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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Dewgong Lv. 40
Supreme Victors
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.00
Limited: 3.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

Meganium45 |
OK, what an interesting Pokemon. To have an advantage
over 3 of the 9 types in Pokemon has got to be good.
Top stats 100 HP stage 1 with a weakness to metal,
really good right now. 3 retreat cost…you aren’t
retreating him. Period. Switch, Warp Point or KO…nothing
Attack, 2 for 30, 80 if it is a fighting Pokemon (which
are pretty common), so not bad!
4 for 70, average, and overcosted. Not holding my breath
for this one.
This may be an elite draft card, that has very little
use in the format today, unless you run into a mono-fire
deck after AA is released. Fire still outhits this far
too much to be effective in modified.
The 2 for a one-hit knock out (1hko) of Claydol after a
Luxray trick would be cute, but may be too much to do in
a turn.
Modified…2/5 Not complete junk, just not up to snuff
Limited…I would HAVE to grab this and try my darndest to
play it. Advantage over 3 types in a slow format is TOO
cool to pass up. Who knows, you may use the 4 for 70
here before you fall!!! If this were an uncommon, we
would be talking 5/5 here!!! Rating 4.5/5
See you all this weekend at the Prereleases. This is a
cool, cool set!!!
Vince |
Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Dewgong Lv 40 SV
Unlike so many Pokémon in SV which just have poorly
costed vanilla attacks (*looks at Arcanine*), Dewgong
actually has some interesting features.
100 HP is decent for a Stage 1, Weakness to Metal is
very acceptable, as it is an uncommon type, especially
now that Dialga G is being played mostly as a
rarely-attacking tech. A Retreat cost of three is
completely horrible, though, and is a major drawback.
Anyone playing this card will need to run Warp Points,
Switches, or Super Scoop Ups to get it out of trouble.
What Dewgong does have going for it is a very nice
PokeBody, Thick Fat, which reduces the damage it takes
from Fire and Water Pokémon by 30. That means that
popular cards like Blaziken FB, Infernape 4, Kingdra,
Gyarados, and Palkia G are going to take an extra turn
to KO it. Survivability is good, but it only really
becomes useful if a Pokémon has the kind of attack that
makes you want to keep it around in the first place.
Sadly, this is where things go downhill for Dewgong.
Dewgon’s first attack, Ice Shard, does a mediocre 30
damage for [W][C], unless it is attacking a Fighting
Pokémon, in which case the damage climbs to an
impressive 80. If only it got that attack boost against
Water and/or Fire Pokémon, it would be have good tech
potential. Unfortunately, it can survive their hits only
to deal out very little damage in return. Fire and Water
Pokémon won’t often mind taking another turn to KO
Dewgong . . . it’s not as if it can hurt them much in
the meantime. To be fair, Dewgong does have a harder
hitting attack, but at the cost of [W][W][C][C] for 70
damage, Aurora Beam is extremely slow and expensive,
while still not dealing enough damage to make the
investment worthwhile.
As a Stage 1 wall, Dewgong pales in comparison to
Abomasnow SF, which reduces damage from all Pokémon by
20, including any done to the bench. It can also take
advantage of the extra turn or two that it buys by
spreading a lot of damage to your opponent’s Field.
Modified: 2 (Great PokeBody, let down by horrible
Limited: 2.5 (could be ok if you get lucky with match