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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Empoleon FB Lv 50 SV
Supreme Victors
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.50
Limited: 3.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

Meganium45 |
Can you say ALMOST playable!!!
May become very playable when fire heats up in AA!!!
90 HP SP Basic with a weakness to luxray, I mean
lightning, and no resistance and a retreat cost of 2…
VERY bad bottom stats in the current envio.
Attacks, 2 for 20, and move an energy from the defending
Pokemon to one of your opponent’s other Pokemon. Dude,
YOU CHOOSE. Can you see all those energies stacked on
Claydol for fun!!! Could be a real problem for a low
energy deck like Beedrill, or SP, but who am I kidding,
they all have 1 energy attacks, and this thing gets
wiped out in a hit!!!
3 for 40 or 60 due to your playing a supporter. 3 for 60
is about par for the course these days. Make it 3 for
80…and you would have me happy. Underpowered, even with
the Energy Gain possibility.
Ratings…for now…Modified..2.5/5 May go up if fire takes
Limited…3.5/5 Good, high HP and that move energy attack
can be frustrating!!!
See you at my prereleases…Saturday at GameNite in South
County Mall, and Sunday at Heroic Adventures in
Edwardsville, Illinois!!! |
Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Empoleon FB Lv 50 SV
The second DP starter Pokémon to get the SP treatment
after Infernape. Still no sign of a Torterra SP, so I
guess we will have to settle for Turtwig GL.
Empoleon FB has a solid 90 HP, a Weakness to Lightning
which isn’t good with Luxray GL in so many decks, and a
[C][C] Retreat cost which isn’t so bad as you always
have the option of PokeTurn, along with all the other
great SP Support.
Empoleon’s first attack, Rushing Water, is a little
expensive at [W][C] for 20 damage, but there is always
Energy Gain, and its effect of switching an Energy from
the Defending Pokémon to another of your opponent’s
Pokémon is potentially annoying for them. If you move it
to a non-attacking Pokémon like Claydol or Azelf LA, it
almost works like a discard and can set an opponent back
a turn.
The real selling point of Empoleon is Escort, its second
attack. For [W][C][C], it only does 40 damage . . .
unless you have a Supporter in play, in which case it
will do 60. That extra 20 might not sound like much, but
it brings popular Fire SP Pokémon like Blaziken FB and
Infernape 4 into OHKO range. The requirement to have a
Supporter in play is not difficult for an SP deck to
achieve either, seeing as they run four copies of
Cyrus’s Conspiracy.
Unlike Infernape 4, Empoleon FB doesn’t have the kind of
devastating attack that you can build a deck around.
However, in a format where Fire Pokémon are common, it
definitely has a role to play as a tech. Energy Gain and
Bronzong 4’s Galactic Switch mean that it can be powered
up on the turn it comes into play to get a revenge KO on
the likes of Blaziken FB. That could well be enough to
justify a place in an SP Toolbox style deck, or even as
an anti-Fire tech in a new build of the old Tank Dialga
G decks which lost their ability to wall effectively
once the big-hitting Fire SP Pokémon were released.
Up until now, SP decks have lacked a techable Water
Pokémon. Palkia G really needs it’s own deck and the
other Water SPs like Gyarados G and Mamoswine GL were
either underpowered or needed too much Energy to be run
as a tech. Empoleon FB just could be the card to take
that role.
Modified: 3 (A useful tech in the current environment)
Limited: 1.75 (No SP Support in the set, lack of
Supporters to use with the second attack) |
Steel_Winger |
Welcome back to the Pokemon COTD!
Today we'll be reviewing Empoleon FB, a Rare SP in
Supreme Victors. Let's look at the basics: 90 HP is
average for an SP Pokemon, but it's on the higher side
of average. Water-type: advantage over Infernape 4 and
any other Fire-type you'd see. x2 Weakness means it's
easy for Luxray GL LV. X to pick it off. No Resistance
is expected, and a Retreat Cost of 2 is fitting, but not
really that good for competitive play. Well, you still
have Poke Turn, and all of the other Support that comes
with being an SP Pokemon.
No Powers or Bodies, but there are 2 attacks. The first,
Rushing Water, does 20 for a Water and another energy of
choice (or just the Water with Energy Gain). After
damage, you have to move an energy from the Defending
Pokemon to another of your opponent's Pokemon. Not the
best of effects, but it can be an early-game disruptor.
If you can help it, put the energy on a Pokemon that's
not likely to attack; Dusknior (DP), Claydol (GE), or
Dialga G LV. X. You can also move the energy on a
Pokemon that it doesn't match.
Escort, for 3 energies (or 2 with Energy Gain), one
which must be Water, does 40 damage, which is bumped up
to 60 if you played a Supporter in the same turn.
Usually you'll be playing a Supporter every turn early
to mid-game, so the extra damage will come quite often.
Is Empoleon FB good in competitive play? It can be, as
an early-game tech, but beyond that, it's not really
Modified: 2.75/5 Early game disruption is alright, but
Empoleon FB does it differently then others we would
usually see as game disruptors. Still, it can hold it's
own for a bit of a while.
Limited: 3/5 Even more so here. If you have a few in
Limited, they make good starters. Escort probably won't
be that powerful, but it's somewhat decent.
This is Steel_Winger, until next time! |
Guy |
SP pokemon are always interesting. One needs to check
for subtle combos that can be played with them. But I
don't know what exactly could be combo'd with Empoleon
FB. The first attack is the good attack in my opinion.
For 2 energy you can move an energy card attached to the
defending pokemon to another one and do 20 damage.
Essentially, all you have to do to avoid being annoyed
by this is power up your pokemon on the bench, then
knock this thing out. 60 damage for 3 energy for the
second attack is not very amazing, and double weakness
to lightning is really not amazing. All in all, if you
like Empoleon, play the "surf together" one.
Modified: 1.75/5
Limited: 3/5 (not as bad here, decent hp basic with
pretty decent attacks) |