hp basic that can drop 30 per turn is not to
shabby) |