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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Claydol Lv. 51
Supreme Victors
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.10
Limited: 2.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Claydol Lv 51 SV
The last time we got a Claydol (in Great Encounters) it
ended up being a staple in 90% of competitive decks
because of it’s amazing ability to provide draw every
turn, so this new version has a lot to live up to.
Unfortunately, unlike its predecessor, Claydol SV boasts
no PokePower or even a PokeBody. It does have 90 HP,
which is kind of average for a Stage 1 and a +20
Weakness to Psychic, which doesn’t do it any favours.
The retreat cost of [C] is manageable and should never
cause too many problems.
So, what does this Claydol have to offer in terms of
attack? For [C][C], you get Antique Magic, which is
almost identical to Medicham EX’s Pure Power, letting
you put three damage counters on any Pokémon in any way
you like. Now Medicham EX was a very powerful Pokémon in
its day, but things have moved on since then. Not only
does Claydol lack Medicham’s ability to block Powers,
but it also has to contend with higher HP Pokémon, Unown
G stopping damage counter placement, and Nidoqueen RR
techs negating any attempt at spreading. Yes, it could
be used to get a key KO on a badly damaged Pokémon, but
there are many faster and more efficient ways of doing
that in this format (Crobat G and PokeTurn being the
most obvious).
It seems that Antique Magic was designed to work with
Claydol’s second attack. Synchro Attack does a mere 30
damage for [P][P], unless the Defending Pokémon has the
same HP has Claydol, in which case it does 90 damage,
effectively scoring a OHKO. Presumably the idea is to
use Antique Magic to try and manipulate your opponent’s
Pokémon so that they have the same HP as Claydol, and
then sweep with Synchro Attack.
In practice, this is almost impossible to pull off. Your
opponent will always try and ensure that they have an
active Pokémon with a different remaining HP (either by
switching, or simply reducing Claydol’s own HP). What
this leaves you with is a Pokémon whose attacks are
going to be largely ineffective in the current
As far as competitive play is concerned, there is still
only one Claydol in the format.
Modified: 1.5 (too much effort for too little reward)
Limited: 2 (Could just about work here . . . sometimes) |

Meganium45 |
OK, the “other” Claydol…but don’t dismiss it too quick.
Psychic type, 90 HP, 1 retreat cost weakness to psychic.
Attack, the first for 2 place 3 damage counters as you
like. Meh at best.
2nd attack, 2 psychic for 30, or 90 if Claydol has the
same amount or remaining HP as the defending Pokemon.
Boy, 2 for 90, what is this, infernape DP?
This may be seen as an interesting Pokemon, a definite
consideration for a 1-1 tech for an SP deck against
Mewtwo that would be more effective than Dialga G!!!
Modified…I am going 3/5 Not as good as its “Big Brother”
with the power, but a consideration.
Limited…going 3/5 here. Nice attack, and if you could
set it up, it could be devastating.
Prereleases are coming!! Go to www.mopokemon.com for
time and details in the St. Louis area!!!
Vince Krekeler – Meganium45
Steel_Winger |
Welcome back to the Pokemon COTD!
Today, we're reviewing... Claydol! This should be
...Wait, you mean it's the one from Supreme Victors?
Never mind...
Well, let's look at it anyway: 90 HP on a Stage 1 is
pretty good, and a bit more than the Claydol that we'd
rather use. It's a Psychic Type, and that covers
Weakness on quite a few Pokemon and allows for free
retreat with Moonlight Stadium. A +20 Weakness means
that Gengar and Gallade 4 and others will give it a hard
time. No Resistance is... no Resistance. A Retreat Cost
of 1 is average.
No Powers or Bodies, but there are 2 attacks. Ancient
Magic, for 2 energies of choice, lets you put up to 3
damage counters on the field between you and your
opponent's Pokemon. Well, your opponent will likely have
an Unown [G] on th Pokemon that you want to target, and
putting damage on your own Pokemon is a usually
undesirable tactic (unless you're using Primeape LA and
even then there are better ways than Claydol). However,
it's designed (rather poorly) to combo with Claydol's
second attack...
..which is called Synchro Attack. For 2 Psychic energy,
you do an underpowered 30 damage. However, if the
Defending Pokemon has the same remaining HP as Claydol
does, it does 90 damage instead. Not bad, but that is
VERY situational. I'd rather rely on Ancient Magic as a
go-to attack.
On that note, I'd rather rely on the GE Claydol. Draw
power in that shape and form is excellent, even if it
isn't a good attacker.
Modified: 2/5 A decent snipe attack, and that's all it
has going for it.
Limited: 3/5 Well, it's a bit more possible to pull off
a Synchro Attack here, not to mention that there are
quite a few low HP Pokemon in the set. Ancient Magic
doesn't worry about Absol G's Weakness.
This is Steel_Winger, until next time! |