Meganium45 |
Ah, the advent of the basic SP Pokemon.
Pretty normal for a Zapdos though, 90 HP, weak to
lightning, resistant to fighting…we have seen that
Weak to lightning makes it Luxray bait…but that is
another tale.
2 retreat cost. Come on. This thing can FLY!!! It is
No powers or bodies, so nothing exceptional.
1 energy attack for 10 and flip a coin to self charge.
Tails…fails…charging from the discard…pathetic attack.
3 energy attack for 40, or discard all lightning (most
likely 2) and make it 80.
Underpowered, unless it was a straight 80 for 3, with a
1 discard, but that is just my opinion…which you are all
Many better options here…MANY. Another card, you flip it
against me, I am going to feel pretty good about my game
Modified…2/5 Not much going for it here.
Limited…OK, you might be able to pull off the recharge
trick early, oh, nope, sorry, that is a discard pile
attachment. Still a 90 HP Big Basic Pokemon (BBP) is not
hideous here. 3/5
There you go folks.
See you TONIGHT at B&B Games (Wednesday) in St.
Charles/St. Peters, Missouri, then see you at Rolla on
The Rolla Prerelease will be our first “Code Word Bonus”
event of the year. When you register, say the word
“Pojo” to be entered into a special drawing. Just say it
when you register. No need to make a big deal of it. We
will mark you down. Then I will pull a name for a cool
door prize just from the Pojo group! Only available to
those who say the code word…
See you all there!!! |
Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Zapdos G
This, together with Beedrill G and Porgon-Z G, look like
being the last of the SP Pokémon to be released. Some
people may cheer, but I like the SP Pokémon: they
brought something new to the game and despite what some
say, Stage 2 decks have stayed popular and
Zapdos G (which has great art by the way), has an
average-but-decent 90 HP, and X2 weakness to it’s own
type (not fun with Luxray GL everywhere), and an almost
irrelevant Resistance to Fighting (Machamp just uses
Take Out). The [C][C] retreat cost is not good and is a
bit of a mystery on a flying Pokémon. Still, there’s
always PokeTurn.
Zapdos G’s first attack, Charge Beam, does a mere 10
damage, but it’s cheap ([C] or just an Energy Gain), and
it allows you to attack a Lightning energy from the
discard to Zapdos. An extra Energy attachment is always
nice, especially as it can be moved around using
Bronzong G’s Galactic Switch, but getting an Energy in
the discard on your first turn (which is when you want
to use this attack) isn’t easy for an SP deck. It could
give you a quick boost mid-game, but really you will
want to be using a more effective attack by then.
The second attack, Lightning Strike, seems very
overpriced at [L][L][C] for 40, though you do have the
option of discarding all Lightning Energy to do 80
damage. As a general attacker, this is somewhat sub-par
. . . if you want to discard two Energy to do 80,
Garchomp C LV X, with it’s sniping ability, is a better
bet. This may have some use as an SP tech against Water
Pokémon, such as Palkia G, Kingdra, or Gyarados, but
since the vast majority of SP decks will be running
Luxray GL LV X, Zapdos G becomes a redundant inclusion.
I don’t expect it will see much, if any, play.
Modified: 2 (You don’t need this when you have Luxray)
Limited: 2.5 (Energy acceleration is nice, and the
second attack is better in a slower format with fewer
high HP evolutions)