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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Toxicroak Lv. 44
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.00
Limited: 4.13
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

Meganium45 |
Toxicroak. OK, I am going to close my eyes….let’s see…I
am going to have a Toxicroak that for its attack does 60
and poisoned right? Right?
What, is that the maximum capabililty of EVERY Toxicroak
out there?
Let’s go into it a bit…90 HP, weak to psychic…not
horrible, but not great for a stage 1.
1 Retreat cost, acceptable. 0 is preferred, but 1 is
Attack for 1 fighting that does 20 and your opponent
can’t retreat. Remember those “corner” decks that
trapped players who did not play warp point? Those were
fun. Unfortunately, this also damages, so you are just
delaying if you trap a claydol, or some other pokemon in
this manner. This may give you the time to set up a big
hitter behind you (read machamp, gengar, or a combo of
them in a fighting deck), or get your fossils ready to
roll in a fossil/lock deck.
Second attack for 2 colorless energy (yeah right) does
30 damage. Plus 30 more if a fighting energy is
attached, and plus poison if a psychic energy is
Yeah, you with the Dragonite shirt in the back with your
hand up a question? What if you use a multi energy?
If you use a multi energy and a different basic energy,
yes, you get the effect of BOTH effects for the 1 multi
energy. Now, if you use a multi energy and a special
energy (or 2 multi energy) then remember, the “multi”
effect of the multi turns off, and you have only a
single colorless energy. Be careful of that trap.
I can see this being used experimentally in some decks,
but just not enough force to fire, when compared to the
other fighting hitters of the day. The corner effect may
be fascinating for some decks.
Ratings…not going to trash it COMPLETELY here…has its
uses 3/5
Limited…very playable here…4/5 Stage 1 with a relatively
easy basic to find, and until this article, not many
people looking at it!!!
There you go. Remember, Prerelease in Rolla at Eclipse
on Saturday, registration at 10:00 am…crack packs at 11
in the morning so we can all go “play pumpkins” Sunday,
Fantasy Books, registration noon, crack packs at 1
pm…say the work “Shinx” while registering for a chance
to win the Pojo prize on Sunday!!!
The key word for the event in Rolla on Saturday is
“Pojo” so just say that when you are registering for a
chance at a cool prize!!!
Also, the Evansville, Indiana Prerelease is ON for
Friday October 30th in Evansville, Indiana! Great
location, great leader, go support that cool event if
you are in the area…the really good Halloween parties do
not take place until Saturday, right?
See you soon!!!
Vince |
Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Toxicroak always seems to be made into an interesting
Pokémon with some nice effects and good metagame
potential. Think of the Toxicroak that was in the Junior
Worlds winning deck of 2008, or either of the Toxicroak
This new Toxicroak carries on that trend. Its basic
stats are all pretty mediocre. 90 HP is not impressive
on a Stage 1 these days and Weakness to the popular
Psychic type is not going to win this card any fans. The
retreat cost of one is very workable though.
Corner, Toxicroak’s first attack, does 20 damage for one
Fighting Energy, and stops the Defending Pokémon from
retreating. That’s a useful, cheap attack and can be
used to lock and disrupt the opponent, if only
temporarily. It’s the second attack, Convert Blow, is
where things get really interesting. For [C][C] the
attack does 30 damage, which isn’t brilliant, but
effects are added according to the type of Energy
attached. With a Fighting Energy you add 30 damage,
turning it into a very efficient 60 for two attack. With
a Psychic, you get auto-Poison on the Defending Pokémon.
The mixed Energy requirements are a bit of a downside,
but it is worth noting that both effects will apply if
either Multi Energy or Rainbow Energy is attached.
Unfortunately, those cards are not searchable and come
with their own drawbacks, but they are worth considering
in a Toxicroak deck. The Energy demands also make it
very difficult to run Call Energy in a deck which is
focused on Toxicroak.
Nevertheless, a fast Stage 1 deck built around Toxicroak
is definitely possible. Its damage output and its HP may
be just a little low for it to be truly competitive, but
it is certainly worth trying out. Just bear in mind that
Stage 1 decks not called Gyarados have not had much
success for a while now as they lack both the speed and
great support cards of SP decks and the big hits and
staying power of stage 2s.
Modified: 3 (Has possibilities, but Stage 1 seem to
struggle at the moment)
Limited: 4.25 (Great card for limited, hits hard and