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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day


VS Seeker

Supreme Victors

Date Reviewed: 09.17.09

Ratings & Reviews Summary

Modified: 4.00
Limited: 5.00

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 
3 ... average.  
5 is the highest rating.

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Top 4 UK Nats

VS Seeker


If yesterday’s card was situational, today’s is, by contrast, one of the most versatile cards in the format.


It’s a Trainer rather than a Supporter, so that’s a good start. It has a simple, but potentially game-breaking effect: search your Discard pile for a Supporter and put it in your hand.


The uses for this card are many and obvious. Mid-game Energy drought? Why not re-use that Roseanne’s Research? Have Rare Candy but need the Evolution? Go fetch that Bebe’s Search. Pokémon just got KO’d and you have a hand full of junk? Why, that Cynthia’s will come in handy. Obviously, VS Seeker is not an early game card, but mid-to-late game, it can really shine.


With VS Seeker in your deck, you may be tempted to try and get away with lowering your Supporter count, seeing as you now have the ability to re-use them. Beware of doing this with staples like Cyrus’s Conspiracy (in SP decks), Roseanne and Bebe, though as you will be reducing your chances of drawing into them early, when it really counts. VS Seeker’s greatest ability may well be that it can allow you to get another use out of one of those tech Supporters that you only run 1-2 copies of in a deck, such as Flint’s Willpower, Cynthia’s Feelings, or Lucian’s Assignment.


Most decks can benefit from running at least one VS Seeker. I wouldn’t recommend more than two  as it can be a dead draw in the early game. An exception to this would be any deck running on the Porygon 2 GE Engine which likes to use multiple Supporters per turn by using Porygon 2’s Download Power. SP decks can also benefit from the ability to re-use Cyrus’s Conspiracy.


I think you will be seeing a lot of VS Seeker in tournament play in the future.




Modified: 4 (Not quite a staple, but a very useful card in almost any deck)

Limited: 5 (you won’t get many Supporters, being able to re-use one is golden)



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