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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Meganium #26/123
HeartGold & SoulSilver
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.95
Limited: 2.87
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Meganium HGSS
Another Grass Pokémon and another example of the great
card art in HGSS. Not quite as epic as the tin version
of Meganium Prime (go look it up - Meganium looks crazy
angry!), but still very nice. Being a Grass type does
bring some benefits as it is probably the best supported
of all types, thanks to cards like Sceptile GE, Sunflora
HGSS, and Shaymin LV X. On the other hand, Grass Pokémon
don’t often get to hit for Weakness. Of all commonly
played Pokémon, only Claydol GE is weak to Grass, and
that is not likely to ever be active. That could change
in future if Feraligatr Prime ever finds itself a decent
attacking partner.
Meganium has a respectable 130 HP and a very useful
Water Resistance with Gyarados still hovering around the
metagame. Double Fire Weakness isn’t so bad at the
moment either. The retreat cost of two is no surprise,
but it still isn’t something you would want to pay.
What IS a surprise is that Meganium actually has a
cheap, quick attack. For just a single Grass Energy,
Sleep Powder will do 30 damage (bargain!) AND put the
Defending Pokémon to Sleep. Now Sleep isn’t the best
Special Condition out there (in fact it is arguably the
worst), but it’s better than nothing. If your opponent
flips tails and can’t remove the Sleep, then Sleep
Powder can buy Meganium time to attach enough Energy to
use a powerful second attack . . .
. . . Except that it doesn’t have one.
Sure, Giant Bloom has a reasonable cost of [G][C][C]
(thanks to Double Colourless Energy), sure it’s effect
of removing two damage counters from Meganium will help
the Pokémon to survive a hit or two from most non-Fire
Pokémon, but the main problem is the damage output. Only
being able to do 60 damage means that Meganium is
struggling to 2HKO most Stage 2 Pokémon and will have
real difficulty knocking out sturdy SP Basics, thanks to
Poke Turn and Garchomp C LV X’s Healing Breath PokePower.
Yes, you could beef it up a little with Expert Belt, but
all you are doing there is spending resources and deck
space in trying to bring a mediocre attacker up to
standard when there are plenty of cards out there that
will do a much better job as a main attacker, with or
without an Expert Belt.
Modified: 2.25 (very average . . . and average won’t cut
it in tournament play)
Limited: 3 (low damage output isn’t so much of a problem
here, and Meganium can be a useful tank)
virusyosh |
Happy Friday, Pojo viewers!
Today we finish our COTD week with a review of Meganium
from the HeartGold and SoulSilver set.
Meganium is a Stage 2 Grass Pokemon. Being Grass right
now isn't so bad, as Fire use is dropping (at least in
my area) and there is a lot of Grass support. However,
because there is so much support, this means that most
Grass decks are very crowded, and something must be
really good if it is considered for deckbuilding.
Meganium has a very solid 130 HP, pretty bad double
Weakness to Fire, a really nice Water Resistance, and a
fairly average Retreat Cost of 2.
Like many of the other Pokemon in HGSS, Meganium has two
very straightforward attacks.The first attack, Sleep
Powder, deals 30 damage and automatically puts the
opponent to sleep for a single Grass Energy. This attack
fairly good for the cost, and is great for potential
stalling while you wait for something better. The second
attack, Giant Bloom, unfortunately isn't anything too
special: For [GCC] you deal 60 damage and remove 2
damage counters from Meganium. The attack is a bit
expensive for the effects, and should probably do some
more damage in order to be truly competitive.
Modified: 1.75/5 Meganium isn't bad by any means, there
are just many other Grass types that are potentially
more effective as support Pokemon (shaymin Lv. X,
Sceptile GE, Leafeon Lv. X) or attackers (Jumpluff) to
warrant Meganium a deck slot.
Limited: 2.5/5 Not so bad here. Sleep Powder is very
cheap and potentially very disruptive, and Giant Bloom
isn't so bad here, especially since you heal yourself
after attacking.
Have a good weekend! Jeff / virusyosh |

Otaku |
Today we look at the normal rare version
Meganium from HeartGold & SoulSilver.
It’s not a great way to end the
week, I am afraid: it has an average 130
HP for a Stage 2 Pokémon.
Its Fire Weakness x2 isn’t
crippling and is expected of a Grass
Pokémon, and the Water Resistance -20 is
very welcome indeed!
The two Energy required to
retreat is solid, though you’ll want to
use a card effect to switch out
if you can.
The attacks just don’t amount to much.
Powder isn’t a bad start: 30 damage for
a single Energy and automatic Sleep is
decent since this is a Stage 2 Pokémon.
Giant Bloom just isn’t going to
make this a strong enough attacker and
without a Poké-Power or Poké-Body that
is the only role for it.
The 60 damage for (GCC), even
when it removes 2 damage counters from
Meganium just can’t carry the card.
One more attack, perhaps a “rage”
style one for two Energy could have
actually given the card a solid
strategy, or else Bloom needs to heal
Enjoy it in Limited, where the
little it does becomes a lot.