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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Tyranitar (Prime) #88/96
HS Unleashed
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.40
Limited: 3.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Tyranitar (Prime) Unleashed
Our third and final new Prime this week is one of the
coolest Pokémon around – Tyranitar.
Even for a Stage 2, Tyranitar Prime has huge HP of 160.
Even with double Weakness, most Fighting Pokémon will be
unable to OHKO it without using expensive attacks or an
Expert Belt. Psychic Resistance is great too, making
Tyranitar a very difficult KO for Psychic Pokémon like
Gengar and Gardevoir. The Retreat cost of three isn’t
pretty, but Dark Pokémon can use Moonlight Stadium to
get around these problems. Finally, Dark is one of the
best types in the game. True, it doesn’t hit many
playable Pokémon for Weakness (Gengar being the obvious
exception), but on the other hand it gets all the
benefits from Special Darkness Energy: each one coming
with a permanent built-in PlusPower effect which means
that Tyranitar will very often be doing significantly
more than the base damage of its attacks.
Speaking of attacks, Tyranitar has three! The first,
Darkness Howl is an incredibly cheap spread attack(for a
single Dark Energy) that hits every Pokémon in play that
isn’t Dark (including yours) for 20 damage. The 20
spread is excellent, and even the drawback isn’t as bad
as it seems: you can still safely play your non-Dark
support Pokémon such as Claydol and Uxie if you have a
Weavile SW on your Bench and use its Dark Engage
PokePower to make all your Pokémon Dark type on your
turn. Weavile SW’s Shadow Charge attack is also great
for accelerating Special Dark Energy on to Tyranitar, so
it seems a very good partner for this Prime.
Power Claw, Tyranitar’s second attack, is nowhere near
as interesting. For [D][C][C] you get a base damage of
60 and the ability to ignore any Powers, Bodies, or
effects that may modify that damage in some way (such as
Shuckle SW’s PokeBody or Lucario LV X’s Stance Power).
Add another Colourless Energy to Tyranitar though and
things start to get interesting once again. Megaton Tail
does a massive 120 damage, which makes it powerful
enough to KO most things, especially if a couple of
Special Dark Energy are attached. It does come with a
fairly steep drawback though, as it forces you to
discard the top three cards of your deck to use it. This
could put you at risk of losing something vital, or even
cause you to deck out late in the game, so use with
Really, my feelings about Tyranitar Prime are similar to
my feelings about Tyranitar SF. I don’t think it would
disgrace itself in tournament play and may even do quite
well. However it is also slow and requires a lot of
support to work properly. It may well be that faster,
more versatile decks, and a few bad match ups (Donphan
Prime, for example) will keep it from being a top tier
Modified: 3 (big, slow, cumbersome heavy hitter – quite
appropriate really)
Limited: 3 (powerful, but hard to get out and doesn’t
have the needed support in the set)
virusyosh |
I've always been of the belief that the Darkness type
has been grossly underrepresented in the Pokemon TCG.
While Sneasel was tearing everything apart back in the
days of Neo Genesis, not much else has really risen to
the top with the same dominance and power. Today's Card
of the Day is Tyranitar Prime, and it might be able to
change all of that.
Tyranitar is a Stage 2 Darkness Pokemon. Darkness
Pokemon aren't played very often, but when they are,
they have some very useful features: Many commonly
played cards like Gengar and Dusknoir are weak to
Darkness, making it a pretty good offensive type.
Additionally, Darkness Pokemon have access to special
Darkness Energy, increasing the power of all of their
attacks. Tyranitar has a monstrous 160 HP, which is
incredibly high for a Stage 2, and it will definitely be
able to withstand a few hits. Double Weakness to
Fighting is going to give Tyranitar a problem with
Donphan, but isn't too bad otherwise. Psychic Resistance
stops pixies and ghosts from irritating you too much.
Finally, a Retreat Cost of 3 is pretty high, so be sure
to use Switch or Warp Point.
Tyranitar Prime has three attacks. The first attack,
Darkness Howl, deals 20 damage to each non-Darkness-type
Pokemon in play for a single Darkness Energy. When
Tyranitar is used effectively in an all Darkness-type
deck, this has the potential to be quite useful as a
sniping move, barring an appearance by Nidoqueen.
The second attack, Power Claw, deals a straight up 60
damage without having to worry about Powers, Bodies, or
any other effects on the Defending Pokemon for the cost
of [DCC]. Flygon used Sand Wall last turn? Hit it
anyway. To make things even better, the Energy cost is
such that the attack can be powered up by Double
Colorless for second turn use, or even multiple special
Darkness Energies to raise the attack damage.
Tyranitar's final attack, Megaton Tail, deals 120
damage for [DDCC] while discarding the top 3 cards of
your deck. First of all, 120 is a huge amount of damage,
and losing 3 cards from the top of your deck isn't so
bad if you're going to win in a few turns anyway, and
can be offset by cards like Night Maintenance and
Palmer's Contribution. This also has some combo
potential as well: Honchkrow from the Japanese Reviving
Legends set (probably to be printed in HS Unleashed) has
an attack that is based on the number of Darkness
Energies in the discard pile, so in this way Tyranitar
could be part of a combo, even though Tyranitar is a
very potent attacker on its own.
Modified: 4/5 I see great things for Tyranitar Prime
here. While Donphan Prime sees a lot of play and will
only keep seeing more, a 160 HP monstrosity for an
attack for 120 damage will definitely find its way into
a deck. Even better, it has spreading potential, can be
powered up by Double Colorless, and can do even more
damage with special Darkness Energies.
Limited: 3.5/5 I think Tyranitar is slightly worse
off here, but only by a slight amount. Darkness Howl is
great for spreading in Limited, but chances are you'll
hurt yourself considerably as well. Additionally, even
though Megaton Tail will probably OHKO most things in
this format, losing 3 cards per turn in your 40-card
deck could mean that you deck yourself quickly.

Willy G |
Hey guys! Today we are reviewing the Prime version of
Tyranitar, which I'm pretty sure is the undisputed
champion of hardcore Pokemon. I mean if you could own
one real Pokemon, just based on size and beastliness, i
think Tyranitar would definitely take the cake.
Anyways... on to the review.
160 HP is always great, even for a Stage 2. Double
Fighting weakness is really a bummer though, making
Tyranitar Prime susceptible to FTKOs by an average
Hurricane Punch or a belted Donphan. This is really an
unfortunate weakness in this format. Psychic resistance
is always appreciated, but a retreat cost of 3 is not
comforting, yet easily remedied with Moonlight Stadium.
Tyranitar Prime's first attack, for D, does 20 to all
non-Dark Pokemon. This is a really great early game
attack, if you somehow manage to get Tyranitar Prime set
up in the first few turns. It's amazing to think that
essentially this same attack was on Tyranitar SF for
DDDDD... and was still good!
Tyranitar Prime's second attack is less impressive.
DCC for 60 that isn't effected by any effects on the
Defender. Except for Donphan Prime, which would
practically be an auto-loss anyway, I personally can't
think of any widely played cards to which this effect
would apply.
Tyranitar Prime's third attack does DDCC for 120,
with the huge downside of discarding 3 cards off the top
of your deck. While this attack is powerful, the risk of
discarding something useful is just too high.
Combos: Not many options for this rock monster.
Manectric PL is an obvious choice to prevent damage to
your own Bench, in which case Spiritomb LA could provide
good spread damage. The best combo that I could conjure
up for Tyranitar Prime's main attack was using Delcatty
PT to make sure at least 2 Energies are in the discard
from Megaton Tail, and only one unknown card is
discarded. Lopunny AR can alleviate damage on Delcatty,
Tyranitar Prime, and anybody else while discarding
another Energy. Electivire FB Lv.X can then transfer
these three energies to Tyranitar Prime, and Darkrai
Lv.X makes them each increase damage output by 10.
Although this combo sounds good, it's pretty difficult
to get out.
Modified: This card doesn't have much potential in
tis fast-paced format. It needs certain cards to make it
as strong as it needs to be for its Stage and Energy
cost, and these cards are unfortunately vulnerable to
discard via Tyranitar Prime's strongest attack. This is
not very promising.
Rating: 2.5/5
Limited: Very difficult to draft the line, but if you
can get this 160 HP tank out, even its first attack
makes victory much easier. The difficulty is in getting
it out in the first place.
Rating: 3.5/5

Otaku |
HeartGold & SoulSilver - Unleashed
Rare Prime
2 (Evolves from Pupitar)
Psychic -20
(D) Darkness Howl
This attack does 20 damage to each Pokémon in play (both
yours and your opponent’s) (excluding any Darkness
(Don’t apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched
(DCC) Power Claw [60]
This attack’s damage isn’t affected by Poké-Powers, Poké-Body,
or any other effects on the Defending Pokémon.
(DDCC) Megaton Tail [120]
Discard the top 3 cards of your deck.
“Prime” is a nice, large 160 HP Stage 2 Darkness
Even for its Stage, 160 HP is great: only 18 Pokémon
meet or exceed that… in Unlimited!
In Modified, it’s only Pokémon Lv.X. X and
Wailord that
top it.
Being a Darkness Pokémon is great: no Resistance to
worry about but a decent amount of Weakness.
Of course being able to utilize Special Energy
Darkness Energy
cards for extra damage is great as well.
This is important because traditional damage
doubling Fighting Weakness will make your HP advantage
null and void.
I am pleased to see Psychic Resistance, even if
it’s only at the -20 level.
Rounding out the attributes is a three Energy
retreat cost: you don’t want to have to pay this, so
pack some cards to switch out
Tyranitar out
of the Active slot.
Three attacks give you some options.
The first is Darkness Howl, and especially if
you’re running a mono-Darkness deck, it’s a great way to
open the game.
Current versions of
Larvitar and
Pupitar are
Fighting so unless they fudge the new ones that won't be
Be careful not to take your own bench out, but if you
can Evolve fast and/or properly support
then its tempting to let your first go down swinging
with this attack alone: the three or four you should get
off will tenderize the opposition and set a second
Tyranitar up
for multiple
second attack is Power Claw.
For the three Energy that goes into it, it’s a
decent attack; at least when you factor in that it can
use a Double
Colorless Energy for two-thirds of the cost and it
has an effect to bypass damage reducing effects on the
Defending Pokémon.
Still, I don’t expect it to be used except
against problem Pokémon with annoying Poké-Powers/Poké-Bodies
or until you can drop that fourth Energy.
That brings us to the third attack.
Megaton Tail is a nice, large attack made better by
being on a Darkness Pokémon.
With two of the Special Energy version of
Darkness Energy,
you’ll be able to OHKO almost anything in the game.
Yes, you’ll have to discard the top 3 cards of
your deck, but that is well worth a Prize.
while a Poké-Power or Poké-Body might have been
Tyranitar has two great attacks and one good one and
that could be enough.
Simple a behemoth meant to have its own deck.
Focus on getting
Tyranitar out
and hitting hard and fast with Darkness Howl.
By the time your first
goes down, your opponent should be in serious trouble:
you’ll have another
ready to hit with more than just Darkness Howl and
several of their Pokémon should be within OHKO range of
Power Claw… or even just another Darkness Howl.
If they have injured enough Evolved Pokémon, a
few copies of
Technical Machine TS-2 will let you simultaneously
wreck their set-up and score a Prize per attack.
4/5 – This seems to be a straightforward strategy:
widespread damage early on and punishing blows later.
4/5 – Unless
Pupitar and
Larvitar are awful (or absent) from the set, or good
Fighting Pokémon are abundant, then this is a must run:
the slow set up means an early
Tyranitar is
practically game.
Tyranitar shows up late, it’s still a fantastic
brute to go for your last few prizes.
Just be careful
not to deck out – it is an honest risk here.
new Tyranitar
looks to have trained under Godzilla: he can slam
opponent’s straight on or cause widespread damage.
A little strategy on your part will allow you to
guide its rampage and make sure it hits your opponent
harder than yourself.