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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Kingdra Prime #85/96
HS Unleashed
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.75
Limited: 4.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Kingdra (Prime) Unleashed
Hello and welcome to an exciting new week of Pojo’s CotD.
Exciting? Yes really, because we kick off the week with
reviews of three new Prime cards from the upcoming
Unleashed set!
Reviewing cards early is a fun but risky business. Until
a set has been released and playtested, it isn’t always
possible to spot the potential (or the downsides) of a
particular card. Despite this, I’m pretty confident in
saying that today’s card, Kingdra Prime, is going o be a
real tournament level card.
Kingdra has decent, if unremarkable stats. 130 HP seems
to be the standard for Stage 2s these days, and the
Retreat cost of one is easy enough to pay. Double
Lightning Weakness stands out as being a major downside,
however. Luxray could really ruin this card’s day with a
very easy OHKO.
If you are looking for upsides to this card though, look
no further than its Pokémon Power, Spray Splash. With
this Power you get to place a damage counter on one of
your opponent’s Pokémon. Every single turn. Even better,
the Power stacks, so if you have three Kingdra Prime in
play, then you get to place three damage counters per
Now, if anyone is thinking ‘so what? What difference
does one damage counter make?’, then I will refer them
to Crobat G. Poke Turn and Crobat G are used in all SP
decks, and even teched into other decks because being
able to add an extra 10 damage with a PokePower can be
game winning. You can take a Prize you might be 10
damage short of; you can finish off a damaged Pokémon on
the Bench, or you can avoid the dreaded Fainting Spell
coin flip from Gengar SF if you can knock it out without
using an attack. True, Crobat G is an easily searched
Basic while Kingdra Prime is a Stage 2, but if your deck
runs Rare Candy or Broken Time-Space, then it can be
easy enough to set up to act like a permanent Crobat.
Frankly, Spray Splash alone is probably good enough to
get Kingdra Prime some tournament play as a tech. It
goes especially well with the Kingdra from LA, using its
Power to add to help load damage on to the Bench, or get
a quick KO. The thing is, though, Kingdra Prime also
has an extremely good attack. For the low, low price of
[W], Dragon Steam does an amazing 60 damage making
Kingdra a very fast and reasonably hard-hitting Pokémon
(especially if you factor in the damage Spray Splash can
do). Of course, you would expect an attack like that to
have a drawback, and Dragon Steam has an interesting and
unique one: if your opponent has any Fire Pokémon in
play, the attack’s base damage becomes only 20.
If Kingdra Prime becomes popular (and it might well),
then I can see people teching in Fire Pokémon to sit on
the Bench and reduce the attack damage. The ability to
do this is one way of balancing what would otherwise be
an extremely broken card. This, and the fact that tech
Bench-sitting Kingdras are very vulnerable to Luxray GL
LV X, will probably be the two things that will keep use
of this card in check.
Modified: 4 (Amazing Power, very good attack . . . but
it can be countered)
Limited: 3.75 (won’t be easy to get out, and a lot
depends on how much Fire is in the set)
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers! We are going to begin this
week by reviewing a few of the new Pokemon Prime cards
from the new HS Unleashed expansion. The Primes in HGSS
have received a lot of play lately, so it makes sense
that a few of the Primes from Unleashed would be played
as well. As for today's card, we are reviewing Kingdra
Kingdra Prime is a Stage 2 Water Pokemon. Being a Water Pokemon is pretty
good right now: Kingdra and Gyarados decks are commonly
played, as well as a random Rain Dance deck here or
there. 130 HP is pretty good for a Stage 2, and Kingdra
should survive a few hits. Double Weakness to Lightning,
however, is quite awful with all of the Luxray GL Lv. X
running around, as well as the random Ampharos,
Electivire, or Raichu. No Resistance is too bad, and a
Retreat Cost of 1 is quite nice, and can be paid if
Kingdra Prime has A Poke-Power and an attack. The Power,
Spray Splash, is very similar to the Power of the
commonly played Crobat G. Once per turn, you may put a
single damage counter on one of your opponent's Pokemon.
Unsurprisingly, this Power has very similar uses to
Crobat G's Flash Bite, but there are a few very
important differences. First of all, Kingdra Prime's
power can be used once per turn, unlike Crobat's coming
into play ability. However, this is both good and bad:
Even though you can have a consistent placement of one
damage counter per turn, Kingdra is much more difficult
to scoop to use multiple times per turn. A very common
combo used in the metagame today is Crobat G + PokeTurn,
so Flash Bite can be abused multiple times in a turn to
get your opponent into KO range. It's pretty difficult
to do this with Kingdra, as it is a Stage 2 and cannot
be easily scooped up by something like PokeTurn. The
Power is still quite excellent, though. Kingdra's single
attack, Dragon Steam, deals a very excellent 60 damage
for a single Water Energy. However, the attack has a
very interesting drawback: If your opponent has any Fire
Pokemon in play, the attack's base damage is just 20
instead. While the secondary effect was done to clearly
balance the card (so Kingdra couldn't simply one-hit KO
nearly every Fire-type Pokemon in the game with a single
Energy), the attack may overall hamper Kingdra's overall
usefulness against Fire decks. Against every other deck,
however, Dragon Steam will be doing a good amount of
damage fast.
Modified: 3.5/5 I can see Kingdra Prime becoming
something like Donphan Prime once Unleashed is released:
a fast attacker with an interesting Power. While Spray
Splash isn't quite as abusable as Flash Bite and Dragon
Steam being a bit less useful against Fire decks,
Kingdra is still quite useful and will probably see some
Limited: 4.5/5 Both Spray Splash and Dragon Steam are
excellent here. If you can get it out, you win. |

Willy G |
Hello world! I'm Willy G and I'm a new reviewer for
Pojo's Card of the Day!!! I've been reading this site
for quite a while, so to be part of it is just awesome.
Anyways, on to my first review... Kingdra Prime, from
the upcoming Unleashed set.
Kingdra Prime has an HP of 130, which means that
it'll be able to take a couple hits. However, it is
burdened with the worst possible weakness in the game:
double to Lightning. This means that Luxray GL Lv.X and
a single Crobat will send our dragon friend to a watery
grave in a single turn. No resistance... oh well. Life
goes on. A retreat cost of 1 is very doable, but
shouldn't matter, since Kingdra Prime is better as a
Kingdra Prime's Poke-Power essentially is a
once-per-turn Flash Bite. This very useful power has
been suggested as an alternative for or supplement to
Crobat G in many decks. It is also stackable, so if you
have four Kingdra Primes on the bench, you are
essentially using four Crobat G's every turn. This Power
makes this card truly brilliant, and this is the reason
why it will see play.
Kingdra Prime's attack is, well... less stunning. In
appears magnificent at first glance, W for 60! However,
this is its only attack, and 60 damage max out of a
Stage 2 just does not cut it as a main attacker these
days. It does have potential as a donker, but when you
have the alternative of Kingdra LA, which would put an
extra damage counter on the Bench each turn while
fortifying its first attack, there's really no use for
this card as an attacker. The effect is bad too: the
presence of a Fire-type foe reduces the base damage to
20. This isn't too bad when the only such Pokemon is
Defending, since it will probably have weakness to
Water. However, a Bench-sitting Fire-type will thwart
this attack entirely, and given that Ninetales HGSS will
probably be the most popular draw engine in the format
after the rotation, this will be a common occurrence.
Combos: The first one that came to mind for me was
the Houndoom from the same set, which does D for 80 when
your opponent has a Fire-type in play. If you really
wanted to use Kingdra Prime as an attacker, It would
probably be a good idea to back it up with a 1-1
Houndoom line and a few Dark(ness) Energy. However, my
personal favorite combo with Kingdra Prime is Cacturne
PL. T2, Broken Time-Space plus Collector, Communication,
etc, for Cacturne and Kingdra Prime, drop a Double
Colorless, and begin sniping for 60 EVERY TURN on
WHOEVER YOU WANT. If you can get it out quickly, many
basics (outside of SP) will be OHKO'd by this combo. And
you don't even have to bother with searching out Crobats
and Poke-Turning them every turn.
Counters: These really ruin Kingdra's day. First and
foremost, if Ninetales does in fact become the new
Claydol, then Kingdra Prime will be completely useless
as a main attacker. Luxray GL Lv.X is also this card's
worst nightmare, being able to Bright Look, Flash Bite,
Flash Impact for the OHKO, and there is not much that
can be done about that. Nidoqueen also negates Kingdra
Prime's Poke-Power to some extent.
Modified: This card looks great on paper, but
probably won't have a huge impact on the game. Outside
from the combos I mentioned, there isn't a much of a
home for Kingdra Prime. The likely future popularity of
Ninetales makes the attack essentially useless. The
weakness and deceptively bad attack make it very
vulnerable to Luxray GL Lv.X. However, if Kingdra is
played more than I have anticipated, it will be for its
fantastic power, an every-turn Flash Bite, which may
find its way into a few decks.
Rating: 3.67/5
Limited: If you can get it out, you're in luck,
because this card will slowly drain your opponent's
bench while quickly pummeling the Defending Pokemon. The
problem is getting it out in the first place, but in a
set with very few Fire or Lightning Pokemon (outside of
the LEGEND cards, which won't make much of a showing at
tourneys), this card has potential.
Rating: 4.33/5
Thanks for reading my first review! I hope to be
sharing my opinions of Pokemon with the world for many
days to come!

Otaku |
Today we review
Kingdra Prime from the new Unleashed set.
As a reminder, “Prime” is merely a rarity in the
game and just used to help identify the card.
This new
Kingdra is a Stage 2 Water Pokémon, as expected.
It has a solid 130 HP but that won’t last long
against some popular decks due to the x2 Lightning
The lack of Resistance is as depressing as always but at
least it has only a single Energy retreat cost.
Kingdra has a Poké-Power and a single attack.
The Poké-Power, Spray Splash, lets you place a
damage counter on one of your opponent’s Pokémon once
per turn before you attack.
It can’t be used if Kingdra is affected by a
Special Condition, which is a pretty standard thing.
This seems kind of underwhelming to me: though
you can use it to spread damage around it’s a single
counter. Yes
if you retreat or use a card to switch out to another
Kingdra you
could get up to four damage counters to play with… but
that’s a lot of cards to invest and you will only be
able to max out on damage counter placement two or three
times before you can’t pull those tricks off again.
The lone attack, Dragon Steam, does a solid 60 for (W)
or plus 20 if…
Wait. Well,
I actually do need new glasses but that is no excuse –
I’ve read the card wrong.
This is what comes from assumptions – I don’t
know why they decided it should hit Fire Pokémon less
hard, but the attack’s base damage becomes just 20 if
your opponent has a Fire Pokémon in play.
This is certainly an interesting approach to the
card: one wonders if they expect it to become very
popular and figure this makes it easy to TecH against?
Let alone next format a lot of Fire Pokémon look
to have potential (just look at the Fire Pokémon we’ve
reviewed from HeartGold & SoulSilver).
Now, the thing is… how much will this matter?
The match-up that would normally have been
practically an auto-win for
Kingdra is…
just a normal match, basically.
If you have another
Kingdra in
your deck, odds are you can just rely on it to OHKO Fire
Pokémon (as all but two I found were anything but Water
Personally, I think the Modified legal
Kingdra from
Legends Awakened is just better.
It has the same stats except a slightly less
problematic +30 Lightning Weakness and while you’ll have
to actually develop your deck around a specific combo,
you’ll find yourself regularly hitting as hard as the
new Kingdra and the occasional much harder shot.
Perhaps splitting the deck and running a copy or
two of Kingdra
Prime would be good for the established deck as sort of
a back-up in case the combo doesn’t materialize.
I’d almost be tempted to run
Kingdra as a
back-up line for some other fast hitter (imagine a
Donphan with
four of these tenderizing the Defending Pokémon) but
then I factor in how a Stage 2 line would slow the deck
down and it just seems unwise.
I haven’t seen the full Unleashed set, so I’ll give it a
tentative Limited score.
If the lower Stages in the set are as Energy
efficient, bump the score up.
If it can’t be played or the lower Stages are
bad, drop it.
Modified: 3.25/5
Limited: 3.5/5
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Kingdra (HS Unleashed)
Sorry for the confusion last time, the picture provided
was of the Prime version while the reviews were for the
normal version. This time, welcome the Prime!
Kingdra Prime has a healthy 130 HP (a boost would have
been nice, but you take what you can get) with the
ususal weakness to Lightning (Someone get me an Exploud!)
and a retreat cost of one. So far, nice stats.
Now we have the real draw of the card, the attacks and
powers! Kingdra delivers with one of each, and both have
been the subject of a lot of speculation about their
effect on the game. First up is Spray Splash, which
simply allows you to place a single damage counter on
one of your opponent's Pokemon once a turn. What it
doesn't say is what makes this power worth looking at,
because it stacks so you can use it once for each Kingdra
Prime you have in play, giving a nice little boost to
any attack you may wish to use. Power spray is always a
problem, but Spiritomb PA helps out with that, as does
the Vileplume I keep hearing about from the next set. I
look forward to that review!
Back on the subject, Kingdra Prime also has a decent
attack to its name. Dragon Steam is well named, becuase
it deals 60 damage for W (which is awesome!) but only
deals 20 damage if your opponent has any Fire Pokemon in
play. CharPhlosion decks and variants that use
Ninetales/Typhlosion Prime (or the alternative Flygon/Heatran
Lv X) engine will make this Prime less useful than we
would like, but other decks use absolutely no Fire
Pokemon so this is a good backup attacker to your
Kingdra LA (a very popular deck archetype among Diamond
& Pearl veterans). Unless Pokemon release a Moltres with
the Set Up power that we all love (pleaseohpleaseohplease
do that!) the drawback to Dragon Steam won't prove much
of a problem.
When all is said and done, this card gets the thumbs up
from me as being a playable tech in Kingdra decks, but
I'm not so sure about other Water decks or Tier 1 decks
in general. Spray Splash is the main reason this card
will see play (Dragon Steam is good to start with, but
the damage cap catches up quickly) and we already have a
much loved card that does the same job: Crobat G. The
main difference is that Crobat G uses its power coming
into play, so you have to use Poketurn or Super Scoop Up
to use it again. Therefore, the deciding factor is
whether your deck has more room for Poketurn or Rare
Candy and Broken Time Space. For evolution-based decks
that don't use any SP pokemon, Kingdra may well be what
you prefer especially if you can swap in a W energy,
just in case. Otherwise, Crobat is a lot easier to find
room for and to play early in the game (which
is when the power is the most useful), esecially
considering how many decks love to tech in Luxray GL.
Only time will tell, but I fear the day when someone
puts both of them together and adds Pokemon like Gallade
E4 and Spiritomb LA
Modified: 3.5 (definitely one of the best cards from the
set, but probably still second place to Crobat G)
Limited: 4 (Dragon Steam does wonders here, and Rare
Candy is in this set to make Stage 2 pokemon awesome!)
Combos with: Spiritomb PA, Kingdra LA |