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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Girafarig #64/123
HeartGold & SoulSilver
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.45
Limited: 3.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Girafarig HGSS
Hello and welcome to another week of Pojo’s CotD.
We are having a shortened week this time because of the
Pojo part of the interwebs being a bit broken for a
while (or something like that anyway – not going to
pretend I understand), but I am back from holiday and
ready to review some cards, so let’s go!
First up this week is the cleverly-named palindrome
Pokémon, Girafarig (it’s the same forwards and
backwards, see?). Girafarig is a non-evolving Basic with
a decent 70 HP, Psychic Weakness, and an acceptable
retreat cost of one.
Its first attack, Show Off, deals no damage, but lets
you search your deck for two Basic Energy cards. Clearly
this card is designed to function as a starter Pokémon,
which seems to be the job of non-evolving Basics these
days (see Sableye, Pachirisu, Spiritomb, Jirachi etc).
Unfortunately, Show Off needs an Energy to use in the
first place, so your net gain is only one on the turn
you use it. Also, using an attack to fish Energy out of
your deck is not usually worth it . . . most decks get
by perfectly well by using their normal draw engine plus
Roseanne’s Research or Cyrus’s Conspiracy (in an SP
deck). They simply don’t need that much Energy in hand
when they can only attach one per turn anyway.
Even decks which need Energy in the hand to attack (Feraligatr
MT, Raichu LV X), or which can attach multiple Energy in
a turn (Feraligatr Prime) have better options. Smeargle
SW’s Color Pick attack will fetch THREE Basic
Energy from your deck and doesn’t cost an Energy to use.
Bronzong SF is another alternative, fetching you two
Basic Energy per turn while sitting on the Bench and
using its Cycler Pokémon Power. But even these cards see
little or no play.
Girafarig’s second attack, Psyshot, is pure useless
filler doing 20 damage for [C][C]. You could say the
same about Girafarig itself if it wasn’t for the fact
that it functions decently well in Limited, where you
often run multiple Energy types and getting the right
ones in hand early can be very helpful. That’s the only
place where you should ever see one of these in a deck
Modified: 1.25 (does an unnecessary job and does it
Limited: 2.5 (quite useful if you end up with a rainbow
virusyosh |
SoulSilver set by reviewing Girafarig HGSS.
Girafarig is a Basic Colorless Pokemon. Colorless
Pokemon are very nice, as they can usually be splashed
into any deck for effectiveness. 70 HP is average for a
non-evolving Basic, but the value is a bit on the low
side. Double Weakness to Psychic is meh, as there are
still many potent threats in the metagame that are
Psychic. No Resistance hurts the palindromic giraffe,
but is somewhat expected. Finally, a Retreat Cost of 1
is decent, and totally payable if you decide to use
Girafarig has two attacks. The first, Show Off, searches
your deck for two Basic Energy cards and puts them into
your hand for a single Colorless Energy. Getting Energy
into your hand can be great support for a few decks,
like Rain Dance. However, most searching options of this
nature are better done by Trainers and Supporters or by
pure card draw, so you may be better sticking with those
than use an attack on a support Pokemon with relatively
low HP.
Girafarig's second attack, Psyshot, deals a very weak 20
damage for [CC]. Not worth using, in my opinion.
Modified: 1.5/5 Show Off is a decent way to get Energy
into your hand, but you're probably better using a
Supporter like Roseanne's Research, or even just
Claydol's Cosmic Power. Girafarig may see play in a few
decks once the format rotates out as they search for a
new support Pokemon, but right now it doesn't have the
staying power to keep up with current standards.
Limited: 3/5 I'm big on Girafarig in Limited. Colorless
Energy requirements and the ability to search for the
Energy you need here is great, especially if you really
need a certain type of Energy. Psyshot still isn't very
good here, but the support options are excellent. Just
keep in mind that Girafarig is frail, so take caution if
you decide to use it here. |

Otaku |
from HeartGold & SoulSilver is a 70 HP Colorless Pokémon
with appropriate Colorless Energy requirements, allowing
it to slip into several decks and survive a shot or two
from most other un-Evolved Pokémon.
It is weak to Psychic Pokémon, continuing the
backwards trend of the TCG (in the video games, Psychic
Pokémon are resistant to Psychic attacks), lacks
Resistance (disappointing), and a single Energy Retreat
Cost that is easy to pay.
Since Girafarig
has no pre-Evolutions, Evolutions, or similarly related
cards, it falls completely on its two attacks to justify
its inclusion into decks.
The first attack Show Off requires a single
Energy of any type and lets you search your deck for up
to two basic Energy cards and add them to your hand.
Adding two cards to your hand is nice, but with
such specific requirements, this could probably have
been a Basic… after all, even the most obvious place to
abuse it (Feraligatr
Prime) would debate a Bench slot just to add two basic
Energy cards.
That’s something most draw power will be able to
As an attack, the effect is probably worth the Energy
going into it… but only just, and without a combo it
becomes a “Why bother?” scenario.
The second attack is Psyshot, a straight 20 points of
damage for any two Energy.
The legality of
Double Colorless
Energy makes this passable… if the rest of the card
was good.
This conforms to the old Energy curve of (C) yields 10
damage. We
(the players and the designers) learned you had to give
a “doesn’t Evolve” bonus to cards like this, and that
said curve should only be applied to Basics that can
further Evolve.
When I think start thinking in the present and
factor in we’ve had zero Energy requiring attacks for
several formats now, Psyshot is clearly a dud.
Unless, of course, we are talking a Limited Event: like
so many of the cards I’ve reviewed from HeartGold &
Girafarig is pretty good for Limited play.
In Limited, the stats go from good to great.
Show Off becomes valuable for running multiple
Energy types in the same deck with much less pain while
thinning your deck so you can draw less “once a turn”
Energy cards and more Pokémon (and Trainers if your were
Psyshot then lets
Girafarig avoid being useless if you have enough
Energy or it shows up a bit late: 20 for (CC) is still
weak but so are a lot of the Pokémon you’ll encounter in